Aussie shitposters got
Aussie shitposters got
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what happen?
Rio olymics happened
Surprised you and Croatia didn't have another war after that basketball match
stop showboating and take care of the americans faggot
you are the last hope
Do not worry, burgers are no match for us now
USA posters are the one that's being cucked here, he play's once every four yrs for Australia but lives everyday of his life in Texas with his white GF and plays every week for the San Antonio Spurs, being blacked by Abbo's are whacked.
digits confirm
Can't believe we got beat by a bunch of sub human serbs
RIP aus
Just make sure you beat the yanks for the sake of fuck.
>Not the best race in existance
Aussie education everybody.
>plays for australia
so he's australian
fuck off muslim india
you could've won if kyrie played for you.
Well looks like we have been abo-ed
LOL two title-winners (Bogut and Dellavedova) got taken out by a ragtag group of Balkan rats.
When a game of Peek-Abo goes wrong.
Oooh, I forgot Patty Mills too. THREE NBA champions beaten!
Not even mad. He is a "celebrity" nigger so he has the power to pick up white chicks. The reason you see more black guys and white girls is because white girls are superior and everybody goes for them, so it's bound to happen from time to time. White guys usually don't go for the blacks since they are on average uglier.
He's a mix of Abbo-Islander cucking Texas with this traditional Texan Southern belle...
bretty gud
leaf strikes again
Canada Yes !!
Can you please stop shitposting here and help your nigger complexes somewhere else?
you may start a thread but you may not control who posts what in said thread, it's a global community after all ;^)
I wanted to type cucks with upper case letter but it turns in to keks. Try it KEKS
Sometimes I wish i was a multi-billionaire so i can spend half my shit and send you an anonymous nuke there you no medal worthless nigger
>thinks he can beat our Jamal's at basketball
They come from the finest slave stock in all the land, you don't stand a chance Serbia (Whatever that is).
Serbia has never held back when it comes to massacres
top bantz
Who the fuck hires a hitman to whack a man on ICU ? the rising ocean's gonna kill us in 50+ yrs anyway, wait till then my good man.
She's not hot. She's got a mongy head and she's too athletic.
Yeah shameful absolutely nailed by those wog bastards. Oh well it's just nigger ball, and we have a far better gold medal, putting reffos in camps.
Has Serbia ever won a medal in anything besides genocide denial and 100km retreat?
>this triggers the serb
>You retreat
>They pursue
>You regroup
>Surround them
>Make them surrender
>Win a battle without fighting
ez gg
tbqh not really, I just don't want Kosovo (Balkan Muslim central) back anymore, unless it's cleansed (which won't happen)
>These piss ant countries think they stand a chance against our Basketball Americans.
Can you still hate us Albanians, though? It makes me feel empty whenever a Serb doesn't threaten to kill me and my family.
t. Sabaton
>Trying to make me rage
Yes, I do still hate you all
My friend listens to sabaton so i know the song, but I actually work for the millitary in telecommunications but took up battling strats and leadership class on the side, so i know a few things.
True. From what I've noticed too, is that white guys only go with the top 1% of hot black chicks too. While most black guys get with average looking white women...unless your a celebrity of course.
But yeah, i actually worded it from there. Just saying that i don't speak out of my ass
Look at the celebrity white/black girls. Big big majority dates white men(and the ones that date blacks usually cuck them like it happened with Leonardo DiFagio and that other black chick i don't care about.
Who are worse?
Kosovo kebab
Bosnian kebab
Pure bred turk kebab
Albanian and other local kebab
or Ustashe and Bosniak Croats?
It's for research I'm doing.
Albanians are definetly the most hated by me, then Turks.
As much as i love Serbia I don't usually hate Croats and Bosnians because i've had more positive than negative experiences with them
Also, I assume that Kosovo kebab ~ Albanian kebab.
ah true
What is the reasearch for? When will you have the results? Will you publish it here?
Albanians are the worst, since they attempt to rewrite history in their Muslim ways, including their "im 100% Illyrian" meme.
Turks 2nd, no one likes the Turks besides Turks.
Kosovo Kebab = Albanian Kebab
Croats and Non-Muslim Bosnians are based, no problem with them what so ever.
>Albanians are the worst, since they attempt to rewrite history in their Muslim ways, including their "im 100% Illyrian" meme.
To be fair it seems like everybody in the Balkans has some myth about their history like this.
True, but llok at the Albanian posters on this board. The "muh honorary aryan" shit is hilarious.
Is that a drawing of you? You're a big guy
Yeah, it's pretty funny, though I only see those type of posts on YouTube comments or something. There's an Albanian that posts here regularly and he seems pretty sensible.
>Jigaboo jam
Yes i'm talking about you slavshit.
(same guy btw im on mobile my id keeps changing)
Muslims are 60% of the population in Albania, there's a sizeable minority that are Christian and atheist. Albanian kebab =! Kosovo kebab