Expanding the West

Sup Forums, lemme ask you something.

Latin America is:
>European descended
>Often democratic

What would have to happen realistically to Westernize this sphere?

Other urls found in this thread:


by moving a great number of your people there (except for the kikes cough cough usury cough cough), euthanize all criminals, cartel members, kill anyone supporting socialist bullshit (as well burning any book/document related to it), annihilate all niggers in haiti and huehueland, more free trade and isolate commie venezuela. Impose birth control on to the natie for a certain period of time (we've got plent of assholes who never think ahead and have children just because) and give it some time. Oh and no progresiveness or muslims.

Are you fucking retarded? Latinamerica has allways been part of the "West", At least a big portion of it, except some native areas, everything is "western".
Oh right, we don't speak english, we are not "western" then.
Fucking ameritards I swear...

Even the US claimed latinamerica to be under their protectorate after WWII (and before we were defacto US backyard)

Tell me a single reason why we are not "western"

>protip: you can't

>you ain't full white incoming
there's your answer, uruguay-san... oh and the corruption thing (like they didn't have any...)


You mean atheicuckize ?

It will become a shithole filled with weak atheist cucks like America and Europe.


You'd better be preparing yourselves for Empress Ivanka's reign. She'll only recruit the best, most virile young Aryan studs to covertly colonize the wombs of South America.

There's literally nothing wrong with Latin Americans except their countries are shitholes

yeah pls never come, ever.
we are full ;)

>drug cartels
>massive crime rates
>little cultural homogeneity
>not much nationalism
>massive corruption rates

The fact that you've been kept as a US protectorate doesn't mean anything other than the US was using you to protect themselves. That's a piss-poor excuse.

If Latin America is Western, why isn't it Western? Why is it so corrupt and poor? I'm not dissing you guys either, I really want to MLAGA.

Why do you frogs give up so easily?

>>drug cartels
We don't have drugs cartels
>>massive crime rates
We don't have massive crime rates, we in fact have less than US
Less than US
>>little cultural homogeneity
Like most of Europe by now tbqh
>>not much nationalism
We are more nationalist than most Europeans
>>massive corruption rates
Again, less than US, at least we don't finance terrorist group
More rich than Czech Republic.

Anyway, fuck the West, why do we want to be part of a place where some Jews rule and everyone obey like dogs?

The West may be great before but now is.

>Mass immigration
>No national pride

>cultural genocide will make us more like the Euros who hates us
Most of the shit in Mexico is thanks to European elite in the country

just don't reply to this kind of threads
he's either extremely ignorant or making a weak attempt at trolling
he's probably mad cuz he can hear muslim chants our of his window right now and decided to troll someone on Sup Forums to feel better

>pic related, it's him right now


I actually consider moving to Argentina, how is it over there?

But all of our culture is heavily influenced by natives, the only exceptions would be countries like brazil or argentina or cuba, you would have to change almost everything here to consider ourselves western

I love Hugo Wast Argenitna bro

People need good values to be proud of. Being proud of that your girls can shake ass best on the globe doesnt set standards very high for society to strive for.

>Westernize this sphere
We are already western (language, culture, religion, law, etc).

This place is inherently a shithole.

i dunno might as well ask what you could do to make nigeria western

The white man fucks up everything he puts his hands on, GTFO OUT OF HERE, WE DON'T WANT YOU. WE DON'T NEED YOU.

Mexicos greatest leader.

Massive Eastern Asian immigration.
Just think about it for a moment.
America is between Asia and Europe, right?
North America received tons of European immigrants. That means South America should receive tons of Asian immigrants.

Like North America ressembles Europe in its plains, South America ressembles Asia in its jungles.

Not only that, in order to successfully make a good civilization out of this shithole country you'd need the more disciplined and less degenerate of races to work here. With a majoritly Eastern Asian population, problems like degeneracy would be rooted out. I personally never saw a squatting Japanese Brazilian, or a homeless Japanese Brazilian, or a Japanese Brazilian robber, murdered or theft.

I support Eastern Asian immigration by the millions.

Stop bringing degenerates, we love your hardworking people

Why the hell would you leave Austria and come here?

couldn't have been put better by anyone on the board

>What would have to happen realistically to Westernize this sphere?
What makes you think we want to be part of the west?


This. I don't want more tolerance and cuckery at least in Chile.

muslims and cucks seems a good reasn tbqhfamilia

he did nothing wrong, he was trying to help and yet he's seen as some sort of devil...fucking leftist pieces of shit

Mexico is so cucked, hes buried in France.

Because Austria was great 100 years ago, now it's becoming more and more socialist. And Argentina has nice landscapes. Is Argentina on the way to becoming a socialist shithole like Venezuela or are the people there smarter?

and given how cucked France is getting, there's probably a family of rapefugees camping next to it
... :(

conchatumare eso es mitos y leyendas

How the hell is Latin America Not Western?

>OP is British
>Other Western countries don't speak English
>Fucking ameritards I swear...
Enjoy your corrupt shithole, dipshit!

Culturally though, doesn't most of Latin America consider itself distinct from the West? I picture Latin America to be almost like Russia in the sense that much of its culture is Western derived but it's still distinctly not quite Western.


>all your citizens are poor as fuck
>continue to have 4-5 kids per family
>family's wealth is always below poverty line as a result


>All these spic flags in this thread saying South America is "Western"

Im laffin, can't tell if trolling or actual spic intellectuals.

The west could use some 4-5 person european families right now.

Argentina always has been socialist


Based boludo.

No it couldn't, all that would do is create more population inflation. It's thanks to your kike brothers and sisters that America has more than 300 million people as it is.


You do not have to "Westernize" us because we carry on the Western Culture way better than you guys do. We actually stand up for it in our countries.
What needs to be done:
>pic related, with such a system we can become 1st world countries in less than 40 years.
>and English lessons would not be bad too (or maybe Chinese because reasons you know.)

We have more in common with the West than any other region. Culturally we're pretty much Western in most parts.

War crimes.

We will always have shitty socialist policies, at least in Europe they are accompanied by working public services. Over here there's only corruption.

Argentina just got rid of its socialist system by electing Macri, which is a center-right guy or something, pretty much like our based Temer.

Enjoy getting raped in the ass by taxes.

Just an example:

Want to buy a new car? Sure, 55% of thr price are taxes.


Is Macri doing a great gobierno?


Anglo senses tingling

OP wants to take over latin america, do not let the beady eyed anglo strike again




He's a socialist, please end this meme about Macri being centre-right, the right died here for at least 30 years after 2001.

Argentina is white, prove wrong.

Protip: You can

> Pinochet will never throw the Marxists of your country out of a helicopter

why live

Isn't his policies pro-market?
Of course it is not like he is going to get rid of all social programs and other weed-growing things as long as Argentina is not collapsing but please tell me a little more than that.


The main fact that we are not considered western is because we are shitholes due to socialist policies and we are severely racially mixed.

But we have very eurocentric cultures, same religons, Europe's history is in a great extent our history as well since we are descended from mainly europeans and adopt their values.

If Brazil stopped being a socialist piece of shit and embraced a free market, I believe we would quickly skyrocket both in GDP and in HDI. We are one of the top economies despite being one of the least economically open/free nations on the world. Imagine what we could accomplish if we freed the economy a bit.

Also, most of Brazil is white or mixed race who are mainly whitewashed. I am a whitewashed mixed race, when I was in the US people said I looked just like a tanned white person.

So, we just have to free the economy and we will be West 100%

Hey shut up it is not some random cucked-out-of-London white cuckold from Britain that is going to tell us what our culture is. They also have plenty socialist policies.

It's not possible. IQs are too low, time preferences too high.

I know, but the way socialism works, they can afford to be socialists more than us.
Dont get me wrong, socialism always leads to failure and misery, but for them it will take more time than for us, that is why we have to stop being socialists right now, we dont have time to afford.

What do you think would happen if a fucking party like PSOL or PCdoB got to power? It would be Venezuela x1000.

No. Better than the last one for sure, but that's not saying much because they were shit in absolutely every respect. Macri's got a few good things, but also keeps the socialist inefficient crap going and doesn't provide much certainty regarding what they'll do in the future.

You are your own region, a bastard child of colonialism. Not as pathetic as Africa but still a subhuman failure of a species.

You were given early freedom by the USA and we even helped you exterminate commies, but you achieved nothing on your own in your entire history as a continent.

In the current year the only news South America makes is how many immigrants are coming to the USA or which country my favorite baseball player is from.

We host a goddamn olympics in your shithole continent and its overwhelmed by robberies, new strains of epidemic disease, demolishing of slums, and general niggerness.

A hundred years ago China was a fucking shithole and they still pulled their shit together and made something great in half the time you pathetic shits did hardly anything. Their Olympics was dank as fuck too, their opening ceremony was the best ever.

Fuck off with your spic intellectuals.


Why do we have to become "westernized"? What is it that we're supposed to "westernize"? Bring in niggers and sandniggers by the millions? Make islam the de facto state religion? Let our countries be overrun by foreigners? Elect a muslim mayor or a nigger as head of state? Create a thought police to send every nationalist to the gulag?

Don't fuck with me, you had your "west" and let it burn to the ground, we are our own thing and we will remain that way.

Macri has been a let down fo me :(
I thought he would come and wreck down the socialist state and free your economy.
But he is afraid from the initial recoil that liberalizing a tight economy brings, it seems he is just like every other polictician and cares only for votes.

Just like us, you guys have so much potential. In the beggining of the 20th century, if someone had to bet which country would become a region power, they would bet on Argentina surpassing Brazil. Fucking socialists ruined for you guys, as they did for us.

He does not have enough street support to go on. If you guys were to organize and demand things, he would listen some of them.
If PSOL or PCdoB got to power it wouldn't be any different from PT. But they would never be as powerful, taking down PT was a huge deal you know... PSOL would be like PSDB/Hollande, nothing more. PCdoB would keep favoring land grabs.
The real deal of the left would be PCO/PSTU even though they cannot ever rise to power anyway.


I'm also quite fond of my actual freedom of speech. Not some "freedom" that censors every non-PC comment.

>What would have to happen realistically to Westernize this sphere?
Nuke the favela monkeys, repopulate with actual people.

PCO/PSTU is too far from reality, you are right.
But still, PSOL is not so far. The welfare state has been doing a great job at creating low IQ poor people to become future voters, I fear that one day they will be popular enough to win.

Also, PSOL, while lighter than PSTU/PCB/PCdoB, is way more to the left than PT, they would never do the same alliance that PT did with the center-left to win, and if they did get the executive power and a congress majority, well pack your bags and become a rapefugee and germany.

Not him, but being a conservative myself, i like him speaking against even debating abortion, might legalize weed in future (war on drugs is useless, better tax it), cut spending, fired public employees, will wipe from the face of earth villa 31 (sadly giving homes to those fucking bolivians and paraguayans, but damn these aren't the 70s anymore), raising tariffs where they should be and probably cutting some taxes, inflation is supposedly starting to fall but who knows where we will be next year. All this economic measures are kinda hard to endure but almost everyone carries on because of how mucb people dislike the kirchners, your crisis is hitting our manufacturing hard and not being autosufficient in our energy is putting stress in the dolar and reserves, we will be again in 4 years maybe so we may regain a 15bn comercial superavit by that time, now balance is almost neutral. Next year growth is estimated on 3 or 4% as far as i remember

South America is a second world country, not on par with Western Europe and the US but comparable to Russia and Eastern Europe and in some sense China.

Look at these and tell me I'm wrong.




we are conquering you, to 2050 2/3 of america will speak spanish

I think that if your economy keeps going to shit they will have to go back, they're usually the scum from those countries aren't they?
I don't feel like going to Germany because countryside people from there would be racist towards me and I would be racists towards their main cities vibrant diversity.

second world continent i should say

Hmm man it is hard to say because the kinds of things we develop grow in a much much faster rate than Russia's/Eastern Europe's.
Our population also grows pretty fast, unlike of those countries.
We will probably have some stability when the population stops growing so much.

Eastern europe was literally burnt down as the wehrmacht retreated and after decades of communism/russian imperialisn, they're still wealthier than most of latin america.

Enjoy your zoo meat meal the next time the indios and negroes start getting uppity.

>south american continent
No such a thing.

I hate to break it to you but...


>a canal LITERALLY SLseperstes North America from South America

>same continent

oh but Asia and Europe are 100% different

Are you clinically retarded or just an extreme case that is undiagnosed...?

Stop having this fucking argument in Spanish countries it's one continent. The term continent is vague and the definition is highly subjective.

nevermind, I will be bumping with some pics of my "third world non-western shithole of a nation"

>traditional and conservative town in the coutnryside

>man made
>shallow as fuck
>barely a couple hundred meters wide

Might as well use the amazon river as a separation, is far more reasonable (and just as stupid) as the argument for the canal.

Nice town, which is it so when I visit Uruguay again I can consider going there?


you're the canada of south america

>European decent
You're half right there, user.
The answer to your question lies in this; further decimation of the line of savage genetics. Eliminate the savage genes from Latin American society and you get civilization, until then they're only a half step above the common African savage.

I'd say we are worse off than Africa right now, their murder rates are much lower than ours

Their murder rate is lower because the police barely works

>Ojos que no ven, corazon que no siente

that's Salto, the very Kingdom of the Rat King

Well, Uruguay, Venezuela and Argentina are pretty western by EU standards cause of how cucked they are, Chile is going that way too.

Nah, I'd prefer to remain irrelevant and barbarian.

>Rat King

>Mexican intellectual trying to politics
You can start your shity plan by killing yourself, desu. You're not white after all.

Better than our average city but still a shit city.
Why don't we fucking learn some urban planning from burgers, holy shit, is it that hard?

To be honest, Peru is in good shape but it will take us another 40 years to have a solid majority with good education.

That if lefties no longer get into power, problem is the masses like populist social ideals which end up in an idiot group destroying infrastructure and investment.

Also the west is no longer watched with illusion, not after what's happening to Europe and USA.

>urban planning from burgers

Do you really want endless seas of the same house in a grid?

this kind of towns are virtually unchanged since the 1800's
what do you mean planning, cities that aren't Montevideo don't grow here, you just can't change them now

"Why don't we make everybody live miles away in the middle of nowhere with no buses and shit close"
I'm not saying that latinamerican urbanism is top tier but following the same urbanistic model US has been following since the 70's is 100% retarded.

You know, Euros destroying themselves is a good thing for us. Our people always admired them and always wanted to imitate everything they did, not to mention most of our leaders are formed in their universities. It's right about time people see past that illusion and realize that whatever the fuck they do doesn't have anything to do with us, and that we are different so whatever works for them doesn't necessarily work for us and vice versa.