Why do Americans have such smelly anuses?
Why do Americans have such smelly anuses?
Why are Mexicans always burying their noses in my asshole?
The strawberry patch is outside, joto.
is this supposed to be funny? when you came up with this ''rant'' did you think ''Oh, user will be offended!'' or ''Oh, I'm going to try and fit with other countries by making fun of the best country on earth!''
you know what they say:
>be american
>other countries with they could be like me
>they cant
>turn into haters
You're off your head. Who in their right mind would admit sniffing Americans arses?
>mexicans in charge of anal scents
does not surprise me desu
nice proxy faggot
How do you even know how an American anus smells like.
Probably because they're so fond of your shitty food
>smelly anuses?
is there any other kind?
I disagree Paco, I have buried my face in many an American womens asshole and I would say it's just right. A little ripe, with a hint of perfume and sweat, tastes great. Healthy to!
can't find my "do not reply to mexican posters" image, so this'll do.
Why do mexicans hate their own country enough to want to illegally enter mine?
>Low IQ Mexicans can't even into clever banter
Enjoy your brown nose Paco.
>Mexico talking about smelly asses
>literally the smelly asshole of North America
because they are too lazy to wash
same reason they're all cut
>blue eyes
>white skin
Wtf is this shit
Jokes on you, my GF tongues my asshole and I always have pic related by the toilet.
looks like a female version of reviewman
You often have your nose up Americans asses?
That's him before his transition shitlord.
Why do you think he always wears suits?
All the food is full of chemicals the body does not need.