Given that Sam's only the most innovative comedic mind of the last decade.
What are we doing to help get MDE back on the air?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off sam nobody wants to pay for your health insurance.
Why do you guys keep posting Doug Walker on Sup Forums? I thought you hated him, but when he puts on a beanie, you like him? Lame.
Haha this guy is so funny, what was his name again?
He should be in jail for promoting hate speech on his TV show.
lol how the hell can you be over the age of 30 and not have healthcare
Eric andre rip off, fuck off
Didnt his leg get amputated after the drunk driving accident?
Sam Hyde at Adult Swim is a Faustian tragedy.
That's life living in Drumpf's Banana Republic.
i wish he didnt get a weird lame sketch show and managed instead to get a weird mockumentary show in the vein of mde whypz/ williamsburg. that would have been amazing
why don't you all just stay on r/milliondollarextreme?
ha ha! good one Sup Forumsro! Time for another rick and morty thread1
you didn't answer the question
Samuel Haimovich
A complete fuck up with an arts degree
He should have gotten both
amazing how there wasn't a signle thread about it when it was on
Blatantly false.
In that video about toxic people was Sam talking about Charls?
No he's talking about the ex girlfriend who he left Carnegie Mellon for.
Nothing. He could easily monetize himself online and get his edgy lord fanbase to pay for video content but no.
We don't do anything.
We continue reporting Sam for advertising.
Sam? The man's name is Cody aka:Cigar
Do you think he sometimes hates his parents for giving him a name as Jewish as Samuel
Nah, he was clearly talking about Strawberry Shortcake.
>He hinted pretty heavily that it was directed toward a previous GF he had
One thing we can all do is support him on Patreon and subscribe to the MDE youtube channel. We must fight in order to get geniuses like Sam back on air.
fuck off sam
He already does, even if he couldn't afford it MassHealth is a thing.
My family hasn't paid for healthcare in 6 years
He is already rich in btc he doesn't need anything.
I already support him in Patreon. Its getting harder everyday to not stop since he's not really producing quality content. Sure I loved him back in Ideas Man and MDE but lately all of his content has been shit
I love how triggered Sup Forums faggots get whenever you say anything even remotely positive about Sam Hyde. They can't stand it and completely fucking melt down because they can't separate the show from what somebody on plebbit said about Sam's political beliefs.... Fucking sheltered snowflake millennials
this. you can't have a decent discussion whenever Sam or MDE gets mentioned. Always MUH INSURANCE or that tranny image. Why does Sup Forums get triggered by Sam so hard?
>They can't stand it and completely fucking melt down because they can't separate the show from what somebody on plebbit said about Sam's political beliefs
Good one, fellow liberal! Let's BTFO the alt right Nazis together!
maybe if sam hadn't openly been a racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/anti Semitic shitlord. He wouldn't have been taken off the air. and he would have health insurance
Why does he complain about gays constantly, yet dated a transwoman?
Wow, what kind of ignorant bigot thinks dating a transwoman has anything to do with being gay?
I wish they would go back to making comfy things like ideas man and moms etc.
Shitty vertical videos where Sam just repeats a dumb phrase over and over again and doing that fake laugh every five seconds are shite.
I'm donating to the Patreon to support Sam!
okay sam we get it you need money, maybe you should beg tim for some
tim is getting raped by alimony atm. He's in deeper shit than Sam
what a fucking cuck
Don't forget to pay HBO so you can keep watching your YASSS QUEEEN SLAAAAYYY D&D fanfiction!
Tim is a flabby faced beta bitch. I hope he fades away into an aimless hipster shell of a life.
lmao, this is retarded. he objectively does jack shit now, i couldn't care less about his politics. (i agree with a good amount of them too)
Sorry you're so triggered, next time I'll post a trigger warning first. Stay strong, sister!
make some fucking content you leech and stop gambling away your NEETbux on Conor McGregor, he isn't going to win.
Imagine being so triggered you babble about random off topic things like a crazy bag lady pushing a shopping cart
I really fucking love sam and think he's hilarious. however watching his downward spiral over the last year has been really depressing, the man aint doing shit and it's clear his best days are far behind him. even seeing how much he has physically deteriorated makes me sad and sick. personally i just wanna forget about MDE, the thought of it just depresses me now, there's no more fun to be had. if i had to guess the sam hatred bandwagon is probably just anger at how much sam managed to fuck everything up so bad.
all of that is directly related to my original post which states Sam does nothing besides shit vlogs for content.
Tim never got divorced, that forum was made up by one of you pathetic fagboys. He just talked about his wife in an interview not even a month ago.
Funny enough Sam has said he is a fan of awesome show and it's obvious how much he ripped it off.
Sup Forums: A place for bitter alt-left snowflakes to gossip and cry about everything
she's not your wife anymore Tim. Get over it.
>le triggered!!!
t. triggered Sup Forumserina
>one dollar extreme
go back to
Nothing, that show was pure shit. You only pretend to like it because you're a kekistani mouthbreather.
>>>r/ onaldmcdonald
Cool deflection, sista! Everything you don't like is "pol", huh? Maybe you should stay in /mlp/
you only pretend you dislike it because you're a homosexual :v)
The "le random" Awesome Show and subsequent spinoff/copycat stuff never did it for me.
The fact that this guy tries to pander to a burgeoning political "movement" among youth is also too transparent and superficial for me. He's basically the equivalent of a SJW comedian/entertainer. In many issues I lean to the right and in many other issues I lean to the left, but I like art or entertainment that transcends simplistic binary politics. I don't want to watch/listen/or read something simply because it conforms to my political views, that's absurd.
In short, this guy is just a hack and his stuff is too amateurish and relies on "edginess". It isn't so much a unique critique or response to society, but just part of the rest of the flotsam riding the mainstream wave. I can see how teenagers think it's provocative and different though.
But you are Sup Forums, stop denying, everybody sees it.
You ethnic kekistani
Not your show anymore Sam. Get over it.
Imagine being so triggered you see Sup Forums projected onto posts that have no political content
Sam Hyde was the worst performer on MDE World Peace, and he single handedly sabotaged a bunch of promising careers with his backstage fuckery.
Fuck Sam Hyde.
>le triggered!!!!
t. triggered Sup Forumserina
>most innovative
Citation neede
Shouldn't he be funny then?
Lmao, stop it Sam, my sides can only take so much
Real libertarians rely on voluntary charity on Patreon.
I feel like a kickstarter to get him health insurance would be more useful
I don't understand, leftypoltards cry about Sam's healthcare but demand the government pay for theirs..... Really makes you think
I'm not a leftist. I just don't like people who fuck up and blame everyone except themselves. Bitching to Tim heidecker who didn't even have anything to do with it (it was brett gelman) when your show ripped off Eric Andre and awesome show and begging for health care is just pathetic. Be a man. I lost all respect for him after that
He's on the edge
All it's gonna take is one more project gone wrong to push him over.
Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with this guy?
Sam spams Sup Forums personally, it's the one time when Sup Forums isn't actually responsible for ruining another board.
Epic TMZ rant, sista! Dish more! Saucy gossip!
I dunno how they managed it, but Sup Forums occupies space in your head rent free. O B S E S S E D
Good argument sam.
Grow a pair and admit you fucked up and got yourself canceled.
There were multiple threads running at the same time. Fuck off, shill
I have seen this post but with leftypol instead.
Sup Forums even get their zingers from their "enemies", what a pathetic bunch
Great post, Donald Trump! Just admit you hacked the election and killed JFK! And stop making the frogs gay!!!
>Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums
Hello, fellow Jezebel commenters! Great work in this thread! We are the r/esist ance!
They literally have a handful of comedians so they latch to him and act like his show wasn't an average Tim and Eric rip off.
because he made le funny pro blumpf jkes
Boogeyman? Like imagining Sup Forums everywhere? Wow, really makes you think!
"HAHAHHAHAHHA HOLZ SHIT!!!! he called the handicapped guy David Duke and smirked into the camera!!!!! BASED, FELLOW PEDES!!!!!! Le redpillled!!!!!"
I never said anything about Sup Forums in this thread.
I'm convinced this thread is just one paranoid schizophrenic who donated to the Clintons and a bunch of normal people trying to make sense of it
Who said you did? Take your meds, bro
>but muh healthcare
>imagining Sup Forums
You don't have to imagine a thing when there are a daily supply of Sup Forums threads posted here.
Sup Forums is what, the 3rd most popular board on this site? It's no surprise that a community that prides itself on "LE TROLLING CRAZY SJWS XD" would blob out and ruin all the other boards it shares the site with.
In order to ruin something, it must be good first.
Sup Forums was never good.
Welp. This thread is so full of racism and transphobia. UGH.