Young Hitler

This should probably be on /his/ but they're mostly fags

What does Sup Forums think that Hitler would be like if he was a millennial
I personally think that he would probably browse deviantart and be pro diversity

and I bet Himmler would be an edgy faggot

I think he'd frequent Sup Forums

I'm sure he'd do alright because he now has an accessible safe space where everyone "likes" his art

He would be a Sup Forumsack just like us, there is no question about that.

Instead of Vienna art school, he'd probably try to be a YouTube star, fail miserably, end up here, recruit us into his legion, and then we in turn would make him a YouTube star.

Then in a couple decades when he is old enough to run for office, shit would start getting real. Most (if not all) millennials are still under 30 so it's still not legal for us to run for public office.

and Goebbels a lurker since habbo, who never posted.

I bet Goebbels would be a theater kid
and gay
but not as an insult

>Theater child
>secretly gay
I see, allright lets make it an /lgbt/ poster who secretly lurks Sup Forums

I genuinely think that the NatSoc leaders would be SJW progressive fags

Based on what?