Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
A deranged mass murderer. Was that ever a question?
Nut job just like so many others he deserves no fame and no respect
Didn't he kill people who would have actually been instrumental in getting refugees into the country? Like some sort of political training camp? I've heard a few Norwayfags say he kept the country from becoming Sweden-tier.
IIRC (challenging myself not to look it up)
>remotely detonates bomb at labor party hq (the one that wants to import kebab) thereby distracting first responders
>while he goes to labor party youth camp and massacres
My fondest memories are of me and my ex watching his trials and talking about how great he is.
He stood up for what he believes in and he did so with such intense planning for years, he truely is the man Norway, no, the world deserves.
Anyone that can't see where this man is coming from needs to read "2083: A European Declaration of Independence". I don't expect everyone to agree with his methods, but when you see why you may feel some sympathy for why he did what he did.
People say "He should have gotten into politics instead!". He would never have been listened to and the people saying that know it. Just look at any politician who even starts to talk about immigration, they get shouted down as racist ignorant bigots before their point has a chance to be heard.
It's a shame that "children" had to die for him to spread his message, but it was the only way.
>Protest high rates of muslim immigration
>Kill white kids
Ya fuck that guy.
It's the same as bombing the enemies sources of food/water instead of bombing them. Bomb them and you kill those you bomb, bomb their support and you cut generations off.
>children who want more immigrants
>children of parents who want more immigrants
yeah, nah. fuck you guy.
He was taking care of the problem before it became a problem later on. those faggots he 404' were going to be bringing them in by the busload today or working very hard to. Fuck you instead, guy.
I hope he rots in prison playing that same Rayman PS2 game that he complained about
He upheld a fine example
Remember kids, only you can prevent communism by physically removing leftists
you guys better have like 20 white children each to make up for this anti-white sentiment.
That sounds... quite reasonable. Can Norway confirm this statement?
in 10 years Europe will release him and beg him to save the Europe from them migrants
the more the refugee crisis grows the more the chance he will get out
>race traitors are white
ok, kid
Pretty much this, he shot a bunch of kids (and a couple instructors) at what is essentially a communist indoctrination camp
Fuck off undercover red boy
>300 posts of triggered alt-rightists
The summer camp he liquidated was literally a social justice summer camp/training ground. He removed 76 kids who were so dedicated to destroying their country they went to camp for it.
Yes I know. But can Norway confirm that they are by far cucked and that it could be thanks to Breivik?
The best part of his trial was that his sentance was upheld
It sounds bad, but it means he's only going to serve 21 years (of which he's already served 5), and the Norge gov can't extend it
He's getting out, in about 16 years. Just in time for the race wars ramping up
>tfw you WILL serve under commander Brevik in the upcoming race war
Feels good man
their skin is white
their parents are white
they have higher iq than niggers
they are of your kin
young people are dumb, I know a lot of white people that were liberal in their youth that became conservative later on. how about you try not to eliminate your own kind when you're being out bred by niggers in your own countries, and try to convince them that marxism is cancer.
>I know a lot of white people that were liberal in their youth that became conservative later on
oh you mean cuckservatives? yeah, they deserve what they get too.
once a traitor always a traitor
lol i love this. you fucking retards are justifying some white guy shooting up 77 kids but when a muslim does it in Nice you guys scream and cry about terrorists entering your country and how violent they are. you fucking idiots are just as bad as all the shitskins you want to keep out of your country.
>followed by 300 defences by Captain Sweden
notice none of us cared when omar went the gaybar?
cool. enjoy being outbred by sub 70 iq niggers while you wish your country was still majority white you cuck.
You're misinformed. The limit is 21 years but he can be sentenced again after, which is what usually happesn
Let's consider this faggot. Would you go back in time to shoot Stalin if you could?
keep being a cuck, you marxist faggot.
The kids he shot were literally at a communist summer camp. These aren't the "lol I'm a communist" kiddies that go through a phase then grow out of it, they were dedicated enough to go to the fucking red summer camp
He shot enemies of my people, doesn't matter if they were kids or not. The terrorists are shooting random people who may or may not be scum, Brevik did extensive research and only shot those that would destroy the country from within
He's not a mass murderer, he's an exterminator
>sad pepe.jpg
>implying we don't have a political agenda
>notice none of us cared when omar went the gaybar?
Honestly very few people seemed to care about that. Maybe it was just odd timing but I'm sure there was far less of an outcry for that than any other recent shooting.
Spoken like a true terrorist. You should consider joining ISIS. You have more in common with these shitskins than you realize!
im actually glad he killed the leftists rather than a bunch of kebabs
It's because a Muslim did it. Brown people murdering doesn't fit the narrative so it gets quietly dropped.
Kek it'll be glorious for u eurofags. Australian is full of chinks & surrounded by chinks. So no Anders for us. :/
what did he mean by this?
Who is this clown
its because none of us give a shit if some sandnigger kills a bunch of fags.
and the left is so cucked that they wouldnt say anything to offend the religion of peace.
just bring that up whenever some cuck tries to cry about our 'double standard', literally none of us gave a shit about the gay bar.
Where did those HQ memes go?
He was willing to sacrifice his freedom to stem the propegation of cultural marxist indoctrination in his country when all the old fucks that support it die out of old age.
>If you want to save your country then you're a terrorist
Terrorism is to spread terror mate, at worst I'm a genocidal maniac. To save the city of angels, some must become devils
his loli folder
i'm just glad you anti white larpers don't have the will to go out and commit these killings yourselves.
You must be new here.
White leftists are a part the problem and what he tried to do was to get rid of a future generation Marxist politicians.
If he went immigrants instead there would be a huge backlash and the left would definitely use it for leverage to justify mass immigration, and they'd use le Breivik card to stifle any discussion about it.
yeah I am, who is this clown
>anti white
you dont know what that means.
the 'people' anders killed were anti white.
I haven't the tools to commit a mass attack, gimmie a couple years to arm myself then ask again
Also, it's not LARPing, it's just RPing
every white life you lose takes you one step closer to this brown utopia.
You read his 2083 shit and it accurately prophesied everything that's happening in Europe right now, if a bit wishy washy with the Christian shit
He knew about this shit years before us and arguably made more people aware of the Soros situation
Instead of killing immigrants he killed the people that were or who were being trained to bring them in
If anything it just goes to show how far in advance Soros has been planning the great replacement
I am honestly surprised there hasn't been Swedish, French or Dutch equivalent
UK is too beyond cucked
Dude shot a bunch of raging lefties. That's good.
Dude shot a bunch of fucking children. That's bad.
it's easy mate. nailbombs and more nailbombs.
cuck traitors are even more dangerous than nonwhites.
if you think you get a pass just for being white, you will be sorely mistaken once the race war starts. kek
Fuck him. He started this whole 'anyone right of Karl Marx is a dangerous extremist and potential mass murderer!' Meme that the left have ran away with.
The only right winger who did political violence right was Pinochet
He is a giant retard and what he did was completely unjustified and horrible.
Those kids where just that, kids. They didn't have any influence over politics and you can't accuse them now of what they might do when they get older.
I am all for a change on policy on immigration but what this guy did was just cruel.
He killed innocent children. Thanks to him it will be a lot harder to stop immigration from now on. If you want to change policy and attitude amongst people you've got to win their hearts. This act accomplished exactly nothing. How anyone can worship him as a hero is beyond me. The harm he has done both to the kids and their families but also to the case of keeping our borders closed are disastrous.
If there were a white nationalist ISIS, with the same resources as ISIS at its peak, the entire world cooperating with the latest technologies would be unable to stop it. Little Correct the Record faggots like you would be burning alive in your beds.
Terrorists kill Westerns who they believe are destroying their countries you fucking white nigger
Breivik is no different from an ISIS dog
that's too random, it's just terrorism
You need to be precise with the excising of infected tissue. If you cut too much or too little, you just exacerbate the infection
>Breivik is no different from an ISIS dog
Except in his methodology, ideology and the fact he surrender to police instead of blowing himself up
so in other words he only helped the globalists
Really makes you think
Norway, the world is better off without them. Most of them were being groomed for political office and already held(albeit junior) positions.
Almost everyone he put down was for unlimited immigration, no borders, islam, marxism etc.
Giving him a PS2 instead of a rig is about as inhumane as you can get
Console plebs can eat a dick
>hmm, what will stop leftists from being scared of nationalism and Hitler
>I know, let's murder a bunch of innocent children in the name if Nationalism!
This guy is a fucking retard
typical right-winger
It's the exact same thought pattern. He knew he couldn't strike at the head of the Bogeyman so he killed loosely related civilians instead.
He knew that he could live out the rest of his life in a comfy jail cell as a martyr.
Literally a reskinned Muslim terrorist. League of Legends would be selling him for 5$ if they could.
I can't wait for him to get out on parole and finish what he started, you swine.
>who would have actually been instrumental in getting refugees into the country?
More like instrumental in turning Norway into actual fucking Palestine
>none of us gave a shit about the gay bar
I gave a shit. That was a great day.
no dumbass
the cuck is the greatest enemy, they destroy from within.
> breivik kills a bunch of the marxists that ISIS love
> no different than isis
shut teh fuk up
>fighting the leftie pussies instead of the REAL enemy
Cowardly as fuck
Deus does not vult
His youngest 2 victims were 14, the average age was well over 18.
14 year old rapefugees aren't children, neither were these
the real enemy is the leftists
if you think that some sandniggers sitting on the other side of the planet are the 'real enemy' you are fucking retarded
always kill a traitor before an enemy dumbass
a tough guy who surrendered to save his own life
Doing the Lord's work, user.
Be careful out in traffic tomorrow, user.
>loosely related
Literally card carrying communists and members of the youth wing of the norwegian labour party, who is directly responsible for the mass immigration to Norway
It's a completely different thought pattern, the muslims kill random civillians to create mass terror and disruption, Brevik killed members of the party that ruined Norway. It's completely different
You can't deal with an illness by treating the symptoms
If you went into the hospital with TB and they gave you a pack of stepsils and told you to fuck off, you'd be mad as fuck
>calls someone a clown
>can't take 5 minutes to google his name
>it's in the fucking OP
There's someone acting funny right now and it certainly isn't Brevik
>The kids he shot were literally at a communist summer camp. These aren't the "lol I'm a communist" kiddies that go through a phase then grow out of it, they were dedicated enough to go to the fucking red summer camp
Pretty much this, almost every top politician here have been a part of, and active in their respective youth party and that's how you climb the political ladder.
Unless you've been active in the party for life you won't have a chance in politics on a national level.
He fought for a Nordic Skyrim.
Skyrim belongs to the Nords!
>"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
His trial was hilarious
I think at some point Norway will release him to save themselves from the Horde
just another right-wing supremacist
I hope sone day he realizes what he did, and that he's just a stupid lil man child
Reading up on this incident, Anders is a fucking genius.
Plans this shit for years, executes his op, kills 77 people, gets arrested without incident, plays the leftist's system to his advantage, declared mentally unfit, avoids death (probably no death sentence available) and life sentence, plays playstation in a super sweet cell, sues system for cash and an upgrade to ps3.
fuck...this man is a boss.
He was declared mentally fit for trial. Meaning, instead of indefinite detention in an asylum, he could only be sentenced to 21 years (or whatever the max in Norway is).
>this thread again
Literally the only hole in his plan is he needs to convince a parole board he's been rehabilitated to get out after those 21 years
Assuming shit continues getting worse, they might let him out, as having a killer with experience would be useful