Describe in great detail what Sup Forums's ideal society would be like.
Describe in great detail what Sup Forums's ideal society would be like
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Mix Imperial Rome with the 3rd Reich and pre-60s America
Lincoln was never shot and that is all
Are you really a meme? Would you rather live anywhere else than you do now?
>ideal society
Not you
All white
All nords
Rest of the world is sterile
totally facist capitalism
not hillary
17th century europe+feudal japan+nazi germany
Watch Dogs 2.
>free speech, no safe-spaces or echo-chambers, ideologies are taken to public
>non-religious, religion is still studied but more in the vein of folklore and mythology
>reveres scientific figures, not politicians
>social democracy (optimum balance of socialist policies and free-market capitalism)
>invests in scientific/medical research, education, infrastructure, alternative energy, etc. - not on the military industrial complex and pointless interventions
>food is abundant and not tainted with chemicals and hormones
>people trust one another
>no shortage of dank memes
What ever the opposite of Sweden is, even being as Poor as Poland and being all white would be preferable to your shitty meme dystopia of a country.
Japan minus weeb/NEET culture, pedophilia, low birth rates
bump for prosperity
>wake up in Sup Forumstopia in the year 2032
>Wake up in the morning next to beautiful, Aryan, anime girl wife
>look the other direction to my nightstand and smile as my photo of the Fuhrer stares at me, its presence gives me hope
>shower, say my prayers to Odin, wake up my two beautiful Aryan children, eat a delicious, healthy breakfast with my children and waifu while reading the news paper
>send children off to school
>get ready for work
>wife stays home to tend to the house
>exit door
>see the local Jewish neighbours are finally found out and have been lynched on their lawn
>smile and proceed to get into car
>turn on radio, orchestral music is playing, in between music the host is an anime girl reporting on the news
>reporter says our Grand Fuhrer is turning 82 years old today, appoints his firstborn son as rightful heir
>arrive to work, work as border patrol at the Donald J. Trump Memorial Wall
>before the day gets started, we all stand up for the national anthem and a televised good morning from the Grand Fuhrer himself
>proceed to spend the rest of the day working, get to shoot a few Swedes and Germans who are trying to climb the wall
>work is over, head on home
>waifu's already cooked supper
>children gleely go on about how great their day was and what they've learned
>straight As on their tests
>spend the evening as their loving papa and give them a good dicking before tucking them in at night
>pray to odin and the fuhrer and go to sleep
>wake up the next day all alone in the year 2016 and begin to weep
Second Reich + Clerical Fascist/Falange Spain
All White, All-American
No Federal Reserve or any private central banking institution
Traditional Catholic/Christian values
Nuclear Family Unit is held as the nation's most valuable asset
Pride in Family and in Nation are valued
De-socialized education
Economically Clerical Fascism, Distributism, or Capitalism
NO corporatism, NO communism
Into the trash it goes.
A white christian and not poor Iran probably.
>Swedes and Germans who are trying to climb the wall
I also forgot
>no large-scale democracy, only small-scale or local matters
>absolute or mediated Hereditary monarchy, with small dense bureaucracy of trusted officials, perhaps even a premier
>no congress, no democratic career politicians
>national court system that is independent of the monarchy
good job on the cucks & germs part
Just have to do my part to keep the non-whites out desu
bump, i want more ideal societies
>spend the evening as their loving papa and give them a good dicking before tucking them in at night
>good dicking
The fuck maplenigger
Taking your fictional childrens' virginity is the duty of a good, wholesome father.