One of my friends recommended this to me. Is it worth the watch?
One of my friends recommended this to me. Is it worth the watch?
Sort of.
Second half is laboriously long and much lower quality than the first half and the initial premise.
If you've got time for Sup Forums, you've got time for any movie.
I thought it was ok. First 20 minutes is kind of rough to get through because the acting is intentionally wooden, but once you get past that it explores some neat themes
It's good and worth watching at least once. However just know, it's a fucking strange movie, and you might not enjoy it.
I enjoyed it at least. Not sure when / if I'll re-watch it, but I really did enjoy it first time around.
Is there a reason why it isn't?
It's interesting, but I wouldn't necessarily call it good. As a dark comedy it's got really dry humor but I felt the laugh moments are few and far between. The second half, like everyone says, is its own thing, kind of a contrast to what's preceded it. I thought everyone in it acted correctly, that is, not bad, but did what they were clearly supposed to have done.
If you like being beaten in the head with metaphors, allegory and very British """""humor"""""" sure. Then turn it off half way through
I imagine anyone that sat through this and enjoyed it to be some buck toothed posh Englishman wafting his own farts into his nose while guffawing
I thought it was pretty good but the end drags on too long. Watch it, but when you start to ask yourself "where is this going, and why am I still watching it?" just turn it off right there. you wont miss anything.
first post best post. The first part is weird but entertaining the second part is somewhat drawn out and not much really happens. All in all if you were to watch this high you would probably have no idea what was going on. Just like Upstream Color
Yes its great, low attention spanners will tell you the 2nd half is boring but its solid throughout
I made it all the way up until the point where she killed his dog. I wanted to turn it off sooner. I turned it off and deleted it I hate it so much. Everyone says their lines like they're reading from a book. It's so fucking annoying I can't stand it. A hotel with failed lovers who hunt 'loners' and if they don't find a partner they'll be turned into an animal. What a piece of shit. Fuck you all. Faggot ass hipster movie like Swiss Army Man. Fucking piece of shit
I loved (liked it a lot) Upstream Color but can't stand Colin Ferret so I'll probably never watch it.
you're missing out on Phonebooth bro, good stuff
pretentious shit
I can't imagine being this mad about being such shameless pleb.
Your friend is a fag who wants a blowjob from you.
Are you a bad enough dude to give it to him?
Yeah, I've seen it and Minority Report was the first film I noticed him in, 2 fine films but that's enough of that lark. I don't think he's a good actor, the films just had good direction.
I feel a similar way about that Cillian Murphy guy too.
It's like a Wes Anderson movie, but on Quaaludes.
The nice thing is, you'll genuinely appreciate his unique talent after watching.
fuck you