Is this the most accurate portrayal of autism in film thus far?
Is this the most accurate portrayal of autism in film thus far?
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Not until you star in a movie, no, OP.
I'm working on it, but until then you'll have to make do with Jonah Hill.
Nah, that award goes to Jeffrey Combs in any film he's been in. Or at least The Frighteners.
No. The kid from Silent Fall (1994) fucking NAILED it.
It's damn good. Especially the desensitization stuff.
Accountants aren't that Chadly
What are you talking about, Ben Affleck sunk into this role like a chameleon. He looks like a fucking nerd.
He's gonna take us to the past.
Based reply
It's what autists like to imagine how other people view them. In reality they can't muster the courage to look you in the eyes.
I don't know if I have the voice to be an actor though, I do this thing where I breathe in midsentence and it sounds really bad and I don't even realize I'm doing it until I record my voice and play it back to myself.
>In reality they can't muster the courage to look you in the eyes.
You realize the film specifically makes a point of saying that autists don't make eye contact and Ben Affleck is consistent about that.
I didn't remember that detail.
did you watch the film you fucking retard
Ben Affleck is really good at portraying someone with autism almost as if he has it himsel
calm your 'tism
accurate except for the math genius part
get used to it neckbeards
you're neet because you're fucking dumb
i do not have autism
i do NOT have fucking AUTISM
you are an autist
you are a fucking a u t i s t i c
Of course not, and while I certainly don't blame you, a casual watcher, for not remembering it, you've just nailed the problem with film critics. They don't pay attention to these details and they're seen as the final say on a film's quality. Anyway, I saw it just yesterday and I can confirm for a fact that they got that detail correct.
Is he, dare I say it, /argo/? Er, I mean, /ourguy/?
>What are autistic savants
you're on the spectrum kid. pretty far down by the sound of it
The soudntrack, and the goose made this full on Kino. Still, he's at a 10 on the scale.
>he hasn't seen Amadeus
>i'm an autist therefore i'm rainman
10 out of what?
"Get" posts are forbidden.
I'm gonna need everyone here to give me the digits you possess
Underrated post
I don't recall him ever pacing through his office or camper for 45 seconds after remembering any uncomfortable social encounters
so no
You realize there was literally a part where he was pacing in circles around the hotel room.
how mad are you autists right now?
Dude... Nobody cares.
I do not claim to be autistic nor rainman
>Autist having super special weapon skills and being extremely atheltic.
Yeah, I wish. In reality autists are clumsy.
You can be autistic and still train your body to become a finely tuned instrument.
You will never be like the guy depicted in the movie, regardless of how much an autist trains. Never ever.
We'll see about that, motherfucker. Say that to my face not online and see what happens.
>he's not a math savant
It's how i learned to escape boredom
its over
>I actually used to rub my shins with a wood drumstick
Guess my therapist might be right about me having low grade autism
Be sure to catch "The Good Doctor" on ABC this Fall, OP
Rain Man
Can you do all those books in one night like he did?
I don't know why, but in this picture they don't look like Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman to me. They look like Harrison Ford and Putin.
I don't know what made you do that, but that's actually a muay thai technique that strengthens your shins so you should keep doing it.
I liked this one
>Not Adam Driver
No thanks.
I'm an accounting manager and a Chad
Prove it.
Christian Bale in The Big Short. He actually behaved the exact same way an autistic kid at my school behaved, always pretending to play the drums along to Metallica and other metal bands. Not a great movie though.
holy shit my sides
That made me laugh quite heartily. It's a perfect fit.
>Not a great movie though.
Fuck off, it won an oscar.
>b-but Hollywood told us it was great?
Bitch, you win an Oscar and then we'll talk.
No, I know a few autistics, and many of them are not smarter than average, and they have low competence and social intelligence to boot.
>many of them are not smarter than average, and they have low competence and social intelligence to boot.
They'd fit right in here.
Honestly? They probably already post here. One of them is a huge fan of BvS.
Why don't you try making your own opinions on things instead of lapping up anything Shekelstein tells you is good sweetie? You're a burger aren't you :')
>good looking
one of these things is not like the other
Okay, you sound like you need to head back to Sup Forums.
Autist-Chad hybrid.
A tiny minority of people with autism, I hate how the media is pushing the whole autistic savant narrative in most things. Now any smart guy is autistic see the new power rangers of bazinga theory. And it makes normal people think autism is kinda cool, when the fact is 99% of autists are just pants shitting retards who need full time care
>DUDE autism gives you borderline superpowers LMAO
It's hardly "pushing" it. It makes perfect sense that a competent autistic character is the one they would make a show about. No one wants to watch something about an incompetent autist.
Most autists have something they're good at, it doesn't have to be at the savant level. I'm a pretty high functioning autist and I'm good at history and politics and such.
That said I'm sick of people admiring math and music autists; I have skills comparable to those fucks but because I'm not immediately useful to normies like some kind of appliance you can park in the corner I guess I'm just another retard.
how can an autist be so buff and handsome?
he looks like a navy seal who just got back from afghanistan and is dressing like a nerd to fit into his new office environment
i wanna fuck anna kendrick
He's an action hero with autism. They did a good job with the autism part but at the end of the day he's still an action hero.
Because that's what he is in the movie, his military father gave him Batman-tier training and then he became an accountant.
liked that one tho
>so, user, I hear you've been having trouble with your tps reports lately *cracks knuckles*
Damn, I kinda want to get beaten up by Ben.
>I'm a pretty high functioning autist and I'm good at history and politics and such
Jesus fucking christ could you be any more of a stereotype?
Accountants are usually normies, autists tend to go into STEM.
Redditor Destroyed
Not really, I'm much better at dealing with people than your average autist since communication's my aptitude. I'm still a loner though since I still don't really like people.
He looks like a navy seal who just got back from afghanistan with autism.
Who did you support in the US election? I need to know which side has the autists.
Woah dude do it hard, then you can fucking kill people with your shin like in the movie.
I was a Berniefag, I support moving towards more social democratic policies in the US. I wasn't that butthurt about "the establishment" though so voted for Hillary in the main.
>I need to know which side has the autists.
Who else started to do the "accountant" every morning because of this film?
I blast music and strobe light while hitting my leg. Helps me get ready for work in morning
Same I also take drugs after.