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Where did it all go wrong?
Quick, what has DABID done you are happy with!?
FIRST for Nathalie
When was peak GOT? and why did it start going downhill?
Written his dumb story in a timely fashion.
>Destroys Stannis's fleet with one arrow
>Single handedly takes down a Dragon
>Gets the bad pusy
Is Bronn the ultimate Mary Sue
No boat whore?
Only good show Targaryen coming through.
Turned Euron from an anime villain into an absolute madman.
>Swore to Cat you'd defend her daughters
>One of them shows you up in a practice fight so you get angry and start trying to cave her skull in and kick her full strength in the chest to at least crack a few ribs
Show Brienne is literally the worst character and one of the underrated examples of D&D assassination.
>implying Jon isn't /ourguy/
now that's what i call a game of thrones
unlike most Mary Sues he actually deserves all the good shit
>Watches Lannister grain guards get incinerated by Dragon fire
>Claim they cant fight
What the fuck was his problem?
>lol let's have TWO mad queens in the show, at the same time
Dany haters are hilarious
>got angry
No, she just stopped holding back because she realised Arya wasn't as fragile or overconfident as she thought
What does Sup Forums think her farts smell like?
We will never get to see based Young Griff :(
I swear this faggot better rescue bad possi
a-are those ships in the painting firing cannons?
Pad pussy is dead user
Too much foundation.
Why does Brienne always do this stupid face when she winds up her ridiculously useless massive swings?
Dany is the show's Griff
>being a retard who wants more of Ramsey and Sand Snek ebin edginess
He's right. Lanniscucks a shit.
Which Dragon? How?
is that way
Any reason why Dany didn't bring all three dragons? They wouldn't have even needed the Dothraki.
Also, I wonder how she got them to stay. I'd imagine that as soon as they saw her and Drogon taking off, they probably would have tried to follow.
pretty sure those are waves/seafoam caused by the ships moving
Everything from the start to s3 was great, it went downhill from there because they focused less on the intrigue and started to implement more and more of their OC DONUT STEEL
I think parts of him were merged with cersei and dany
like the golden company and getting the tarlys to switch sides
Jon Snow's parts were merged with Young Griff. His name is Aegon apparently in the show.
you can leave anytime
>tfw no more politics because showfags too stupid
not an argument. edgy Euron is plebbit's guy anyways you utter swine
Peak was S1
Downhill was right after S1
They never recovered from losing great actors from S1.
yeah maybe
it's hard to tell
No, YOU are the reddit
she always used a body double for those explicit full body scenes, retard
Peter Dinklage will be revealed to being a Targaryain at the end of the series
You would know, Redditor. Which makes your opinion all the more irrelevant.
What happened? Was there a leak? Please summary
She was nobody in season 1, why would she have a body double?
Yeah I thought about him while writing that post.
Jon will always be a Stark in my eyes. I like to think Ned really did sleep with some random whore cause he was shitting himself from fighting in the war at such a young age.
Would wildfire melt through dragonhide or valyrian steel?
How did Emilia's tits shrink between S1 and S6 if she got fatter?
I'm tired of people claiming season 2 was good. You're nuts, Blackwater was good. That was all.
Stannis came back to life and destroyed the Lannister and Dothraki army and fucked up Dany's dragon.
Littlefinger looks like he couldn't give a shit about anything anymore, maybe he welcomes the sweet release of death since he has nothing to do anymore.
they're not real mate sorry to say, its a tv show
westeros infantry are made for large scale battles and are shit on 1v1, he's right
What kind of leaks are you asking for? We got the usual 8 months old leaks.
episode 4 was leaked. Full episode is on the internet
She said so herself retard, never wonder why her face was always hidden?
I just think he's realized how fucked he is now that Bran's home, knows all his dirty secrets and there's nothing he can do about it.
> Jon reunites with Theon and is pissed at him.
> Jon gets Dany to agree to help him.
> Bronn shoots Drogon with an arrow that takes him down but doesn't kill him
> Arya spars with Brienne
> Arya, Sansa, and Bran reunite
> LittleFinger gives Bran the Catspaw dagger.
> Bronn saves Jaime from Drogon
what was wrong with the rest of season 2?
Ned Dayne is his
Post episode 5 script from the 1.5tb trove
pretty sure s1 was her the rest haven't been?
The classic drone-spying on set leaks.
Or just "the detailed leaks"
just watch it you slut
>The low-born commoners of Westeros do not actually use surnames at all. Therefore, possessing a bastard surname is simultaneously a mark of distinction and badge of shame. Anyone who encounters someone with a bastard surname will immediately know that they are not simply a bastard, but the bastard child of a noble.
>The low-born commoners of Westeros do not actually use surnames at all.
Wait, really?
>Dany attacks Lannisters with Drogon and Dothraki
>Arya makes it to Winterfell
>Night's King attacks Eastwatch by the Sea, and kills Tormund and Hound
>Cersei and Euron have sex
>Bronn helps bad pussy escape
>Varys reveals that he is actually a mermaid
Leaked episode
>you will never kneel behind her, gently grasp her buttcheeks, bury your nose between them, and drink in the dragonsbreath of her dirtiest hole as she releases it all while softly moaning "Drakaris...", an expression of combined relief and arousal on her face.
Why even live?
ned is too beta to get a whore
he'd spill his spaghetti before he even got one in his tent
We also had the script leaks for ep4.
And finally the ep4 which was released and everyone already watched, which makes these script-like leaks irrelevants.
Commoners in Westeros don't have last names, so neither do bastard commoners.
Yup. Think about Bronn, or Hot Pie.
Fucking dumb
How would you guys rate the latest episode?
This place hasn't change in six fucking years
Three dragons takes a lot of money, need to save that and the epicness for Wight Hunt
not really, surnames weren't a thing for plebs until Shakesperean timse
wouldnt a valaryian steel sword slice through needle like butter?
>Yup. Think about Bronn
Oh, good point
>thinking his name is fucking Hot Pie
its probably tough enough to control Drogon, i doubt dany could've controlled all three at once. a ton of her own soldiers would've gotten smoked.
1/10, as usual
>b-but why!
Anime fight, instantly 0/10 right there
>le finger in the bum
so much better than Valyrian artifacts and Qaarthian Sorcery!
It'd probably also cut straight through Pod's armor
Which is why she's using a blunt training sword
Blackwater was the worst part of season 2
>Viserion will turn
Hope this is true. It has to be true at this point, right?
Hopefully not. At least it didn't cut through Clegane's sword.
That wasn't oathkeeper though, but a training sword.
I dont know about rating but it was good
Not as good as Hardhome or BotB however, Sapochnik is still king
>unmedicated autism
0/10 first half, 10/10 second half
Valyria was always a meme