>it's reverse-tuvix episode
Don't bully Frosted Frakes
When did twee cancer like start ruining trekthreads regularly? I think it was about two or three months ago? It definitely started this year.
>Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job, smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school, but still you'll never get it right, 'cause when you're laid in bed at night, and watching roaches climb the wall, if you called your dad he could stop it all! Yeah! You'll never live like common people, you'll never do what common people do, you'll never fail like common people, you'll never watch your life slide out of view, and then dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do!
What was her endgame?
Friendly reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.
he did shag the bajoran space pope, he also got involved with the dominion and he left is daughter ungarded on a space station who was inhabited by one of his worst enemy and in federation territory he got lucky that Garak was into Bashir
Stop it.
I want to _____ Ro Laren
have a frank political discussion with
Kill, then have the Kobi ressurrect her for me and then, again, kill
execute the traitorous Maquis scum
liberate bajor
Klingon retcons are _________
Not the end of the world.
Wasn't the guy on the left a kiddy diddler?
I want to ______ Riker!
>Computer, load holodeck program Broccoli's Best Fap Fantasies Vol. 7, scene 3.
>Increase number of Andoria slave girls from 1 to 13
>Set their Desire Levels to Yandere
>Cover my body in a thin layer of Nano Lube
>Load one Klingon pain stick and one 12 inch double dildo.
>Disable safety protocols. authorization Picard Alpha One.
You need two senior officers to disable safety protocols
Wet her shirt to seduce the Captain with her three tits.
She's got five kids to feed.
Computer, generate a holographic Commander Riker and a holographic Lieutenant-Commander Data. Computer, give the holographic Riker and Data the ability to fool the ship's computer into thinking that they are the real Riker and Data. Computer, instruct Riker and Data to instruct the computer to disable safety protocols.
You and Andy have been killing it on the podcast Matt
The only traitors in the situation are the Federation.
You fucking Discovery apologist. Star Trek Discovery is FULL BLOWN SPACE AIDS!
I'm just a Netflix shill, you stupid veruul.
Wait, when did Beverly rape Riker?
When his body was taken over by a Goa'uld.