>"There must always be a Night's King."
But what did he mean?
>"There must always be a Night's King."
But what did he mean?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Tell them only that the Night King is dead.. and that Jon Snow died with him."
*an actual good composed song starts playing*
Does that mean the throne he'll sit on is the iron throne?
>vidoe game expansion made in 2008 by nerds and virgins
>still have better music then a 2017 100 Million TV series
Explain this
like good ol Raimi said it where different times
>vidoe game expansion made in 2008 by nerds and virgins
You mean a multi billion dollar company?
>tfw Blizz chose to have a Thrall Mary Sue and shitty Dragon villain expansion instead of doing a decent redemption arc for Arthas
Golden Age WoW was a lot of fun. I don't want it back because the feels would never be the same and genuine, but I did have a lot of fun playing it with my highschool and college friends. Treasured memories of fucking around online.
>tfw nu-blizz and everything the came out post-WOTLK
its a shit feeling lads
>And who are you the proud Lich King said that I must bow so low?
A lot of what made WoW great lore wise was simply it reacting to the story set out in WC3 and 2.
Post WOTLK was when it started making story that was more or less generated internally via new expansions, which manifested itself in other ways (complaints about the story, new gameplay elements, etc).
Everyone underestimates Russell Brower but he made good music for that game long after it went to shit
>tfw legion added demons of the Light
Do you think we'll get a rerelease of WC3?
Finally we can go back to the days of amazing custom battlenet games and it won't be 99% bots that ruined the last one.
wow was never great lore-wise
it had a good lore that served the game well, scrapping and gluing together lore from different sourced like lotr, warhammer, lovecraft, etc but it went full fucking retard in the last 7-8 years
i stopped playing in early cata, but what the fuck?
playing on a vanilla server since march, oh the nostalgia
project elysium if anyone interested, its free and servers are stable
why did it have to be this way
Invincible will always give me chills, and I never even played W3.
He's part of the Paladin class hall campaign. Apparently he got "corrupted" by the light the same way things can get corrupted by the fel or void.
Wait, what? I don't remember that at all
>mfw the WotLK's cinematic spoils this season's GoT
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they got with the "THERE MUST ALWAYS BE AN ___ KING" ending for the White Walkers at this point.
What's the worst expansion?
I'd say Cataclysm.
kys tranny scum
holy shit thats fucking retarded
what race is that thing anyway, looks like a mix between a fucking draenei and a high elf
Same race as Dreadlords
Huh, i kinda can see it now, but would've never guessed it.
It doesnt help that the new WoW model imo are terrible and made an already cartoonish art-direction even more so
The Lich King storyline was amazing.
>here I stand the lion before the lambs and they do not fear, they cannot fear
I'd pay to watch good Warcraft movies. Shame it'll never happen, considering what we already got.
>The Sha
>Lei Shen
All these top tier antagonists and they'll forever be relegated to the game. Truly a shame.
What the fuck
Were they even trying to hide it?