I know this will piss off trump fans but I find this hilarious. Who thinks they should have kept these statues up?
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Implying any of those fat cunts in that picture look any better naked than Trump
The democrats don't do anything without a plan.. After many dozens of focus groups and straw polls, they have discovered that the statues don't work as intended and quietly had them removed.
That's supposed to be trump ? I thought it was Hillery m8
It pisses me off because I find it distasteful and because of the hypocrisy of that party.
It's one thing to be a complete dickhead and do something like this. It's another to be a 'bastion of tolerance and acceptance" and doing it.
It says more about them than it does Trump
>hahaha look, i sculpted a small penis
>I won the political argument because small penis
Liberals, everyone.
and this opinion was the majority opinion of the focus groups, hence the removal
>Who thinks they should have kept these statues up?
Considering he's running on an anti PC platform , I don't think such a glaring example of liberal hypocrisy does much harm to him, the opposite in fact. Keep them up. Liberals have been eating each other on twitter about body shaming since it happened.
literally laughinggirls.jpeg tier
that's guy's nose
Oy Vey
I think its great, it shows the caliber of sad shallow hypocrites the left attracts.
its public obscenity though, the people who put it up should all be charged with a sexual offense.
The hypocrisy is that if someone did a sculpture of hillary like this the feminist and media not mention sjw's would be outraged
That's a nice little tiny weewee he has for such a big ego.
doesnt matter
Why does Bush just ignore the Katrina victims? He's playing golf? This man is a jerk! He doesn't care about peoples!!
Obama already had that golfing on his scheules months ago. Presidents schedules require weeks of effort to organize and plan in advance. Obama cant go to LA because that would tie up precious security forces needed for the victims!
Indecent for public. What if your kid saw that fake dick?
did they take it down?
i didn't like it because it's low quality campaigning.
it's like the modern art of the 2016 elections.
i have suggest however, that if they keep it up under free speech, then you should put up a similar statue of Clinton with very saggy tits
It's kinda sad that the degenerate half-humans around the figure are more of a spectacle than the figure itself.
hearty keks
Last time I was in NYC there were over a dozen women running around topless with their tits painted up like the American flag. New York is too degenerate to care user.
they should have kept it up and made a statue of cankles too.
at least he doesn't use crutches
yes genuinely hilarious
apparently you don't realize the point was to disparage Trump.
After focus grouping random people that saw the statue, most felt 'sorry' for Trump and felt more inclined to vote for Trump than Hillary. The statue was removed quickly and quietly.
Again, I cannot underscore this point enough: The democrats focus poll everything multiple times over. Hillary isn't in LA because they have to focus group the idea nationally and wait for results -- before deciding if its 'safe' to plan the trip..
don't like cuz is a very cuck thing to do, shows that libs are scared and will attack low. Besides that the statue is unrealistic cuz has big hands.
You guys are triggered pretty easily imo
Real rightists cannot be fat or out of shape. It's simply against the whole concept of volkish stride for purity and greatness.
Trump brought this upon himself by being a fat slug
thats awesome
shows the left are idiots as usual
it would be cool if all post-modern "artists" were rounded up and shot.
considering he is more moderate than anything, you continue to sound dumb
thanks you everyone for correcting the record!
I need very much record correction
Imagine the uncontrollable media outrage if it had been a Hillary statue.
Oh the misogyny!!
I don't care about the statue. I am just a little envious that people with decent artistic talent are wasting it on this. Like if I was a good sculptor the last thing to sculpt would be a naked old man, unless I was paid by him to do so.
the "man" has skinny jeans, no socks, doesn't shave, glasses, jew nose and stares at a penis
democrats at their finest
This, as a false flag, probably would have been a much better idea.
Fat-ass, beer drink' white southern guy hauls the nude Hillary with canckles statue in and drop it off -- conveniently with cameras everywhere from ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, ect.
Look at the horribles of Trump & his followers! such a disgrace
It's not the statues themselves that piss me off. It's total hypocrisy that they show with the left, pretty sure SJWs are extremely against body shaming. How many people (apart from Sup Forums) do you think would find the exact same statue of Clinton funny?
>this much projection
no one here was 'triggered' by it, the only talk about smashing them was to shill MDE for that contest
no one cares because there's no substance to it, just a monument to the left's lack of class and common decency.
>total hypocrisy that they show
its been going on for over 40 years my man..
What I find hilarious is that Trump has a 23cm beer can prick while Bill Clinton has a thumb sized cocklette although they are both the same height. Small wonder Billyboi uses rape as a seduction technique.
Truely a masterpiece from the lefts strategists. Cue slow realization that these statues would actually HELP Trump by counterring the whole "fear" and"dark" narratives they have been working for so long by humanizing him even more.
Good work boys!
We should collect money to get a Hillary version of this.
NYC fag here. Every old lady (over 35) I've spoken to at work these last two days is disgusted by these statues. I'm surprised since they're all anti-Trump. Some jewtard is literally helping Trump by placing anto-Trump statues all over the US lmao
hi l1ttle bitches im new!!!!!!! holds up confirmed kills tally my name is katy but u can call me t3h Sn1PeR oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very gorilla!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet gorilla ppl like me _… im 13 years old (i have a lot of kills 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 trace IPs w/ my squadron (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite way to storm maggots!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! Thayr random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here with u godamn idiots so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This actually helps Trump more than anything, it makes Hillary supporters look juvenile and retarded and helps contribute to the "they both suck" attitude among moderates. If it comes down to just Clinton's hardcore supporters vs Trump's hardcore supporters I'd bet Trumps are more numerous and more zealous. Do more stupid shit liberals, maybe make a statue of Trump out of horseshit or something, that'll show us!
Fpbp as always
i realize that was the point. still though they really should have made a statue of her maybe in a pair of depends or something.
>Sup Forums hasn't made the natural progression and realised there'll be Hillary statues soon....
because its juvenile
trump supporters on pol getting triggered by it is funny too
I think we need to stop it before it starts.
It's just as shitty to post memes about hillary being fat/old when nothing of that has to do with her capability as a leader. I think it's a very very sad day when grown people are acting like little kids throwing petty insults at eachother
Maybe someone should make a nude Hillary statue.
implying Trump doesn't have a huge dick. His former lovers have confirmed 9+ inches
The fact that she's old (68) has a huge impact on her capability as a leader. Most people go into retirement before that for a reason.
Trump and Sanders are no better.
A normal age to become president would be around 50.
>anarchist group
> make trump statue even though Trump will create anarchy in the USA for leftists
> not attacking Hillary Clinton which she is 100% the establishment
God these people are morons.
>her capability as a leader
But she is not a leader period. She is an Extremely gifted and talented thief. She is one of the best people in history & expertly operating around-the-rules, getting what she wants, and avoiding being held responsible. An absolute genius at it.
But, leading is the exact opposite. Good leaders are principled, circumspect, and frugal by nature. Hillary has zero qualities of leadership. As president, there is no one else to go.. There is no higher job to 'screw' someone else out of. She will be in a place where her job is to look out for others -- But her entire life is about using others to benefit her! she will be completely lost and at the control of her handlers & aids on the White House staff. She will see every legislative effort and argument as either 'for her' or 'against her'. Her only benefit would be to make Obama the 2nd worst President in history.
There already was that mural down in Kangarooland. And yes, people were up in arms about it.
this info was my favorite part of the DNC leaks against trump...they couldnt use it in their strategies because of how girthy he was...USA
And exaggerated gross beef curtains dangling beneath a massive, oily gray bush for good measure
I'd prefer a statue of:
A large scale-of-justice with Hillary standing on one end and Sanders on the other. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz' is standing over them both above the scale with her left foot shoving down on sanders side with Clinton high in the air. A Referee in stripes is beside Clinton holding her hand high in the air with the caption "Your Nominee!" above his head.
This shit doesn't even make me angry it's just embarrassing for liberals. They have such a childish sense of humor.
>be me
>conservative artist
>make naked shillary statue as a counter to Trump statue
>nasty floppy boobs
>giant gaping vag
>giant infested grey bush
>praised as statement for body positivity, age positivity, and STD positivity
>made into official public statue
>fat feminists create worship circle around it
>hillary is elected as a result of my statue
>kill myself
>praised for suicide positivity
The small penis thing really exemplifies their maturity. Otherwise I really couldn't give a shit. I just don't understand the obsession the left has with genitals. Ie: "Hitler had one testicle" - as if anyone would really care. Leftists have two testicles and cannot even produce enough testosterone to do anything.
You're the guy from the other thread? Stop shitposting and make it, this will be out of the news cycle in a few days. If it's made when everyone forgets about this it'll be seen more negative.
Get to work for the Emporer!
Right? Like "Haha, you disagree with me you must have a small penis!"
What a profound statement. Let's carve it into rock.
>""""""""""""""progressive""""""""""" liberals supposedly against fat shaming
>fat shame Trump
Do they know what irony is?
That's not irony, it's hypocrisy.
I want to actual see trumps dick
I bet the creators of those things are upset, no one went and smashed them which was what they wanted all along.
Why do they want that?
I think they should keep them up
It provides a delicious double standard
how do I find that email on wikileaks. I want to know his girth for.. research purposes
make this statue
Probably trying to provoke Trump supporters and show they are crazy or something
They'll wind up vandalising them themselves
They offered a cash reward, probably to make it seem like trump supporters are violent and want to censor them.
Imagine what the reaction would have been if it had been a naked Hillary statue.
Penis Envy : The Post.
lmao doesn't piss me off, this is great
When asked to comment on the statue Melania responded, "I think the artist was a little too generous in the genitalia area."
Bush didn't play golf after 2003
Katrina was not in 2008
Why don't liberals have the balls to actually make and burn an effigy? I might respect them then.
Nobody was ever "triggered" in the classical sense by this its just very distressing that such a thing would ever be put outside for the public to see, we are more "triggered' if you will for how bad it drags our society into the gutter.
I really don't see why liberals are so angry about shit between consenting adults. So, he insulted some people? Holy shit, so fucking what, is it so bad you need to spend hundreds or thousands of hours on a statue?
I really think they look like the sensitive crybabies that Trump might say they are.
Its hard to vote against Trump when the people he is facing against are this guttertrash. Thats the funny thing about this election, if they do things like this to mock Trump... it always backfires because they need to be better than Trump to win.
Trump can always veer to the nice guy role but its harder to veer to the bad guy satanist role that this statue puts Dems into.
That's never going to happen! Trump supporters are the least violet and crazy peoples. The ones who are actually crazy and violent are the bernie/hillary supporters. Trump supporters are quite nice people actually, atleast nicer than the other ones.
Someone should make a billboard of KKKlinton and put it up next to naked Trump
Yeah, isn't this body shaming?
Now he's virtue signaling...
Implying that the artists were not paid
Trump fans who are not excited about this very public display of the lefts hypocrisy are traitors to the God Emperor and should be purged.
Fucking this. PC culture is tearing itself apart over this.
When do the naked Hilary statues go up?
Proof of the current social retardation is in the fact that if it was a naked statue of Hillary, it would be blasted worldwide as a form of "sculpture rape" or some feminist SJW shit like that
Trump's trip to LA must have been a huge success. earlier today the White House announced that Obama is on the way next week..
Hillary is still pending -- waiting on her teams national focus group results to come in.
Could you imagine if they did the exact same thing of Hillary? A butt naked exaggerated model of her?
The fucking country would be on fire from coast to coast from feminists and SJW
>extremely rare flag.
seriously, how did nobody notice?
Nobody seems to be pointing out the fast that Trump is 70 years old. Even if that statue was anything less than gross hyperbole, it would still be impressive for a man of his age with his level of energy.
He's a regular here