Alright guys, what am I in for?
Alright guys, what am I in for?
Waste of time
People who are deathly allergic to helmets.
Better or worse than Prometheus?
huge disappointment
Prometheus was 10 times better
androids who grow hair and cultivate living organism in their own body
You're in for my reply to your marketing shill post.
But your credit it's a decent film. Huge blaring fucking flaws but overall good.
A complete waste of time
It tries to be Prometheus and Aliens at the same time. It fails at being both of them.
much worse
i'd say worse
Prometheus was misunderstood kino
Don't ask. Just watch it and judge for yourself.
gay robots fingering
Makes sense. Ridley wants to get away from Alien and explore "deeper" concepts. Has since the 80s. Most fans want Alien and the studio wants whatever generates the most profit. They met somewhere in the middle.
Personally I found the concept of the film retarded.
It could have been done much better and still leaves a lot open to ambiguous theories. The plot doesn't develop a lot, every character bar 2 are all forgettable, the twist you see coming from half an hour beforehand and the general reasoning about why things happen the way they do in the film can only be summed up with "for the lolz".
I found LIFE to be a much better film, it didn't try to more than what it was, another sci-fi horror.
Also relevant
Saw it yesterday. It's actually pretty fucking good. I was expecting something horrible based on how hard fans of Alien/s bashed it.
I think at this point, given that I've liked both Prometheus and Covenant that fans are just mad he's not making AVPXIV and is instead expanding the universe.
Covenant is a better movie that Prometheus in just about every way. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of body horror/gore. Interesting scenes with David/David2.0. Gorgeous effects. Some of the combat scenes were a little kitchy, but they've always been that way in Alien. Probably top 3 scifi of the year and I'd rewatch it.
Literally don't know why anyone could say it sucks.
Nice bait faggot, movie was trash and everyone knows it. Nobody fucking wanted Alien IIVX from Ridley just a sequel to tie off Prometheus. And no just because a movie has "cool shit" in it doesn't make up for how frustratingly bad this was.
But then again this is a reply to bait cause nobody with half a brain could think this was a okay release.
he should have created a whole new franchise for this kind of shit instead of completely fucking up Alien
i like it
prometheus is better i agree but i stil loved covenant and prefer it over any old alien films
It was pretty good. Kind of a depressing ending!
somehow they managed to make a worse Alien film than Prometheus with Alien: Covenant
Aliens = Alien >>>> Alien Resurrection > Alien 3 >>>>>Prometheus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Covenant
Better, but only if your IQ is triple digits.
Aliens was a dogshit
alien 3 same shit
alien was decent
prometheus was kino and covenant was good
Fucking shit taste llllllllloooooooooooooollll
you have shit taste too m80 lmaoing on(you)
>prometheus was kino
*breaths in*
lmao so funny
This is the official patrician ranking:
Alien > Aliens > Covenant > Prometheus > Movies that do not exist
kill yourself
The executives at Fox must be besides themselves with joy knowing that all they have to do now is throw together some half baked mess, sprinkle some cgi and add "cool shit" to draw in brain dead fags like you that will just throw money at them.
>some literal nobody on the internet tells me to kill myself
i better take it seriously
Aliens is absolute shit and i hated it
>says aliens is better
>calls me braindead
oh it shows
>Aliens is absolute shit and i hated it
It's one of the best action horror movies of all time. You don't need to be upset if you aren't into that or think it doesn't fit the franchise.
>Aliens is absolute shit and i hated it
Not surprised you think that when you say dumb things like promethus and coveshit being "kino"
>Covenant is absolute shit and i hated it
It's one of the best action horror movies of all time. You don't need to be upset if you aren't into that or think it doesn't fit the franchise.
>likes Aliens
>calling someone dumb
>Covenant best at anything
It's okay m8 take a seat
>Defending the covenant mess so hard that he has to attack a universally acclaimed movie
sure thing
Sorry I thought you said Aliens. I am tired.
Covenant is the perfect vision of a certified genius director.
no hope for you too you are browsing /r/chan
whats so universal about Aliens? cameron is fucking hack that little girl is annoying as fuck and now what? pimp Alien kidnaps him and then waiting for rippley to come and rescue?
wow such a deep universal plot
Possibly bait but I'll humor you.
>whats so universal about Aliens?
Universally acclaimed, learn to read moron.
>cameron is fucking hack
Just because you don't like him doesn't make him a hack.
>little girl is annoying
>pimp Alien kidnaps him and then waiting for rippley to come and rescue?
It wasn't waiting for shit she was about to be face-hugged like everyone else.
>wow such a deep universal plot
It's an action movie about a bug hunt
Covenant is more entertaining
Objectively it's worse since it uses CGI more flamboyantly and it repeats the same storyline for a third time
But it is more entertaining, Fassbender's performance elevates it
literally the most horrific event seen, isn't the chest bursting scene, oh no no
it's seeing Sigourney weaver's ugly ass
yes same goes to covenant its action movie and i dont expect it to be some deep story without plot hole.
>cameron is fucking hack
>Just because you don't like him doesn't make him a hack
just because you dont like covenant does not mean i have shit taste, but what makes me angry is that Sup Forums acting like tryhard critics and pretentious patrician taste morons
I'm not trying to hate Covenant either, I went in as a huge Alien/Aliens fan willing to give leeway if it turned out to be mediocre but instead left feeling robbed and insulted. That is why I consider Covenant to be utter shit.
The captain falls of his ship during an space walk after waking up from hyper sleep not before accidentally knocking over the cage which held his boa constructor.
David feels this happen through time and space and then uses his flute to teleport to this specific ship and brings along with him his daddy's black goo and a face hugger.
But he can't find the snake and he is sick of it so he just unleashes his creation to find the boa itself.
David sits on the cold floor with an glass of goats milk and drinks it clean before fingering his flute when finally his unique musical ability catches the attention of a gay Tennessee who happens to be a top secret government project Tennessee clone, it's only once in a Ridley Scott lifetime one comes across an high IQ male cowboy. So weyland stepped up to the plate. The screen is filled of beauty both sexy sons of peter weyland basking in the coldness of the space ship. Gay Tennessee Dancing with such innocence in accord to David's flute fingering. Unbeknownst to Gay Tennessee however is David's intent... It's not true love, he desires to create the ultimate specimen with Tennessee's boa constructor...any boa constructor......
This movie started a series of events which led to me memorizing the poem "Ozymandias" by Shelly.
Alien has been fucked since aliens
the engineers didn't make that though
You have autism