>character wakes up
>brushes teeth
>then eats breakfast
Character wakes up
>and drinks orange juice
Why did you use a Homer picture last time and Ned this time?
Just mixing it up my dude
If you have shit taste in your mouth you should get rid of it before breakfast.
>brush my teeth
>eat breakfast
>brush my teeth again
>tfw when brushed this way for years
>tfw never understood why I brushed my teeth last thing at night and then had to brush my teeth again right when I got up
>I didn't eat anything (on purpose) while I was asleep
I wish I wasn't raised by television.
>the feel when when
>female who just participated in sexual intercourse covers her chest with the sheet as she gets up/walks to bathroom
I know it's for rating classification but it's so awkward.
>character wakes up
>feeds on seed
>formerly chucks
are you saying you should brush after eating? because that's wrong dumbass, the acid from the bacteria in your mouth peaks after eating thus weakening the enamel. If you brush after eating you take off more enamel.
>male character walks past woman
>doesn't involuntarily start manually breathing while keeping his head staring at a fixed point to the side of the women so he doesn't make eye contact and get accused of rape
Heh, how unrealistic, r-right guys?
>If you have shit taste in your mouth you should get rid of it before breakfast
>brush teeth
>have toothpaste taste in your mouth
>brush teeth
>eat plain cereal
>all you can taste is toothpaste
This is the way you're supposed to do it though. If you brush right after eating you will wear down enamel which gets softened for a while after eating.
>eat only colgate products
>never brush teeth
>character eats breakfast
>character eats breakfast
>character eats breakfast
>character eats breakfast
>character eats breakfast
>all those undercooked eggs
If you could eat something while you're asleep, that would be a neat trick.
there must be some american out there that has mastered it
>Wake up
>Have shower
>Eat Breakfast
Any other order is plain wrong.
>showering every day
>showering twice every day
fixed that for you.
see Or talk to a dentist. If you brush after eating you are weakening your enamel
>character wakes up
>takes a piss
>gets out of bed
Do people actually do this? What's the fucking point of brushing your teeth if you're going to eat immediately afterward and not brush them again until the end of your day?
Fucking what?
So you eat, then leave the food coating on your teeth for several hours?
Its not food that gives you the shit morning breath and shit taste in your mouth, its the sleeping for hours with a bunch of bacteria sitting there. One meal is not going to fuck up your moutbye
What is this shit morning taste you keep talking about?
Bacteria still grows in your mouth overnight, and the taste most people feel waking up is that bacteria and stale saliva.
Not brushing your teeth as soon as you wake up and after breakfast is disgusting to me, frankly.
>showering twice every day
When you sleep you stop producing saliva. Saliva protects your teeth from bacteria due to a slight acidic ph rating.
That's why you brush in the morning.
>character wipes ass
>then shits
>Character showers
>then takes a shit
>didn't eat anything while I was asleep
That's usually how it works whether you like it or not.
You strip away enamel in your teeth when your brush right after eating, since the acidity of your food spftens enamel.
it's not like you have the toothbrush ready in one hand to insert into your mouth as soon as you've taken the last bite of the food
>character takes a shit
>character takes a piss
>throws up
Answer this .
>tfw i do this everywhere i go and every female co-worker thinks I'm mean
>shave after getting dressed
yeah, no.
It's like with SJW, you can't win.
Brush teeth after breakfast=lose enamel
Don't brush teeth=get plaque buildup
Join the denture master race.
This was in the Arthur theme song and it still fucking triggers me
>He doesn't like the feeling of a poo sliding out his wet asshole
>character goes to throw up
>spits out a mouthful of mostly clear liquid they were clearly just holding in their mouth
He's probably a pleb that uses an electric shaver instead of a razorblade.
>shower before dressing
Unless you're a nu-male, you'll shower with clothes on so that you don't actually have to do laundry
I haven't had breakfast for the last two years
why don't you just brush your teeth the night before like a healthy person?
>eat breakfast in your uncomfortable shirt+jeans
>shave after dressing
Fucking millenial shits.
I think the point is that you should just brush after breakfast
>I didn't eat anything while I was asleep
>the feel when when
summer couldn't end soon enough
Do people actually wake up with a bad taste, despite brushing right before bed?
your order is shit and you are shit, here's how it's done:
>Wake up
>Eat Breakfast
>Have shower
There's no way around it, this is the only acceptable answer
There was a couple (family friends) that insisted I brushed my teeth inmediately before AND after a meal.
As a kid it made me felt like an unhygienic slob. Nowadays I see the couple like asspained dicks regarding that matter.
>character wakes up in the morning
>takes off pajamas and puts on social clothes
>goes to work
>character doesn't scream in agony as he throws up because of the gastric acid burning his throat
this is how you know it's fake and the scene is unrealistic
i dont see spend 20 min pooping or fapping in the shower you are all wrong.
No, you rinse your mouth out, then use mouthwash. If you're really anal about it, wait half an hour after eating to brush.
You got it
>not brushing in the shower
you fucking neets don't have anywhere to be so are liberal with your time kek
You probably shower for 20 minutes
Not him but if you smoke or drink in any capacity and are over the age of 25 then you are guaranteed to wake up with shit taste in mouth
people who sleep with their mouth open do
more like 12 max, im not a womeme
>wake up
That's what I do. I brush before going to bed, I'm not hungry in the morning and I shower/shave twice a week