>both of his wives died
What shitty writing.
Both of his wives died
He's a christcuck so he'll delude himself into thinking it's part of "god's plan" or some dumb shit like that lmao, he'll be alright bro.
It's almost funny how bad it is
God was his wife all along
I guess that makes 3 dead then
This guy gets it
*tips fedora*
>tfw no edna crabapel mature teacher to tease you
I know a guy who's been widowed 4, COUNT EM, 4 times. He's 48...
lucky him
Fucking shitty writers
>hurr lets make him a perpetual widow
I can understand one time, but twice?
Fucking zombie simpsons.
He's a serial killer.
Whats he doing hunting for rich grannies?
To be fair, the VA died.
>To be fair, the VA died.
that's the joke
holy fuck
took you faggots long enough
how did edna die?
He lost 2 to drunk drivers, 1 to a red light speeder, and the last to stroke.
He also had kids with each so that's something.
All of those could easily be arranged. Watch it, user.
He was the driver and the one who injected an air bubble into her veins.
They killed Edna? How did she die?
But is Dr. Marvin Monroe still there?