
Does he even give a fuck to the current state of Marvel Comics and Marvel Television?

he just does enough to not make Marvel go bankrupt

I suppose he'd have to considering he's no longer in the film division.

And yet Marvel Comics is dying.

Why do you think he's no longer in the film division?

Bob Iger kicked him out in 2015. Now Feige is the supreme overlord of Marvel Studios

Does that look like a man who give a fuck about your entertainment?

That's the only photo that exists of him; it was taken in the 80s.
Perlmutter genuinely scares me for that reason.


DCBros welcome Marvelbros with open arms to the joys of reading DC Comics.

He's like famously micromanaging over random shit

He's probably pretty angry that DC overtook them in sales. The guy's a jew to the core. If he's not making enough profits he's not happy. And doing worse than the competition is a complete no.

>Feige is the supreme overlord of Marvel Studios
Iger/Disney is. Once Feige is gone Marvel Studios will be in the hands of Hollywood corporates, not "comic book people". And you can argue Feige isn't that but he's more versed in the Marvel comics than most of the people he works with at Disney. So maybe it's good for now, but Feige isn't going to be at the top forever.

>yfw Feige goes to WB

He has acquired a new body in that time.

Not really. He's still the CEO of Marvel. whatever percentage he received from films are still filling his accounts.

>Marvel is the leftist SJW demons
>Perlmutter literally donated to Trump's campaign

>So maybe it's good for now, but Feige isn't going to be at the top forever.

True. But when he goes, the MCU goes with him in one form or another. It wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Fiege.

>It wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Fiege.
That's not true at all. Feige wasn't a part of the beginning formation of Marvel Studios. You could argue the success, not the creation.


>Hear in Sup Forums that that's the only photo of him that has been taken since the 80s, even thought it looks quite recent
>Look up on google
>Literally the only picture of him there is
>Just discovered he's fucking 73 years old

This guy is definetly dead. Probably kept in a fridge for when Stan Lee needs a new husk

If Perlmutter weren't gay for comics he'd have sold up and fucked off years ago. It's a pet project for him, probably because he read comics as a kid. He doesn't need the hassle and he doesn't need the money.

So, yeah, probably. The question is more "do your different opinions of what is good for comics/tv become invalid because he owns big chunks of a media group and you don't"?

The answer to that is no, sort of. You clearly aren't likely to know anything much about running a multimillion dollar business, much less a publisher (partly because so few publishers are worth that much), so your opinions on what works are really more like ideal pipe dreams than anything that could probably be translated into reality. If you sat down with Perlmutter and talked about Marvel, you'd probably find you have a lot in common - both being long-time fans - but you'd also find that he had realities for you to consider which you weren't aware of, and you might find that you had ideas for him that, despite it being his job and having literally hundreds of people working on it with him, haven't been considered yet. It's remote, but not as remote as the chances of you actually sitting down and having a friendly chat with a very rich man you don't even know, so if you ever find yourself in that situation by all means talk the talk if you think you can walk the walk.

Horseshoe theory

He's just a very socially awkward recluse.
You see a good Marvel comic make an appearance more than he does.