Marvel has Kamala

Marvel has Kamala

Who was DC's last persisting new character that could be considered relatively popular, at least a B-lister?

Probably Jaime?

Blue Beetle

Gonna confirm

Seriously? You live under a rock or something?

Jon Kent
Jamie Reyes Blue Beetle
The Gotham Academy cast.

Batwoman or Jaime I guess.

If Simon, Jessica, or Kenan sell well and last a couple years then they might count.


meh, keep Kamala jihad. Batman/Superman BTFO any single Marvel franchise.

Batwoman has NEVER been able to maintain her own series, she's always needed a super star creative team or like now where she feeds of more popular characters.

This. Damian is the most popular new character in the last 10 years cause even normies know him cause he's Batman's son.

I've never heard a person outside of Sup Forums talk about Ms. Marvel

Her book was 40 issues and sold just fine until editorial killed the book.

Not Spider-man.

>normies know him cause he's Batman's son
Lol no. I was just talking with normies the other day. "Who's that? Batman has a son?"

Normies know him more than Ms Marvel. And thats one person, that was probably a girl. He's been in Injustice, multiple animated movies, and multiple comics at this point. If you are any bit interested in capes you know who Damian Wayne is. The same can't be said for Ms. Marvel.

Normies wouldn't even know who the original Ms Marvel is let alone Kamala.

He's been around longer than Kamala. Give her some time.

See Even ppl that claim to be Marvelfags have no idea who Ms. Marvel is.

>the only new lasting DC characters are just bat-family

The thing with Damian is he doesn't "feel" like a new character. I mean, he's part of the bat family, his background is strongly link to Batman.

Kamala is called Ms. Marvel but she's not related to her in any way, appart from being a fan. She has her own entourage, setting and enemies. She's completly a new character and not just something new in an old franchise.

At least they are not as likely to join ISIS

Her book sold dongs once JH Williams left. At which point it sold shit. interest in her was never separated from Williams art.

As already mentioned, Jaime Reyes

Her book basically retreads what his did better anyway

Editorial fucked up Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. They sold.

I think your a bit in denial about kamalas popurality
Damian is undeniably better known then kamala but shes certaintly up there.


how much? She's been around for years user. And Carol has been around since the seventies.

Yeah, gotta go with Jaime. DC unfortunately completely mishandled him for a while there though, but he was consistently popular before they fucked it all up, and while they were busy fucking it up, he was showing up in animated shows like Young Justice and BatB.

I think you are overestimating it. Go to any other side, aside from tumblr and Sup Forumsmblr and 8/10 ppl won't know who she is. She is a mantle no one cares about, she could get popular in the future but I doubt it. I think it'll be more of a New Mutants situation where she has a small loyal fan base.

Probably jessica cruz with luthor already fucking back from apokalips and babyseid unlikely to show up for a while shes the only good to come out of darkseid war right now.

Her and simon and sure as fuck the only way to salvage green lantern as a movie franchise after the last one.

They fucked up his rebirth to.


Yes spider-man, unless your going to argue that Spidey sells (without reboots) a 100,000 issues a month in his main title.

Hmm? His Rebirth issue was one of the best so far.

Let it go, he's obviously completely out of touch with reality.

Who the fuck is this?

I would say Miles Morales is more popular than both of them

>Ms.Marvel fan thinks shes popular and I'm out of touch with reality for thinking shes not

Oh I am laffin. Go ask anyone who she is. I guarantee no one will know and I say this as a Marvel fan. I have a poster of all of them in my cube and everyone always asked me who that is when they see Carol's symbol. You are in denial.

Regardless of your opinions of the quality look at the solicts for the issue and its obvious something went horribly wrong.

Bendis probably wants you to think that.

>its a delusional Ms.Marvel fans thread

Wew lads she isn't even as popular as Miles much less popular.

Or Giffen is just fucking with everybody.

Green Lanterns sell double what Ms Marvel does.

and power girl, batgirl, super girl. They misused buddy baker, Swamp thing, john constantine. And every year new characters are created and discarded. DC doesn't exactly develop new IP well. Aquaman maybe, since this version is really NU52 only.

Don't count Batman out.

More popular than any of the Robins? pfff right

>implying anyone gives a shit about your picture books
Spidey by far out does everyone else.

I'm not... damnit stop being a retard. I was agreeing with YOU fucknutt.

>In thread about comic characters lasting in comics
>Who gives a shit about comics?

I don't understand the mindset of you people.

My bad. Have a lewd Thea

OP never said this was specifically about comics. Just comic characters. That's the reason so many people are bringing up normies.

Way more people know about Kamala than the new Green Lanterns on marketing alone

I wish this meme would end.
Her book sells like shit. If she wasn't the Muslim poster child for Marvel she would be cancelled.
Even Haley Quinn sells more than her.

Do normies even know the Robin's by name?

Not Damian though. Hes arguably the most popular new legacy character since Dick. So much so that people like don't even think he feels like a new character cause he fit in so well and gained popularity quickly.

Just that Dick was first, Jason the dead one and Batman's son. Not by names but they know there are multiple.

Jason Todd is more popular than Kamala and Miles combined.

Kamala is Miss Marvel and Miss Marvel is not new.
So what if Kamala herself is new? She just jumps on the Miss Marvel wagon and rides on.
She puts on the mantle of an already established character. She doesn't fucking worth it.

When we have to talk about new, we should mean really new.
New person, new background, new cape, new suit, new mask, new powers, new superhero name and not taking after Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Wolverine, whoever.

When was it Marvel ever came up with one really new character in their oh so called "all-new all-different" cast?
The last one I can think of, is Gravity and that was 10 fucking years ago, and he fucking sucked. Nobody remembers him for a reason.
I have to go as far back as 2001 for Jessica Jones for the latest noteworthy new character to come along.

Oh please Miss Marvel was so different and obscure in every way that saying Kamala is the same is the most autistic fucking thing. They're the same by name ONLY, which doesn't matter because that name was so outside the public conscious that it may as well not have existed.

Harley Quinn's been so bastardized you might as well count her.

Well, I'm not being sold a comic called Kamala Khan, you know.
I'm being sold a comic called Ms. Marvel, which has been around since 1977.
I don't care how different is Kamala Khan to Carol Danvers, they're selling her to me as Ms. Marvel.
Because they know that otherwise, she's not good enough to stand on her, so she needs an established name to support her.

Eh she honestly would. I don't know why they tied her to Carol that was a shit move. She probably would have sold as a new character.

Also, damian's a literal who to anyone who doesn't read comics and I guess watch shitty animated movies. If they do watch animated movies then there's absolutely nothing popular about him because he's a fucking insufferable cunt.

Its a very common name.
Isent the group archer worked for named isis to.

And Kamala is a literally who even to people who reads comics. I've only ever seen Sup Forums talk about her and her sales are terrible.

Harley quinn sells better then everybody user thats hardly a fair metric

I don't care for Marvel's retarded "cuteness" characters, with no personality and character like Kamala or their even more stupid "muh diversity" policy.

Oh quit fooling yourself, she doesn't sell well.
The few friends I have still bothering with Marvel's shitshow, don't know who the fuck she is.
Or they wouldn't have known, if she wasn't featured in that dumb fucking pos of a game, Future Fight.

Hot topic is to blame for that shit.

>and her sales are terrible.

Reached a little too far here. Unless you were mixing her up with Squirrel Girl, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, etc and you genuinely didn't know Kamala's sales were solid. She's not super popular but she has a healthy ongoing.

She sells terrible. Maybe decent for Marvel I guess but not decent at all by the industry standards. Shes just like the New Mutants, popular with a small crowd.

I'd show you but comichron doesn't fucking load.

30k actually is a success based on the industry standard though. I think you're just shitposting now for some reason I can't figure out.

This. She's obviously not doing Batman numbers, but hardly any book does.

Sub-20,000 is cancellation numbers, unless your book sells well in trades. Kamala's book consistently does above 30,000.

And thats a small following. Shes not popular.

Man I am so old that 30K titles were almost always cancelled
50K was when titles started getting looked at

As far as superheroes go, pretty much nobody is "popular" besides Batman, Spider-Man, and Harley Quinn. Comics are a VERY small medium, despite their pop culture presence nowadays.

>Her book sold dongs once JH Williams left.

That's "when editorial killed the book". They fucked his plans over last minute, after leading him on for the better part of two years, and people didn't take well to it. If he'd simply left after being allowed to finish what he'd started, it probably wouldn't have gone that way.

I wasn't arguing for popularity (and I even said that I think she's not super popular), but 30k without massive drops is what you want from a character like her. Doesn't make sense to criticize the sales.

Yeah man, cancellation level is much lower these days. Like 15k-ish or so. Even 5-10 years ago it was 20k. Times are rough.

Cass Cain's book was 70 issues and selling till editorial had a bitch fit because their silver age waifu wasn't in the tights any more

You have to keep in mind that back then digital and trade sales weren't as prevalent as they were today.

Her book is comfortably out of cancellation range. Not that you ever actually read a sales thread, of course.

>taking the bait

Grow up.

Nowadays it's more like Batman > Deadpool > Spider-Man > Harley.

best robin

>Jon Kent
>Gotham Academy class
Really nigga?