What's the most Sup Forums approved civilization?
What's the most Sup Forums approved civilization?
Britons, Teutons and Byzantine Empire
Third Reich
rife with boyfuckers and degenerates
>The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters.
Japanese. Total discipline; execute degenerates.
In that game? Teutonic
Make Byzantine Great Again
The only correct answer is Teutons for the Knights, Slavs for their Orthodoxy bonus, and Spanish for that missionary unique unit, anything else is a Heathen culture and must be eradicated with onagers and paladins.
>implying it isn't Portugal
But does your army have the resolve of the Samurai?
>not Huna
>not running all over the helpless AI with your tarkan and cav archers and retreating, only to turn back around and blaze through them again
Germany 1933-1945
Fuck me.
>literally have Atheism as a power
>An entire civ of fedora tippers
>not playing as the Saracens and converting everyone to Islam
Teutons because those towers can win you a fight only with their bombard shot.
Just build some walls and train some artillery behind them.
>Spanish for the missionary unit
There's a million reasons to pick Spanish as a civ, even for the meme-tier unique tech, and you pick the worst one.
Aztecs would be the ideal civ for anything monk-related, but then again,
>Aztecs being Sup Forums approved
>Be goths
>turtle up till imp age
>unleash endless trash waves until you overwhelm the enemy.
You sound like a mestizo, user. There is nothing more glorious than a Missionary rush early game to a heathen outpost.
My nigger
Or alternatively
>units costs significantly less in the fuedal age
>rush the enemy villagers and disrupt their economy early game
Obviously the Britons
Most fun to play as desu
Can live in a globalised world without opening the borders.
Demography is the only thing that matters, and all human civilisations failed while the japanese, so far, succeeded.
Japan will be the last human country on earth by the end of this century if nothing is done to close the borders, kill the traitors that opened them and deport/kill the subhumans already present. The odds of those three things happening is very, very small, and we need all three to survive as a civilisation, as a people, as a species.
The europeans will be a short footnote of two thousands years in the History books of the galactic empire of Japan.
He's right though missionaries are shit compared to monks, and you can't make them until Castle age anyway so I don't know wtf you mean when you say "early game rushes" as it is usually not until the 20-25 minute mark that most players build monasteries.
this is probably true t b h
Everyone knows the Mongols are the most OP
double speed siege weapons are pretty OP, especially mongol massed rams can fuck your shit up really quickly.
Celts, cause I'm just gonna put a mangonel outside your tc after I flush you with MAA.
Dat hunting bonus
Redpill me on the first two
A bit extreme but I still agree that Japan will be the only decent place to live in or relate to in the future.
Personally it's already the case as of today.
God I miss playing Age of Empires!
Game is bos.
>Age of empires II
What the fuck...
Those fuccin teeth.
>what is fast castle
Literally use the power of colonial empire to fuel the late game war.
Plus organ guns are amazing.
My second place is spain because muh trade and gun cav.
Third would be Byzantium or Italy because muh trade/ muh defence.
>researching the Spies/Treason technology costs 50% less.
There can be only one
ha ha
Never thought about it this way.
>Literally use the power of colonial empire to fuel the late game war.
This cuts deep, though.
Don't worry
I'm luso
>T.a Viveiros
My grandfather fought in the wars.
My home town is literally littered in the Graves of the men send to Angola.
>not 1871-1918
Barbarossa did nothing wrong (except drowning in an oasis because retard)
What about this game? The dutch were obviously the best but who is second best?
Why did Persians have War Elephants?
Persians archers had to be Op
multiplayer: byzantines or teutons
campaign: huns all the way
>huns do not need houses, let us burn them to the ground
>dutch were the best
Iroquois rush was best before it got turfed
Lotta sliding going on today, sage
Sliding what? The 20 Trump threads? There is nothing going on to slide.
i hated that game
What's wrong with fucking little boys?