You may only post ITT if you are allowed to say that the holocaust never happened

You may only post ITT if you are allowed to say that the holocaust never happened

I'll start

>The holocaust never happened

Idi mi u kurac ustašo nedojebana

Holocaust denial is illegal here in austria but I still havr to post to say fuck partisans

o-oy vey! the six gorillion!

Heh, crying because we left your little empire in ruins are you? Split it right into two, and made one half communist! Ahahahaha!

The holocaust never happened

It's legal in the UK to deny the holocaust you idiot.

the holocaust never happened

The holocaust did happen tho... they even have pictures of it, leave it to Sup Forums to deny the facts even when its right in front of them

Reported to JIDF


The holocaust never happened

>Completely missing the point of this thread

American "education"

Holocaust never happened to those really nice Jewish peoples.

> tfw (((hate speech))) is a crime here

The holocaust didn't happen.

Btw these laws are for "voicing your opinion in public", i.e. when giving a speech, or through social media and such. Nobody gives a fuck what you say in private or in an anonymous tasmanian metal-origami image bord

Your picture shows dead people next to bombed buildings. Pretty sure they are some of the people you niggers killed with your cowardly bombardments. Maybe jews, maybe Germans. Who knows.

Ofc it fucking happend, you have to be retarded to think it dident

the details around it tho are up for disscussion

Just redpilled my gf on this subject. What arguments/proof do you Sup Forumsacks use to drop the big pill?

>completely missing his sarcasm

British "superiority"

>illegal in switzerland
This surprises me

>amerilard knows the map of europe
This REALLY surprises me

it'a illegal in canada too

Pictures of war =/= 6 million jews.
It's been exaggerated all to all fuckery.

The Armenian holocaust is well documented.

>the holocaust

we're actually free for once

Yea well I'm reporting you for illegal content right now. We'll see what the krautcops have to say about your behavior

what if it happend and i like it?

[Blocked by the European Union commision's regulations on hate speech]

The Holocaust never happened

no you may not suicide bomb the countries that are red

>inside job

I say it all the time.

>mfw my mum told me about it when i was a kid, thought she was nuts. And just anti american peopaganda.

Turns out she wasnt nuts at all.

Wait what ? For real ? God damn fascists not respecting my culture.
Can I at least cook up a theater?

When you argue that not as many jews died as was stated, and their counter argument is "What difference does it make if only 1 million died instead of 6 gorillion?"

How do you point out that 5 gorillion makes a hell of a difference?

Reported to raise awareness

Didn't know any German PDs so I just googled Bavarian Police Department and rang the Polizeipräsidium München.

They just asked me "on which website?", just said "Sup Forums" (lol) and then she thanked me for the call in the thickest barely-understandable german accent.

last time I ever call Germoney on a mobile

unfortunately, the holocaust never happened

Whether or not it mass extermination was inteded is a bit of a grey area, as I believe after the war they could find no documentation of such order. The only "evidence" was witness testimonies of Nazis facing "war crimes," so it's pretty easy to conclude that it may have been a plea bargin.

There's a lot of evidence to suggest it was significantly less that 6 million. Maybe even less than one million.

The way the gas chambers have been described to have been used is virtually impossible.

The Holocaust or the killing by fire as the word originally meant, never happened.

If you're gonna be a technical faggot at least specify the Jewish Holocaust.

>an order to expel the jewery goes out
>they dont comply
>welp, they are illegal now. throw them in camps
>oh shit its a few cities worth? not enough space
>ok made some more camps until we can finish this war and get them the fuck out of our country
>oh shit disease and famine

Of course you're free, you're British.


The Holocaust or the killing by fire as the word originally meant, never happened.That's why i capitalized the The Holocaust (tm), retard

>that post format

>The holocaust never happened

i will tell you a true story about what happened to me 4 years ago

>Be 16 going on a school trip to interview all the priest of our town (Imams , orthodox priests , rabbis priest etc..)
>there is a guy in my class , everybody knows he is ultra right winged , nationalist as fuck , he believed that only the orthodox were the rightful to live ( actually he believed in a lot of strange things but until that day he had never showed any neo-nazi signs)
>we went first to the catholic church , he was sitting chilled , didnt say anything extremely quiet
>then we visited the mosque , he was just chilling at the corner , strangely quiet
>the moment we step inside the synagogue , he grabs a hebrew hat (i do not know how they call these things ) he threw it on the floor and started stepping on it
>he went to the rabbi and spitted on his face calling him a lier
>run to a holocaust memorial and spitted on it saying that the holocaust never happened and it is a made up story
>he was screaming that hitler just wanted to free his country from the jews , and that's why the jews made the fake holocaust story
>he tried to untie his pants to pee on the statue but the students dragged him out of the synagogue

In Greece it is prohibited to deny historical facts , not only the holocaust but everything even the most insignificant battle , and you can be charged a great fine or even prison for this , the teacher council forced the student to stay plus 4 more hours every day , and they forced him these 4 hours to watch documentary films about the holocaust , for 1,5 weeks every day he was watching these documentaries and he had to fill some questions on them , also they gave him 3 books that he had to finish till the end of the semester and write 3 essays each for every book answering questions that the teachers put him . And also he had to go to the rabbi to ask for an apology and do whatever he tell him .

MUH 6 NONILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The so-called holocaust was greatly exaggerated

well what do you know, all the red nations are shit anyways.


the kikes were just in summercamps

A fucking leaf

A fucking sentient mass of body fat
(sentient means something similar to alive)

if he didnt accept he would get kicked from the school , and the teacher would make sure to let every other school know what he had done in order not to get accepted .

Nice to see a non-ustaša croat here

Does he still believe it didn't happen?

Fuck, look at my ID

The holohoax was greatly exaggerated from a simple typhus epidemic and starvation in poorly supplied camps.

el holocausto nunca pasó


I think you mean the Lolocaust


i think so , he is a member of Golden Dawn a greek right winged (probably neonazi) party!



It took you 5 entire minutes to think of that?
I guess that's your IQ as well.

The holocaust never happened.

I just copied and pasted, does that still count?

miracle !! the messiah !!!

Fuckin' love Portugal and the Portuguese


MY attention is fully focused on one thread on a Egyptian papyrus river boat forum. Nice try tho.


>Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech
Fuck yeah bitches

Okay lardy
Also next time, try not to post a reddit tier picture directly from imgur, it makes you look really new

well technically the Holocaust never happened here cuz
>we wuz juice and shiet

The holocaust never happened.


Holokaust Se Nikada Nije Dogodio.

Holocaust never happened

(I'm pretty sure it actually did to some degree, but jews gotta jew)

Eng version: The holocaust never happened.
Rus version: Хoлoкocтa нe былo.

>ITT: Mossad honey pot

You fools, gevalt will come for you tonight goyim

Holocaust did neblgblrhefgkgfdghhhhhhhh

lmao jewes amirite xdddd?

>Sup Forums believes in the bible despite no evidence
>Sup Forums denies the holocaust despite plenty of evidence

Sup Forums - braindead

Oy vey, we can't let the goyim know.

not a single jew was gassed in the sogenannte holocaust.

hello greatest ally

>le pole is one person maymay

Entertain me, prove the holocaust didn't happen.

pretty sure a sizeable portion believes in jesus shit and also denies the holocaust at the same time.

The holocaust never happenned

>all of Sup Forums is Christian

hell, the Christcucks are probably the ones that believe in the holohoax the most

fuck off now Juan, you dirty shitskin

Your friend sounds based.

But Christ, what they did to him afterwards... Just shows that it's all a hoax, since the only way to get people to believe it is literal indoctrination.

lmao i bet you think trump has a chance at winning, you're as stupid as christfags to like to make that post

I bet you think your opinion or life matters to anyone, you're nothing but an under-educated poorfag living in a cartel run shitstain of a country. Get fucked Paco, you will always be a loser in the game of life.

I don't think anything of that like, what I do think is that you're a cuck who's gonna be assblasted this november

you're really boring, your posts are the same that Hillary's staff writes.

not that I expect some butthurt mestizo shitskin to be original.

Good, I'm not a clown unlike trump

Nope, you're far far worse. Just an ugly midget with brown skin and no hope for a better future.

Now go along and get beheaded.

I can say it, I just can't publish it in written media :^)

Nice assumptions there buddy. Only another American could be worse than trump.

Now that is just cruel and exclusionary.

Say it with me
>the holocaust never happened