Trump supporter fears 'civil war' if Clinton wins

oh god i really want hillary to win so there's another civil war.

can you imagine? it'd be really cool watching Trumpfaggots getting BTFO by unmanned drones and sites like this getting banned for supporting the enemy. Trumpfaggots getting jailed and military occupations of states that support Trump.

pls trump supporters start a civil war once hillary gets elected.

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>tfw thats the exact look on my face when i nod to blacks on the street

Most of the USA military is conservative and from the south.


The south will rise again and whoop the unarmed north's ass.

>nodding to blacks
that sounds like it involves relaxing. Never relax.

Most people who man drones fucking hate their jobs, hate liberals, and hate the politics who put them there.
They wouldn't care which side was rebelling, they would join it and coup immediately.
Do you think they like working in their small sweaty vomit boxes trying to pilot a kite with an engine strapped to it?

Yeah, never gonna happen.

As for the rest of the thread, let me give you all a very brief history of fears of a civil war breaking out in muricuhhh.

!. Obama got nominated
Right wingers go WE GUN SIVULL WRR ON YEW!
Nothing happened.
2.Obama gets elected
Right wingers go WE GUN SIVULL WRR ON YEW!
Nothing happened
3. Obamacare got passed
Right wingers go WE GUN SIVULL WRR ON YEW!
Nothing happened
4. Obama farted in the oval office
Right wingers go WE GUN SIVULL WRR ON YEW!
Nothing happened

See a pattern forming, yet?

poor b8 try again

Me too mate.

Kek, I can confirm that's my smile

As much as I support him, I always fear a civil war if trump gets elected, but then I remembered the only thing SJWs can do is bitch and complain

I hope a civil war comes and all republishits and conservacucks are lined up against a wall and shot and we finally get this country moving in the right direction of noridc model social democracy

Nothing personnel kiddos

It'll only be war if she tries to ban firearms.

>this how white people smile
TIL I'm trans-White. Respect my pronouns.

you sound like someone who is still going through their Karl Marx/"it wasn't real communism" phase
enjoy your first election cycle, bernout

Who's going to shoot them? Liberals?

I'm not a Marxist I just realize Republicans are objectively bad for the country and are holding it back. If you had an iq above room temperature you'd know this too.

But yeah whatever you're the smart one for voting for a party that is full of people that think dinosaurs walked side by side with humans and that global warming is a hoax and that trickle down economics work.

so how much progress have we made under 8 years of a democrat user?

As opposed to niggers, illegals, and Muslims in the Democrat party?

>Implying there won't be more leaks involving insane amounts of corruption and collusion
>Implying people will just sit and watch their country go to shit

Wars have been started over way less.You really have no clue what is at stake here if Hillary wins

>implying obama got to do anything after his first 2 years

you are literal proof. you'll be the first one lined up and shot.

10 Trillion more in debt, depleted middle class, socialized medical policies price hiking medicine, unwanted intervention in the middle East

Boy oh boy I can't wait for more of the same with Hillary

There's a reason it's called a stereotype.
There's always at least some truth to it

>most nigs are dumb enough to think people are "smiling" at them because they're in the direction they're walking

i think the pattern is every 4 years american elect republicans to the senate and house......Obama lost em both..........such a sucessful president

Ah, that explains the massive armed resistance against the government when the people found out they were being spied on illegally.

Ah yes the closed pursed lip smile. A neutral greeting that basically says "I see that you're there but don't care to talk to you". Much like the upward head bob it is used as an aknowledgment of the other person without starting a conversation

Infantrymen in the American military are overwhelmingly conservative.

I grew up in a military town and I've met less than ten Democrat soldiers (POG's don't count) in the 22 years I've lived here.

what alternatives are there for a guy who doesn't suit smiling. Lads, I need a really good White Nationalist smile. Anyone got tips?

The only way a civil war will ever start is with the leaders of various political houses.
Any real attempt at a movement otherwise will be squashed immediately due to the status quo having insanely more resources.
> this isn't the 1940e anymore where a resistance movement can be effectively organized using subpar equipment, sewers and guts
>this isn't the country's militia fighting a foreign enemy that doesn't know the terrain

It will never actually happen. The disparity between police/military might and civilian capability is far too wide.

>muh recent riots

Those are examples of the police and national guard trying to do everything they can to NOT kill civilians.



The thing is. Rebellion happen in the dark, not seen even by big brother. What brother doesn't know is that there is probably something already in the works. I'll see you on a memorial for traitors

Army joins Patriots

You have to go BACK

either one is a good option the more i think about it.

i wouldnt mind becoming a muslim as long as it means killing the jews for fucking up the middle east in the first place.

>this how

>by unmanned drones
who would drive then?

>Nothing happens
"I-it's all in the dark, y-you just don't know about it xD"

god you roleplaying pussies are fucking garbage. get off your ass and get to work, but you won't do that, you're a bitch pussy, off yourself you goddamn LARPing idiot

I always smirk like that to people that make eye contact with me in public.

I always thought it was just a polite thing to do.

Believe what you wish.
Be ready
Don't say you were not told

we were fucking ready 15 years ago, bitch.

>"civil war"
thats not how you write "world war III" user

>Trumpfaggots getting BTFO by unmanned drones.

implying the drone systems wont be hacked

>sites like this getting banned for supporting the enemy.

because banning or shutting down websites has been a huge success story in the past.

I'm pretty sure this isn't exactly correct. Here's how I see it:


Civil War

I'll take the latter. At least it'll be entertaining. Not trying to get myself drafted into WW3.

>Implying people will just sit and watch their country go to shit

They sat back and allowed muslim terrorists to flood this country. They didn't respond after 9/11. They didn't respond after Chattanooga. They didn't respond after Boston. They didn't respond after San Bernadino. They didn't respond after Orlando. Whites, at least in the west, are cucked beyond belief.

I mean, fuck. You had groups of niggers attacking whites on site in Milwaukee. Have there been news stories of niggers being lynched? Nope. Because whites are a race of beta cucks.

>Trumpfaggots getting BTFO by unmanned drones and sites like this getting banned for supporting the enemy
Good luck with that, you gonna net the UN troops to step in though, or do you unironically believe the US Army would kill civilians to please Shillary?


>Trump supporters own most of the guns
>Shillary supporters don't
>Trump supporters would lose in a civil war

There Will Be Blood for this stuff don't worry.


most of the military supports trump, most of the rednecks support trump. hillary has the liberal faggots and degenerates on her side who can't fight.

The country is already bitterly divided. Even in Congress they refuse to work with the other side. Hilldawg as president would make sure that that divide never comes back to the center or even reaches an agreement. If the economy goes south and unemployment rises, then all that's needed is a spark.

oh and i forgot, she also has the kucks on her side

YFW Putin backs the opposition

I do the same to white people. What's the problem?

>trumpfaggots getting jailed
>military occupation
>drone strikes on US citizens by their government
>i hope for this
No wonder when god divides up the remnant nations in the valley of jehosephat.. those on the LEFT go into destruction and those on the right to into the kingdom..

You filth ally with everything destructive towards things that are good and decent.

> based Dane
I like your country man. May God bless you, friend.

You are one angry little man.

This is well known
They are afraid

The thing is Trumptards are dumb enough to think crazy shit, but most are too old and/or out of shape to do anything.

real news source and then I'll believe you're not some gun-selling shill

This is your base support good luck.

>implying any supporters of Nordic democratic socialism in the USA own the guns necessary to shoot anyone

Yeah, that's my "I'll be civil but I don't trust you smile".

Niggers get it a lot.

They amile like that because they are thinking "this used to be a nice neighborhood, but now there are niggers everywhere"

just so you know unmanned drones are so simplistic they were hacked by sand niggers with 1990 tier technology.

>trumptards hurr durr

You seem to have switched off your brain for supporting hillary.

I like your country too and may god bless you aswell.

The South would get crushed even harder than last time because it's not united in the slightest, most people don't want to secede and it'll be fringe taking up arms who have nothing to lose


your house is going to get turned into rubble by a drone strike and you'll get to see hispanics and blacks run a train on your mum

The moment any real substantial civil unrest happens, you can count on China and Russia to do what we've been doing in Syria.

Yup, I do the same thing.

t. flint resident.

No they won't. They don't even have the means to project forces as far as the USA. Nobody will touch the USA if it goes to shit. Anyone with money will abandon ship and everyone left behind will fight it out.

her method is to create a law which holds gun or ammunition manufactures responsible for deaths & harm that their products cause, essentially allowing them to be sued so much that they cannot continue

Bernie knew this & saw it & strongly opposed it & LOST voters because of his stance, poor old man

What's ironic is that assholes like the OP and the other clowns cheering this kind of shit on, is looking forward to this but if hillary gets elected and turns US into large scale version of venezuela because none of her initiatives will help and the free stuff can't be afforded and high taxes will crush what remains of the US economy..

Then cunts like these will be the first to starve when shelves aren't restocked for a couple of months.. or if unlucky get raided by the beloved dindus or others that they had such great solidarity with..

Meanwhile hillary's special interests will buy up the US for pennies on the dollar as the economy collapses.. Why do you think foreign governments are giving her so much money.. look at saudi arabia that is running out of oil and has to retool to modern industry very soon, look at china look at so many others..

Hillary supporters are undescribably stupid that it's almost better if they just starve to death, but trump will probably go in and they'll be better off for it and then later on pretend that they were for it all along like the little slivering worms they are.

we have abos in my area and I genuinely try to smile and say hello but they pretend I don't exist. I don't know if it's because they don't get courtesy or they're being dicks

Syria doesn't have hundreds of nukes that could fall into lunatic hands at any point during their civil unrest.

America in a second civil war isn't something any country would want to mess around in on that level.

If we are on the wrong side of history then why does it feel so right?


Hillary is 100% establishment and economic policy under her won't shift substantially from what it has been for the last 20+ years. She's not a fucking socialist I don't know where the fuck you got that idea. Hillary's presidency will be much the same as Obama's

She'd likely need a super majority in both houses to get anything that ground breaking passed though I don't doubt it's something they would try.

they are being dicks mate.
>cause your being a liberal bitch and treating them as non-human like they are an item on the shelf.

>blame any form of liberalism you have been exposed to.

because you're an idiot


Bernie wasn't going to help you dumbasses.. and i can't believe so many actually supported this lying retard that lied so much about denmark and the nordic model that even our politicians had to come and tell him to shut the fuck up..

He is a typical communist that didn't get a job till the age of 40, spent his life as a politician in vermont (98% white area) shuffling taxpayer money around, and who pocketed the money from the campaign and bought a house for 600k or something last i heard. Literally ran his campaign on giving you free stuff that he knew he could never get financed without bankrupting the US (21 trillion you're nearly there) and turning it into a socialist/communist hellhole..

You US democrats literally haven't the faintest clue about nothing, THAT'S what's really sad here..

It's like you don't even into 3% of the population


No. It is asserting to them that "I am aware of your presence. I am not cluelessly unaware/not vulnerable"

stop throwing the word liberal around like a dipshit. I give everyone the same respect and courtesy I would like done to me. That's not liberalism, it's just being a normal person you sperg

Two randos couldn't set off a couple pressure cooker bombs and get away with it.

America isn't Iraq.

You can't even fart in public without 2-3 government agencies and 6 different private corporations knowing about it these days.

>insulting ANYONE elses intelligence.
>not even realizing the advice his mommy gave him about never talking to strangers was for their own safety.

adjective: liberal

willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.
"liberal views towards divorce"
favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms.
"liberal citizenship laws"
synonyms: tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened, forbearing; More
permissive, free, free and easy, easy-going, laissez-faire, libertarian, latitudinarian, unbiased, impartial, non-partisan, indulgent, lenient, lax, soft
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms: narrow-minded, bigoted
(in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform.
"a liberal democratic state"
synonyms: progressive, advanced, modern, forward-looking, forward-thinking, progressivist, go-ahead, enlightened, reformist, radical; More
left-wing, leftist, freethinking, politically correct, PC;
"he launched a liberal social agenda"
antonyms: conservative, reactionary
relating to Liberals or a Liberal Party, especially (in the UK) relating to the Liberal Democrat party.
adjective: Liberal
"the Liberal leader"
regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
(of education) concerned with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.

>liberals winning

More than Half of the US military comes from the South and the majority of Southerners own guns.

that seriously reads like a teenager wrote it, not some red team planner involved in a $100+ million war game. The guys involved in planning this are high ranking military officials 50+ years old

Holy shit my comment about bernie was just a little extra fact
I was never supporting bernie, you need to calm the fuck down you overly aggressive retard. Bernie is out of the race, he is gone forever. Sometimes the kneejerk reactions that Sup Forums users exhibit really do indicate some kind of lower-than-average-IQ

A friendly hello has nothing to do with Liberalism. This is normal courtesy in small towns. please stop.

I don't know if you realize the gravity of the situation the US is in but you're near broke and she wants mass illegals and amnesty and no bringing jobs back, with her you're screwed
>it's going to be like the last 20 years
Sorry your joyride is over the coffers are empty nothing left to raid for free stuff not for the horde of pilferers coming through the US southern border or for those pilferers already there.. if she gets in raises taxes and does the stupid things shes proposing the US is going to fold and be in deep trouble venezuela like and UN troops deployed etc. and us bought up for pennies on the dollar like they've beeen wanting.. But you are that fucking stupid that you actually believe what you just said.

Trump will get US back on track.

>kneejerk response
It implies that i lost patience with stupidity of bernouts.. that has specifically spewed lies about denmark aswell as other countries.. for many months.

>muh feels
Go to tumblr if you want to get fluffed by a bunch of politically correct transgender degenerate retards.. You're in a post where someone is wanting trump supporters killed in a civil war and you're worried about your precious feefee's being hurt maybe this place isn't really for you.

Illegals aren't making the country broke, they're just stopping the middle class from growing because massive immigration increases the labor pool and it messes with the supply/demand relationship for labor. It keeps down the price of labor, which is good for the rich but bad for everyone else in society.

Nothing is going to change under hillary. She isn't going to do a massive tax hike of anything meaningful. Venezuela had a doctrine of socialism and nationalized the country's only profitable industry. The USA is not comparable in the slightest. The gap between rich and poor will just continue to grow. Any talk of UN troops deployed in the USA just shows you've spent too much time on InfoWars

you sound very triggered. Maybe tumblr is more suitable for you

Who's going to be shooting them you powerless vegan nu male?

>The moment any real substantial civil unrest happens, you can count on China and Russia to do what we've been doing in Syria.
It's an angle few consider.