Be the biggest star on the planet

>be the biggest star on the planet
>the best selling albums of all time
>organise the biggest concert in history
>invented the idea of the music video as art
>barely in any films

Why wasn't MJ all over Hollywood in the '80s? Prince has been in more films than MJ. He should have dominated cinema.

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he tried. he wanted to be a movie star so bad, but just didnt have the ability like he did when it came to music. but he really did try. The one he was closest to was with Steven Spielberg in the Peter Pan story which eventually became hook. he was going to play a grown version of Peter Pan but it was in development hell until they went in a different direction. MJ was very broken up about that one. He had decent emotional range but not really the acting ability and his star power was just too large for any single hollywood movie.

He is in:
> The Wiz
> Captain EO
> Moonwalker
> Men in Black II
> This Is It

> He attempted to get a Spider-Man film off the ground in the 1990s. He was going to play the title character. However, whoever owned the character at the time thought Stan Lee was using MJ as proxy and inflated the price to purchase the Spidey.
> Michael Jackson wanted to play Peter Pan in Spielberg's Hook
> Michael Jackson wanted to be Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace

Go watch the prologue to Thriller again. Dude was charismatic as fuck, but that doesn't mean he was a great actor. When he tells his date "I'm not like other guys" it's supposed to be creepy and foreboding, but his delivery of the line is laughably bad.

> Michael Jackson can't ac...

weird peado?

The issue with Michael Jackson wanting to be an actor, even back in his prime, was that he was TOO famous for singing. Like no matter how you cast him, he would always be Michael Jackson the singer first, Michael Jackson the dancer second, and whatever character he was supposed to be playing in a distant third.

>MJ can't act

This hasn't stopped Madonna, Elvis, Prince, Jackie Chan, Michael Jordan, Arnie, Sly Stallone and many others.

He should have dominated Hollywood in films that speak to his athletic and singing abilities.

nigger so successful he eventually turned white

>Stallone can't act

I hate this meme. Anyone who's seen First Blood knows the truth.

>Why wasn't MJ all over Hollywood in the '80s? Prince has been in more films than MJ. He should have dominated cinema.
Allowing a known child molester into pedowood would of exposed it to the normies. (((They))) knew better than to let MJ loose.

He wanted to play the Riddler in Batman 3, but wasn't cast which broke his heart.
Robin Williams wanted to play the Joker really badly (I think so did MJ). Both would have been certainly very interesting choices had they been made.

>First Blood
>Cop Land
I guess Rambo 4 was fine as well as far as playing the character goes.

>would of exposed it to the normies
Casting couch and pedophilia has been associated with Hollywood for literal decades. Even before MJ shot to stardom.

>Casting couch and pedophilia has been associated with Hollywood for literal decades. Even before MJ shot to stardom.
True but you don't add more controversy to the situation.

MJ was not a pedo. Watch the Razorfist video.

It's a moot point anyway since Bill Cosby had a long illustrious film career.

>Watch the Razorfist video.
All I heard was slurping while he sucked speckled cock.


>was not a pedo
There are many, many reasons to suggest that he never molested any child. The guy is an emotional mess and could not hurt a fly. He had children and the worst punishment he ever gave was reading them a book.
The guy was such a mess and just wanted to be left alone from all the media. He's really fucking shy and - seeing him in interviews such as with Oprah - that can easily be seen. Especially because he does not like to talk about sex whatsoever.
He constantly never denied any rumors about anything because he just wanted to be left alone. He thought by not saying anything it would go away. His name became "wacko jacko" because of it. He thought people woul dunderstand that none of this were true, that he is not as strange as people make him out to be. That's why he never said anything, denied anything, and did not find it weird to sleep in a bed with strange children. Because he was one, emotionally and mentally. And he thought people understood that he could not and would not be able to do so. Instead, people used him and tried to fuck him over multiple times. The media, the people, everyone.

Having said that,
It may be possible he was a pedophile. Which, however, does not mean he'd ever harm anyone. Seeing that it barely got any news at all, I consider this to be fake anyways.

It's "would have", you colossal mongoloid.

> During this time, with the success of Batman in cinemas and the failures of absolutely everything Marvel was trying to do at the time (outside of animation), Marvel was trying to get Spider-Man and X-Men projects underway. For Spider-Man, they were talking to director James Cameron and, apparently, Michael Jackson wanted to be cast as the title role.

> Michael went to Stan Lee thinking Stan could secure him and his new production company, Kingdom Entertainment, the rights to produce a Spider-Man movie. According to Lee: “Michael and I had met a number of times […] He wanted to do Spider-Man. I’m not sure whether he just wanted to produce it or wanted to play the role. He thought I’d be the one who could get him the rights to make a Spider-Man movie, and I told him I couldn’t. He would have to go to the Marvel company.”

> So Jackson did exactly that, after securing a promise from Stan Lee that if he bought Marvel Comics that Lee would help him run it. Jackson hired a financial firm to help with the negotiations, however, since there had been bad blood between Toy Biz (then-owner of Marvel) CEO Ike Perlmutter and Stan Lee, Perlmutter wasn't about to allow Stan Lee, using Michael Jackson as a frontman, to take over Marvel and escalated the price to $1B, far more than Marvel was worth at the time. Eventually, Jackson had to walk away.

> Toy Biz held on to Marvel for another decade or so and eventually sold to Disney for over $4B, which was still about 30% more than what the company was valued at.

He was also set to make a cameo appearance in Blade II, but couldn't due to scheduling conflicts.

>invented the idea of the music video as art
fuck off retarded nigger

>It's "would have", you colossal mongoloid.
Keep sucking the speckled cock.

Just stop using "would of", it makes everything you say look stupid.

MJ wasn't a fan of the Jews

It makes everything you say SOUND stupid.

>>invented the idea of the music video as art
i thought that was queen. MJ couldn't act he could only sing and dance.

He seemed to be good friends with Murphy. I'm surprised there wasn't a cameo in Beverly Hills Cop or 48 Hours.

I loved The Wiz. Diana Ross was beautiful and she aged so so well. Her Black didn't crack. MJ was good too I guess.

And that's why they destroyed him.

>Diana Ross was beautiful and she aged so so well. Her Black didn't crack. MJ was good too I guess.
Michael was literally the only thing about that film critics praised. Ross was said to be too old.

Keep on suckling the speckled cock.

He is still acting now most probably, the entity known as MJ was probably played by many people over the years. The plastic surgery was conveniant because no one could keep up with what he was supposed to look like.

>she was the greatest piece of ass I ever had and I had him all over the world!

For the role of Dorothy? Probably. But the entire cast being black kind of tipped me off to the fact it wasn't a direct remake and I enjoyed it thoroughly for what it was.

>>>>had them all over the world!

Not the user youre replying to.

You should realize that you're only digging yourself a deeper grave with every post. You made a dumbass mistake. Calm down. You're making yourself look even more retarded with every post.

It was on Broadway before the film adaptation. Stephanie Mills, who plays Dorothy on stage, was supposed to star in the film. However, Ross literally screwed her out of the role. It wasn't all bad I guess because Ross' immoral actions did secure additional funding and got Michael Jackson on board. Jackson would meet Quincy Jones thanks to this and it led directly to Off the Wall, Thriller, and Bad albums.