Willies, willies, I like willies!
Willies, willies, I like willies!
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best episode of the whole series. Dinner party for a close second.
I'm leg disabled.
Sir, please keep it down.
It's "i love willies"
There are only like 4 good episodes in the whole series anyways. The ones you mentioned, the "fire at a sea parks" one, and I'm giving the the benefit of the doubt that I'm forgetting another good one.
>There are only like 4 good episodes in the whole series anyways.
Nah, it's all breddy gud, every episode has some good jokes. It's a good thing they ended it when they had to.
And no, Graham's twitter doesn't change this or Father Ted.
>a gay musical
isn't that redundant?
What are you, gay?
best moment in the show
Iran is the best episode
"yes miss"
The stress episode
Calamity Jen > Dinner Party > From Hell > Work Outing > Bill Crouse > Are We Not Men >>>> the rest
For a Graham Linehan show, it's incredibly inconsistent, but it does have some great highs. I'm not sure what changes between his Father Ted/Black Books days, but he definitely lost a trick with the IT Crowd and Arthur Strong. I know Dylan Moran did a lot of the writing for Black Books, but I'm not sure what Linehan did for Father Ted in the first place. If I had to guess, I'd say he took a lead role in IT Crowd.
He was back seat in Father Ted, he only did the first series of Black Books (even then, he co wrote at best with Moran), he did all the writing for S1-3 of IT Crowd and got in some writers for the 4th series. Count Arthur Strong he's co written every episode with Steve Delaney, and it's the biggest pile of shit he's ever worked in
>any scene with matt berry
So he's the George Lucas of sitcoms?
>tfw you like the Count Arthur Strong radio series but hate the show
Problematic desu
The show seems to take the worst parts of a Graham Linehan sitcom and base an entire series around it. I've not seen such a stale sitcom since that Royal Guard thing Delboy did a few years ago
>Linehan is a massive feminist SJW
>Every show he's been involved in features a stereotypical ditzy woman filling the only female role
Really X's my Y
Every situation and character seems lifeless and dull and unbelievable. A lot of it is similar to zombie simpsons
I can't even place what the problem is with Arthur Strong, 2bh. It just lacks something that was in Father Ted/Black Books, and was largely missing in IT Crowd. Like the actors didn't know how to carry their lines in a comedic fashion or something. It's offputting as fuck
That's apt as fuck
Why is the IT Crowd such an underrated comedy show on Sup Forums?
The first series was shit
IT Crowd was lucky to have Matt Berry and Richard Ayoade who saved it
>Gay lead character in movie
>"I'm gay"
Chris Morris was pretty funny in the first series.
wow dat relly aliminates muh almends fren
Which was the Countdown episode that had Benedict Wong in?
The countdown episode.
That poster makes no sense. Why isn't the pedestal black?
That was the greatest introduction of a character ever.
i dun get ur joke fren pls explaind
Because their sexuality is being put on a pedestal user.
Don't you mean peddle-stool?
Thank you :3