I'm about to embark on watching some Wes Anderson movies. Never seen them before, but my twin brother likes them. He's a fucking pseudo-intellectual, so I already have an opinion about these movies. I had a few beers so first on my list is Royal Tenenbaums.
Go ahead and run your mouths about how intellectual you are, if this thread is still up I'll give you my opinion on it after the movie is over.
Caleb Reed
The Life Aquatic > Moonrise Kingdom > Rushmore > The Grand Budapest Hotel > Fantastic Mr. Fox > Bottle Rocket > The Royal Tenenbaums > The Darjeeling Limited
Sebastian Perry
People like Wes Anderson's films because they are fun and look pretty, not because they make them feel smart, take the stick out of your ass fag.
Ryder Smith
Most people seem to think the royal tenenbaums is the best one, why do you disagree
Brandon Lopez
Too slow and boring.
Leo Hughes
I unironically enjoy the films of Wes Anderson. The earlier ones anyway. The Royal Tenenbaums is my favorite.
Kevin Ross
Moonrise kingdom is my favorite
Ethan Young
Start with Bottle Rocket.
Henry Gutierrez
They aren't pretentious or anything, they're cute, quirky comedies with a distinctive visual style.
Aiden Ramirez
OP here. Taking a piss break and refreshing my drink. I'll admit, it's not as bad as I assumed it was.
Oliver Lewis
Royal Tenenbaums is one of my favorite movies, but I honestly couldn't tell you why. I just enjoy it.
That said, Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic and Fantastic Mr Fox are the best wes anderson movies and really the only 3 I would recommend to people
Watch Life Aquatic next, then Fantastic Mr Fox then decide if you wanna check out the others
Carter Gray
Royal Tenenbaums is the best starting point but Rushmore is his best
Carson Reyes
Yeah, I mean there's a reason why Royal Tenenbaums was the only one to play on Comedy Central for a good while
Brody Ward
yea, same
Andrew Jones
Better to get his masterpiece out of the way.
Isaiah Cooper
They're are fun, funny movies. Thats it.
Jason Bailey
I like Life Aquatic and Budapest Hotel. Don't care for the rest.
Chase Baker
Same I don't know why but that movie was pure fucking magic to me, the first time I saw it was nearly life-changing I can't even put it into words
Ryan Edwards
I've only ever seen Moonrise Kingdom, but it's a favorite of mine. I love the visual style of it. It's super vibrant.
Matthew Reed
I'm not here to bash, but I've seen Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic. They are some of the least enjoyable movies I've ever seen.
Wes obviously has the artistic style and skill to create good looking scenes, but his films are fucking stupid and childish. I'd compare him to M. Knight Shyamalan, but I've actually enjoyed some of his earlier films.
I honestly feel sorry for anyone who likes the films of Wes Anderson. Like you must have grown up in a very sheltered life without any friends or social experience. at all.