So let me get this straight - he hates Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, but absolutely adores Dark Tower and other modern adaptations? What gives?
So let me get this straight - he hates Stanley Kubrick's The Shining...
He's a good writer but a hack when it comes to basically anything else. Everything he's ever attempted outside of writing has failed. Hell even some of his attempts at writing haven't turned out so good.
>good writer
well prolific anyway
stanley isnt always so faithful to the book, usually to the films benefit. king doesnt care to see a good film, he just want someone to illustrate his story. its a masturbatory experience for him.
>He's a good writer
He's a cucked out pedophile drug addict hack of a writer
They drove a dumptruck full of money up to his house
I just got back from The Dark Tower, and it was good.
Kubrick's The Shining was completely different from Stephen King's version, so I can see why Stephen King didn't like it even though it's an amazing movie
He probably gets paid to promote the movie and/or is just happy to see something he wrote on the big screen
Kubrick took King's text and completely altered it to suit his vision; King prefers something more akin to a cinematic Xerox of his writings.
This is exactly correct. Don't forget secret alcoholic and probably snuff fetishist.
in his defense, the shining is shit, but in general he has very bland generic taste in movies
>After the battle, the Losers get lost in the sewers until Beverly has sex with all the boys to bring unity back to the group.
daily reminder
Kubrick is a pretentious hack, so hes kinda right.
He has absolute shit taste in movies.
t. Stephen King
>Good writer
He's a writer that can't write a fucking ending, which he literally refused to do for the dark tower.
He's probably just happy to be making a shit ton of money off the movies through residuals and gets people buying work he already did.
But fuck em he's a cunt.
Kubrick's shining was a better movie but I understand why king didn't like that version.
Has King ever written a good book?
I've struggled through about 5 including Dark tower and hated every one.
>Kubrick's The Shining was completely different from Stephen King's version
oh, that fucking meme again.
no, it wasn't
>completely different
about 3/4 stays the same. what's really missing in more empathize on Danny's alcohol problem (which is still in the movie, just less so). also Hallorann dies prematurely and Danny dies in a different manner, but that thing doesn't really change anything.
His short stories are vastly superior to his novels.
He's a massive autist who probably REEEEEEEEEEES when a film maker deviates from the source material.
trump derangement syndrome, his brain is all mushy now, the film industry is nothing else than a glorified propaganda machine where the participants get to feel as if they still mattered
>He's a writer that can't write a fucking ending,
Go ahead. Explain your issue with The Mist's and IT's ending.
The movie really needed someone other than Jack Nicholson. I love the guy, but he was wrong for the role.
You mean Jack. Danny is the kid.
He's also on record saying he liked the TV movie version of Carrie more than the Brian De Palma version.
He's a fucking pleb.
>giant spider in the sewers
He is a cuck and a pedophile.
He is anti trump because stephen is part of pedogate
Jesus fuck, yes. Don't know how I switched those two names.
>he thinks celebrities write their own social media posts
They have armies of over paid social media "strategists" posting all kinds of witty shit and paid advertisements
Didn't the movie change the race of one of the main characters? That doesn't sound very faithful.
To be fair, the acting in De Palma's version is so over the top that it's impossible to take even remotely seriously.
Are you kidding? His performance makes the movie worth watching
the langoliers
the point of the character was that the father was a "normal good guy" with some demons that went insane, Nicholson is great but he looks and acts insane from the 1st second
Yes, but that isn't a retcon given the way the last novel ends and the overarching plot of the entire series.
He has a financial stake in the success of these films, not hard to figure out why he's not bashing them.
What do you expect from the author children are trained to read by reading the dullest franchise of franchise history?
This. You wonder why Shelly Duvall would ever even go on a date with the guy, much less marry and have a kid with him. Would've been more effective with a "nice guy" actor getting twisted into a murderous frenzy than a guy who already looks sinister as fuck.
then why was he bashing the shining?
His books haven't been selling well. Gotta shill to get that money
probably he sold the rights and had no cat in the race afterwards
I'll grant that Jack's gradual descent into madness made his character more dynamic and interesting in the book. But that character exploration doesn't necessarily make for an entertaining film. The TV adaptation was much more faithful to the book's depiction of Jack, but it was boring as hell
He was pissed because Kubrick turned his mediocre writing into a masterful horror film by changing it and that now everyone associates The Shining more with Kubrick than him.
So /ourguy/?
ka is a wheel
It was a different time. Cocaine was a hell of a drug. He was still hugely successful and was pissed that Kubrick changed his vision so much. He later took back what he said.
Indeed. Movie Jack is irredeemable, most of the book is him moping about the guilt he feels, and then he redeems himself at the end. Movie Jack is always bad all the time and probably didn't even need the Overlook Hotel to become an axe murderer.
No it wasn't. It was bad. Really bad. You're unintelligent
Who cares, tell me when they adapt a Dean Koontz book.
I'm afraid, it was good.
Compared to what? The Emoji movie?
Kill yourself cuckold
His older stuff is better, I thoroughly enjoyed Carrie. You really felt like you were following the thoughts of the characters to the point where you sort of lose yourself in their mindsets. Carrie's rampage and death really shakes you up inside, I cant imagine reading it in the 70s. The scene where she is using her psychic powers to its full extent in the church to try and find God and there is only void, and then as she's dying her final thoughts are trying to find the mother she hated her whole life and ended up killing as she forces Sue to experience her death along with her.
He hates the Shining because he had no say on what went into it. It was all about Kubrick taking his work and making something different out from it.
It really grinds King's gears because Kubrick also made his version of the Shining good. And as the TV-version King was involved in ended up as mediocre at best, it adds insult to injury.
Read his short story collections. His biggest problem is his non stop coke fueled mental diarrhea which gets cut way down in his short stories.
It isn't a spider and it isn't the ending of the story. Congratulations for being addicted to giving your faux 2 cents I guess.
It was a fast-paced fantasy thrill ride mercifully devoid of the usual "character beats" studios tend to impose on movies like this.
King is a producer on Dark Tower. Not a bullshit EP credit, an actual producer. What else is he gonna say?
I will say that the lack of a cliche love story was refreshing.
many of his short stories are B-grade pulp trash though. Night Shift being the best example. there are about 5 salvageable stories in that fucking book.
>what is contractal obligations to shill, alex
>Altered to suit his vision
Not really. Kubrick was smart enough to understand that what works in prose doesn't necessarily work on screen, and altered the material accordingly.
King proceeded to prove that Kubrick was right all along and the smarter of the two of them with his fucking awful 1:1 adaption of The Shining he wrote as a TV miniseries. Turns out topiary coming to life and being evil, ghostly hotel managers that look like something out of an EC horror comic and drama about an overheating boiler do indeed come off as utterly ridiculous and campy to the extreme when visualised in live-action.
And book Jack was King's boring self-insert whose flip into insanity was even more unbeliavable because of what a non-character he was
In the movie, yes, he looks crazy from the first second and it spoils the surprise, but it also makes the movie scarier because he constantly feels like a rubber band ready to snap, it's only a matter of when, and it allows the supernatural elements to be more ambiguous until the third act, which in turn makes his character arc much stronger than "the ghosts made him do it"
He should have never stopped doing coke
When are they making The Regulators into a movie
>but it also makes the movie scarier because he constantly feels like a rubber band ready to snap
i can see that and how it's going to work better for a movie
A few, but he stopped being good in the 80s
>You wonder why Shelly Duvall would ever even go on a date with the guy
But that's exactly why they changed Wendy's character for the movie as well.
In the books she was a generic wife character supportive of her husband and described as attractive and too good for an average man like Jack.
But in the movie she's a mousy and fragile looking woman who looks like the kind who would be too submissive to leave an unstable alcoholic husband
Then why does he like dark tower? Literally everything in it deviates from the books.
Fair point.
>He's a good writer
Kubrick made the shining better, so everyone talks about the movie and not the books. Dark Tower movie is a disaster, so it doesnt steal all the fame from his books.
He probably got a far better contract and remuneration for the Dark Tower than he did for the Shinning.
From his point of view it's a better adaption.
Kubrick BTFO
>from my point of view the jedi are evil
Maybe he's mellowed with age and a lack of cocaine in his system
Yeah, it would probably end up being unconvincing on film if the guy was Mr Rogers and turned into a psycho. And let's be real, people exaggerate how psychotic Jack acts at the beginning of the film.
>It's an user is the last one to find out that Stephen King is a turbopleb episode
a recent one is Doctor Sleep. A sequel to The Shining. Very good.
>people exaggerate how psychotic Jack acts at the beginning of the film
I agree and I think people who do so are brushing over the clear progression in his madness and the escalation of his performance.
But to be fair, Jack Nicholson looks like a maniac even when he is not supposed to be playing one.
Hes a hack. Hes a fucking pleb hack who made pulpy garbage for braying retards to buy in line at the supermarket. Jesus Christ why is it everytime he comes into the cultural consciousness people act like hes a veritable maestro of literature or something?
Hes a retard who has written like 70 books (if you count short story compilations 50 if not) and like 5 at best are any good, and that 'any good' is still fucking garbage in comparison to his superiors.
IS he broke?
He's an aging boomer int he first stages of dementia. He spent the first couple decades of his adult life a hardcore drug addict, then an alcoholic, then he survived a new fatal accident and sustained yet more grain and organ damage.
What do you expect?
His brain is fried. He's a falling-apart old man who mostly uses twitter to make Dad jokes, talk about his dogs, and rant about politics in a nonsensical way.
All things considered, he's doing pretty good. Just don't expect any dazzling moments of insight or brilliance at this point.
I loved Carrie and Salem's Lot. Early King was some genuinely scary shit.
I'd say that makes his portrayal more intriguing. Maybe there was no descent. What if, on some level, he was planning on murdering his family to begin with?
Going further, what if Danny was intent on murdering Jack? Is that why Tony didn't want to go to the hotel?
Professional jealousy.
Kubrick was a legendary filmmaker and a mad genius - King's the nigga who made Maximum Overdrive. That's also probably the reason why he turned down Frank Darabont for The Dark Tower, 'cause Frank's adaptations are usually so damn good that they often overshadow King's original works. He wasn't gonna let that happen to The Dark Tower, his life's magnum opus - HIS precious baby.
He fucking loves and frequently shills all those godawful TV miniseries because he usually had some hand in the overall production or creative process (just look at all those screenplays he personally adapted). But who cares if they were hot garbage - they were HIS.They were accurate to HIS books. HE'S the one who deserves all the praise and accolades instead of some goddamn meddling FILM director who's clearly more experienced and knowledgeable in adapting something to a totally different medium with different rules and sensibilities like FILM.
Jesus, what a smug, ape-faced motherfucker.
Mightn't be for you then, he's wrote many great books.
Give us some sources on that then user, you seem very knowledgeable. Enough to say you know these things for sure and not saying it's your intuition or guess work.
YES. I don't give a shit about King's novels, his short stories however are always a great read.
Maybe you should stick to your romantic novels and magazines then kiddo.
Stanley Kubrick's version of The Shining is terrible. The tv version was well better.
You try writing a few books then faggot. See how easy it is.
I've written two, currently writing another and one of those two has been published and sold a few hundred copies across kindle and e-book. But i'm only 21 years old in an age where media saturation is at the highest point it's ever been, and i'm only getting better.
Well good luck, I'm not going to be mean and say you can't be better than anyone but I've read many books by King and just because he's popular it doesn't make his books trash. I've visited many places and met many characters he's created and can't be going along with all this King bashing.
Eh, whatever. People have different tastes, but on the flip side of that coin, i don't think you're someone who idealizes him and puts his work on a pedestal like i was getting angry about, you just enjoy it.
Imagine unironically holding this opinion
>what's really missing in more empathize on Danny's alcohol problem