Is this the ideal eye color?

Is this the ideal eye color?

Black or grey

Brown eyes are the comfiest. They look friendly and approachable.

Her facial proportyions are perfect. Would impregnate.

She's perfect

Man, I'm in love with her mouth pussy

prefer green but any can look good on the right people

Do you actually care about eye colour in real life

Doesn't matter as long as your skin is fair, nipples, gentials and asshole pink and your ancestry fully European.

Brown eyed master race

t. Green

It depends on the person

God she's so beautiful

brunette - hazel/blue
black hair - blue
blonde - blue
red - light hazel/blue


Red hair goes really well with green eyes, other than that agreed

Eehh, you just can wear coloured contacts, if your eyesight is bad, dye your hair, etc

coloured contacts look stupid, so many asian girls use grey/blue contacts and it's distracting when you're up close and the pupils in the contacts become an unnatural shape

This me



What is her race?


it is rare and the most beautiful

oga boga