It's time to pick your political alignment, Sup Forums

It's time to pick your political alignment, Sup Forums.

Choose wisely.

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>implying going left means more freedom

just hold on there...


It fucking works

>one dimension


This spectrum is retarded and inaccurate.

Fucking saged.

I know this image is b8, but Nazism and fascism are left wing.


A monarchy is the only legitimate form of government, seriously your leader is a president? Is your country a company? Makes no sense

Communism is freedom? WTF is this bullshit?

I agree with that image.

Can someone tell me what, if anything, is wrong? This is how I remember high school teaching us this subject in the 90's.

fascism is for le alt-right fags

this, but the democrat donkey should not represent liberalism

First Conservatism
Then, switch to Monarchism when society is ready

This is a very misleading spectrum.

Anarchism isn't left wing (it's not right wing either).

Communism doesn't equate to freedom.

Fascism isn't necessarily right wing.

Where the fuck is Libertarianism?

And not that lefty Gay Johnson type Libertarianism

Anarcho-liberal femmunist Tbh, not sure where it would fit on that scale tho......

Constitutional Minarchy

I mean, the scale is wrong, but of those choices it's monarchism or bust

>Fascism is not right wing!!!11111
That's a terrible meme to be honest, it's as bad as the commies that say "[insert commie country here] wasn't real communism..."

Fascism was still in its infancy before it was snuffed out of history. Had it not been uprooted, I bet many countries would be thriving fascist societies today



Anarchism is left wing.
It's also trash. Imagine anarcho-capitalism, only with the society not believing in private property.

>he thinks Sup Forums isn't alt-right

Just stop being a fucking hipster and embrace it.

>Democratic party

american ignorance once again

How is it a terrible meme? Fascism's goal is an organic society which embraces both socialist collectivism and capitalist individualism. It's neither left nor right

Anarcho-Individualist (Not ancap).

combine the donkey and elephant over "Conservatism" and put "classical liberalism" instead of just liberalsim with something that represents libertarians and im good with this a a very simplistic spectrum

>it's neither left nor right
More like "it matches my political alignment but it is evil so I will push it away somehow", anarchism is from the left too as much as they deny it

Somewhere in the middle of conservatism and monarchism.

Socialism is still not freedom.

pretty spooky belief system ya got there


illegalism or bust

Theocratic Socialist

Franco Monarchism


i take pic related

Gimme a sec while I fix this garbage


That is one retarded blue pill graph
I guess I'll bite the b8

Nice argument, faggot.


>national socialists aren't socialists

>all the autists love it user, why don't you?

I never said fascism was evil. You're the one saying that. No one is denying anarchism is the furthest you can get to the left either

I never said anyone here said fascism is not from the left either although someone did say that


using the accumulation of property in an anarchic state to create its own monarchy

JIDF spotted


Reminder that a true political spectrum is never one dimensional.

Moderate Neo-Libertarianism BTW. Freedom must be a bottom up concept, incentivise small business, accept progressive taxation/incremental difficulty, fair competition is paramount. With more competition the effects of the free market creates more jobs and better prices for consumers.

This does not fit on your left right spectrum. This is not communism and it's far from fascism.

>1 post by this kike

That spectrum is wildley inaccurate

Pigeon-holing people into specific ideologies is a bullshit concept invented by people who are intellectually and morally lazy.

It should say progressivism

It's been working for the Democrats for the last 60 years or so

Tribalism. Because i'm not a technology loving cunt like Nazis, commies, capitalist scum and conservatives and I'm not a leftist anarchist. Tribalism relies on THE TRIBE and the tribe is your race.

fascism and nazism are fucking Leftist.

pinko shill

Yeah, but thankfully not the republicans, huh (wink wink)


pick one


fuck you're pretty stupid, huh?

Fixed it, making a new thread. somebody link it, I don't know how to link it on mobile.


Anarchism is rightwing, government control is leftwing.



Putin should just pronounce himself Tsar

Technocratic fascism
Freedom is savagery.

This is perhaps the most absurdly incorrect characterization of the political spectrum I've ever seen in my life.

>left wing
tip jej


I made a new thread

>National socialism
>Right wing

Cool liberal meme ahmed, why don't you bring it to the white-house?


You fucking cuck.

How is Conservatism not closer to anachism? Isn't the whole SMALL GOVERNMENT thing closer to anarchism?

No, you're right. Killing faggots and kikes is hippie bullshit. I'm voting for Johnson now.

You are seeing the beginnings of one now.

Do you enjoy where we're heading?

Do you enjoy having discussion quashed because it isn't safe?

Do you actually think Nat soc was right wing?

That's easily the worst post of this week.

Democratic Socialism

Anyone whose not into Trumpism should kill themselves immediately.

Fucking Low-Energy, TrueDope supporting SCUM.

but you are more of a slave under communism than any other thing on your shitty chart, and liberalism is far less free than conservatism and nazism

modern liberals are more thought police than that other shit

max slavery is communism, socialism, liberalism, monarchism, fascim


This is horrible.

>he thinks "anarcho" capitalism is real
>he doesn't realise all anarchists have been socialists and communists

>Choose wisely.

>socialists and communists

monarchism for life

>"dirty filthy hippies"

Wonder who wrote this.

I'm a Leninist anyway so who fucking cares.

I have no trouble with the actual dirty filthy hippies. They can do what they like. But unless you're one of those dirty filthy hippies, you're not an anarchist while simultaneously a socialist/communist.

Exactly my thought. Russia = commies. Regulated speech, hates gays(who doesnt?), regulated media. Such free.

this isnt biased at all

>learned that in the 90's
Yep. Sounds like the very beginnings of "common core"

0/10 moron

stick to fucking sheep, abdul

>I'm a Leninist
You're a dead ideology? What? Is your religion Zoroastrianism?

>people's republics aren't people's republics

Monarchy for life.

It is the natural state of human politics, and has more checks and balances than people think it does (unless you have a brutally smart king, but then where's the problem?)

>implying monarchy isn't more right wing

fucking sage cunt