Just saw this and I thought it was pretty neat. The twist with [/spoiler]David[/spoiler] at the end I thought was pretty telegraphed but it definitely left the door open for some interesting story direction
Alien: Covenant
your shit taste is confirmed
I don't know what the point of the showdown on the ship was when David could have just let them all die rather than have them execute their plan to kill the xeno.
It was already obvious it was David, why go through all that shit to try and say otherwise?
Daniels to be the first Alien Queen confirmed thanks to deleted scene.
Can't wait for Alien Awakening.
He wanted to see if the xeno would best them
got a link to that scene?
please kys pleb worst movie of the year
Why do they drool so much? It makes them look dumb, not menacing.
it is when you consider that it's super acid
David is very eccentric for an android.
I'm looking forward to the next film. Hope Scott Ridley won't put interracial sex in it.
hell, I'd torrent the Grym release just to watch that.
No, but it's David messaging Weyland Corp after the survivors are put into hypersleep.
Their 'blood' has acid qualities, not their mucus.
You sure about that? I'm not too familiar on the Alien lore so you might be right.
cant do spoilers
reddit confirmed no wonder you like it
Their drool has never been shown to be acidic, just their blood.
Why are the crews so fucking retarded in the prometheus movies?
>your shit taste is confirmed
the irony
terrible taste. lay off the capeshit for a bit then watch this again
The twist isn't "he is David" is "what he do?"
What if I told you that is Walter and David at the same time?
Nah it's David because he didn't heal.
you have a shit taste too m80
because david wanted to use them as facehuger incubators
On par with John Wick 2
You have to remember that from their perspective they are the only lifeforms in the entire known universe. There isn't even extraterrestrial bacteria.
That's why in Aliens the whole movie was set in a terraforming plant.
So they basically shrug and role their eyes over quarantine protocols and no one ever survives the xenomorphs long enough to warn anyone about them. (except for Ripley)
From their perspectives extraterrestrial life, let alone dangerous extraterrestrial life, is a complete and utter shock that comes completely out of the blue.
It's not that they are idiots, it's that they are all caught by surprise. So it leaves them horribly unprepared for it. No briefing, no training, no procedures, no drills, nadda zip zilch.
Saying they are retarded for not being able to hold their own is like saying you or I would be retarded because we couldn't be able to compete if we where randomly dropped into the middle of a military shoot out.
I liked it.
It was a mix of the exploration of Prometheus mixed with the horror of Alien.
Much like Prometheus, Covenant isn't total garbage. There's a merit to them. They're both just so deeply flawed that you can't realistically call them decent.
they drool over the ship if it acid they all fuck
See, this guy actually watched the damn movie.
David has lived a life strange enough to make anyone eccentric.
The captain falls of his ship during an space walk after waking up from hyper sleep not before accidentally knocking over the cage which held his boa constructor.
David feels this happen through time and space and then uses his flute to teleport to this specific ship and brings along with him his daddy's black goo and a face hugger.
But he can't find the snake and he is sick of it so he just unleashes his creation to find the boa itself.
David sits on the cold floor with an glass of goats milk and drinks it clean before fingering his flute when finally his unique musical ability catches the attention of a gay Tennessee who happens to be a top secret government project Tennessee clone, it's only once in a Ridley Scott lifetime one comes across an high IQ male cowboy. So weyland stepped up to the plate. The screen is filled of beauty both sexy sons of peter weyland basking in the coldness of the space ship. Gay Tennessee Dancing with such innocence in accord to David's flute fingering. Unbeknownst to Gay Tennessee however is David's intent... It's not true love, he desires to create the ultimate specimen with Tennessee's boa constructor...any boa constructor......
I just watched this and, honestly, the movie was quite predictable. It lacked jump scares, but the atmosphere in the movie was quite fine. Overall, I'd say the movie is watchable and a good enough continuation of Prometheus. I'll definitely be seeing Alien Awakening, as well.
>"I'm just burning up..."
Fucking hell, this flick is actually kino as fuck. Everybody just don't get it because of reddit or something...