This film wasn't exactly scary but holy fuck agonizing
good film
This film wasn't exactly scary but holy fuck agonizing
good film
Unironically a 1/10.
It was the worst horror movie I completed since the Nightmare On Elm Street remake, with similar problems - It doesn't even feel like a real movie. Just a collection of student shorts on youtube centered on boring creepypastas. So painfully dull, amateurish and incoherent. Literally;
>Nothing happens
>Spoopy sounds
>/p/ tier """""artful""""" cinematography
It was one of those rare films (the above mentioned Nightmare being another one for me) where I couldn't actually suspend my disbelief long enough to obtain any involvement in the narrative. I mean, that's not hard to do - even most Adam Sandler movies achieve that. This was like watching video of actors standing around pretending to be people.
so if she fucked all those guys on the boat did they all die or just the first one?
You have poor taste. It was a servicable and novel horror picture.
It had a few decent things, like soundtrack, and the tension where it was in the house.
When that tall as fuck guy just walks through the door
they all died
Maybe if you never watched any horror movies before.
You've got a derivative piling of Remote Control, The Ring, Cherry Falls and Nightmare On Elm Street lumped into a generic, boring film that is so poorly made and narratively bereft that it barely qualifies as a movie, let alone a serviceable one.
It is a movie tailor made for underage redditors.
Its "Coming Of Age in Michigan, the Movie". Trust me.
it's amazing you pleb stick to muh paranormal activity
but i liked the film
I think that it was a decent movie, not as amazing as people think
"oh look a woman's sexual past is burdening her but she found a man to accept her for it"
I'm from there and hate the movie. Every scene is panning. The same shots over and over. I didn't even get why the ghosts had std like rules but I was drinking while watching it.
>ooh look how creepy
It wasn't just scary! It was Horror-ble!
Trash film
lame premise
shitty actors
cg/monster effects is laughable
plot holes galore
anyone who unironically likes this needs to go back
It transcends horror genre that's why many horror plebs don't like it.
Agreed. The drama feels so forced especially when you consider what's really at stake.
>how to spot the teenager
It was in top 10 Sight & Sound films of the year list, though.
and wonder women is a 92% on rotten tomatoes.
so fucking what, fag?
It's not about STD.
>At first glance, it appears that It Follows is a cautionary tale about unchecked sexuality; however, this film exploits the vulnerabilities of a population concerned with maintaining middle-class whiteness. Specifically, this film is about the reality of young Americans growing up and failing to see the variance between the allegedly dangerous, impoverished city and their assumed safe, suburban homes. It Follows takes place in a significant narrative moment as these characters have an significant amount of freedom and a general lack of parent supervision. Their existence in the “real world” with a lack of supervision, few memories of how society is supposed to be, and a lack of tangible successes or financial security typically associated with suburban life leaves these young adults feeling lost and uncertain of what the future holds.
>The notion of middle-class whiteness is shattered through It Follows’ cinematography that brilliantly blurs the lines between wealth and poverty; houses are framed from the same distance, forcing the viewer to acknowledge their similarities regardless of location in the suburbs or the city, Jay’s backyard swimming pool is abandoned and torn apart after a storm passes through, reminiscent of the dilapidated houses of the city, and both Hugh and Greg, Jay’s neighbor, have vintage cars, calling back to the demise of Detroit’s automobile industry and a lack of new employment to manufacture and sell newer models.
RT is irrelevant. WW won't be considered one of the best movies of the year by anyone.
>This anxiety surrounding a lack of distinction between middle and lower class reflects the fears of Americans today. According to the most recent Chapman University Survey of American Fears, 39.9% of Americans reported they were “afraid” or “very afraid” of not having enough money for the future and 37.5% fear an economic or financial collapse (Chapman). These were among the top ten fears of Americans in 2016, notably outweighing the fears of biological warfare (34.8%), climate change (32.3%) or mass shootings (26.9%). It Follows presents the viewer with these fears, blurring the lines between affluence and poverty and suggesting the dissolution of the financial stability the suburbs appeared to represent decades ago. Jay’s question, “where the hell do we go?” is a question many Americans must ask with the uncertainties of our economy, a lack of employment that guarantees a living wage, and an unclear path to success.
>he superficial symptomization of the anti-sex reading belies a more historically attuned register of the film. It Follows feels fresh and exciting because it does not dismiss a legacy of feminized abjection in horror film, but rather maps this layer of the film onto contemporary urban-based capitalist logics. Traditionally, this kind of film depicts a dread of the transition from innocence to knowledge. The post-lapsarian fall entails an understanding of the fundamentally unsatisfiable sexual and social desires of adulthood. It Follows historicizes the transitional period of adolescence by staging Jay’s insertion into the social order according to the new logics of precarity. The fear here is not of motherhood or housewifery as in the classic horror films, Rosemary’s Baby, The Brood, and The Stepford Wives, but of futurelessness: the new planet of slums in which productive and reproductive workers and spaces are no longer seen as integral to the reproduction of capital and are rather used up and cast out into the void.
Probably the most boring movie I've ever watched.
its coming of age and liberation of women. please study film before you talk.
>like omg nothing happens lol
Absolutely plebian.
Let me ask my gf if she was ever relentlessly chased by a ghost when she aged.
It's horror moron.
>its coming of age and liberation of women
That doesn't mean it's not horror.
As far as the genre, it's very clearly horror.
>stop disliking what i like!!!
>horror plebs
You cannot call people who like actual horror "plebs" if you think this is passable as a film, let alone horror (since you find horror below other genres). The rules of the monster are clear to the characters after the first couple interactions with it, yet they don't use ANY of the knowledge gained from those interactions to their benefit. The director just wanted to make a movie about "teens" (adults in their 20s) having sex with each other out of necessity. If you like this movie, you're just proof that sex sells and you can't think for yourself.
There is virtually zero nudity in this film. Have you seen it?
The only reason it's still discussed is the autistic HURR DURR HOW WOULD YOU GET AWAY discussion meme...
Pic related is the wraith premise done correctly.
I remember that Sup Forums used to call it It Shillows based on the amount of threads we'd get.
is it good?
Fuck that image. Fuck that scene
>especially when you consider what's really at stake.
your life?
The life of your close friend/love interest? You do know what it's like to have friends and love interests, don't you?
mungo is good but because people on reddit and Sup Forums fellated it so much it has it's fair share of detractors. protip is: don't go in expecting a horror movie
>e this movie, you're just proof that sex sells and you can't think for yourself.
> Anonymous 08/05/17(Sat)04:22:37 No.85920336▶
>There is virtually zero nudity in this film. Have you seen it?
The first iteration of the monster she sees is the nude woman in the parking garage.
But the above guy is completely wrong about it being a sexually exploitative movie.