Did girls in your theater laugh when he took off his mask?
Did girls in your theater laugh when he took off his mask?
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No, but lots of lonely, ugly, self-loathing man-children went to Sup Forums afterwards to pretend they did.
The two girls in front of me were creaming their panties
Obviously the guy's quite the heartthrob
My mom did
Yes. And for the first time I agreed with them
>It's another "Sup Forums whines about Kylo because he's a reflection of themselves" episode
>tfw gf & her friends unironically like him simply for his hair
Case in point.
Not just girls. I think it was mostly men actually who laughed.
I thought it was supposed to be comical. The entire point of his characters was being an edgy teenager.
No, but no one cared who he was until he put on the mask back on
Kids too actually. Lots of kids when I was watching this. A whole elementary school class with a few adult supervisors.
The kids all laughed.
Yeah, my wife did. it's not that he's bad looking, it's just that it's anticlimactic as shit given his role.
I went to rewatch it stoned at the typical pothead hours and people flipped a shit at the demasking. They also laughed when He ganked Ford, so it's sort of relative.
They were laughing at the creepy mouth-breather sitting behind them that kept staring at them and rubbing his balls.
My gf went something like "oh, ew."
She likes guys in masks, big Vader fan. Kyle does nothing for her.
Projecting, bruh?
Why are you upset that the guy with the wonky face and the voice modulator got a few laughs? This was the intent after all.
No since by some miracle they actually managed to make Adam Driver look decently handsome in that movie.
It was definitely intentional that he was made out to look innocent. And it's comical in comparison to how he portrays himself with the mask, attire, voice, and actions.
His whole arc is trying to kill off that side of him.
he score more pusy than you, loser
You realize that they were both standing in the same lane. That's not a gank, that's just a normal kill.
Yeah, exactly. He walks around being a badass and he takes the helmet off to reveal he's your local Starbucks barista trying to be hardcore.
I don't get why some ITT don't like the idea of that getting any laughs.
Yes, but that's the point. Kylo's just a wannabe-Vader, he has no need to wear a mask. He's just a dumb kid. Which means he can't be the real villain.
>She likes guys in masks
it's absolutely a gank. LOL/DOTA didn't invent that term
she likes bane, but doesnt like how buff he is
There are never any girls in my theater. I still bring my movie cape in case I see one but it never happened.
Tom Hardy's Bane is kind of chubby rather than buff so I have to assume you mean "She doesn't like how buff he isn't."
What game did invent it?
>my GF pretends to like my weakling body and wants me to wear a mask because my face makes her pussy dry up
buff is the word she used.
not all girls like /fit/. hence why she's with a pasty Sup Forums stickman like me
gank is from mmo's underage retard
Not at all. Not in any of the multiple showings I ended up dragged to. It's just not that amusing.
Probably Ultima. I remember it on there, and given when that was, they probably invented it.
Holy God, there's nothing more insufferable than a self-loathing cunt that has to cope with how much he hates himself by anonymously pretending to be superior to strangers.
I think girls like him, "I see the ocean, I see the island" sounds kind of sexual
Alot of people did of both genders
this mad from being called a retard
10/10 made me chuckle. Well played sir
You didn't call me a retard, you dense cunt. Sup Forums isn't just you and one other person. How in God's name do you make it through life?
this mad from someone calling someone a retard
You're not terribly bright, are you?
How old are you?
a couple of girls laughed. i still don't get it. he's an amazing actor. it's like laughing at javier bardem in no country for old men with his nerdy hairdo but as soon as bardem said, "call it" you knew this was no nigga to laugh at just like kylo. as soon as i saw his emotionally torn face and seeing stupid bitches laugh at his face, i felt his pain, his isolation, being a child of divorce, i felt like throwing those laughing sluts into one of those metal grinding machines for shitty automobiles alive.
ebin post, upvoted
So you're a self-loathing American teenager whose comebacks are solely made up of things he's read other people post on Sup Forums. Got it.
Just keep proving me right.
not that user
you need to 18 to post here
It's fun to pretend on the internet.
kill yourself redditor fuckface
I think the director was worried a white male might be seen as intimidating so made him look like a complete faggot asap.
Not even memeing, one girl actually laughed out loud and then a few second later when the movie went quite she whispered "why is he so ugly?" while her friends giggled
Imagine being Adam Driver being incognito in the theater and seeing people laugh at him.
Yes they were like what the fuck for real?
Women are pretty dumb
No. I went during the day and it was entirely full of boomers.
The more specific, the more obvious.
Well yeah, the kids expected an imposing dominant presence, not a runt.
Adam Driver is the one who posts these threads. He enjoys it on some sick level, being mocked.
he's a good actor though, he had to pretend to be attracted to that one fucking ugly as sin british girl
My sister said she thought he was hot. My mom though, thinks he's ugly.
It wasn't just the girls.
The first time I saw it a good part of the audience chuckled or did a weird little noise, not just girls. The second time, when I went with my brother, he laughed pretty hard and a few others joined in, even through by the end of it, Kylo Ren was the only character he actually liked.
I think they made the best choice for this role. It would have been boring, predictable and forgettable had they cast somebody with more balanced our features.
He's above average in height, so he gains people's respect despite his face
Everyone did, actually in mine.
When people meme about the jews don't realize it's fucking true. Look at that guy. Think about how the fuck could have that guy landed the role of Han's son and the main villain in the movie. Then you remember TFA is a Jacob Jewery Abrahamic propaganda film with his friends and family and realize how. It's not funny to miscast people just because he's your cousin and such.
>tfw you have to make toys about this guy and somehow sell them to kids
I watched TFA with my mom and when he took the mask off she said to me "he's so ugly!"
Yeah. The girls were mostly just disappointed, guys laughed out of relief
Look at the latest Han Solo film. The lead role went to a guy they reportedly found at a Bar Mitzvah.
Why are heterosexual males so obsessed about other heterosexual male's appearances? is it all just projecting and insecurity?
My mom's comment was that he looked like Cher's kid
legitimately laughed out loud
This dude is actually pretty handsome nohomo
There was some laughter, yeah. I just sighed in annoyance. I'm not even a SW fan, I was just there for you my brother. Even he was kinda disappointed.
Is your brother a big guy?
Old gfs mom cringed and said he was to ugly to be the bad guy
Who is this semen demon?
honestly, of course they would. Why would an average woman go see a movie if it wasnt related to some sexual fantasy. most people dont care to see a good film.
Man, fuck women. They're manipulative, whore-ish, disloyal, and don't contribute anything to society. They'll never do anything for you, or you principles.
>Be in high school
>Be on school's cross country team
>Before every meet, our team is congregated under the team's tent waiting for the races to start
>Coach's wife and 1 year old daughter always shows up about 30 minutes before the race
>1 year old daughter always recognizes are uniforms, and runs up to us to give each individual person on the team a hug
>We look absolutely ridiculous when she does this, and are laughed at by everyone
>One day I get absolutely annoyed when she does it
>She gets to me, and I push her off of me, propelling he about 4 feet in the air
>Coach is absolutely infuriated at me for refusing to baby sit his child, and starts to yell at me
>I start to yell back and tell him how his daughter made our team look like an absolute joke before every race
>Kicks me off the team right then and there
I didn't give a fuck then, and still don't give a fuck now. I stood my ground and stayed by my principles. It's not my fault he's raising a whore for a daughter.
Tell her you don't want a hug
lol it was a good try
He's not necessarily ugly, he just has distinct features.
Everyone was expecting a Papa John's pepperoni pizza but they got a french onion soup from the local place
Finally. Someone gets me.
Poorly written?
Who the hell is exclusively hetero anymore?
What you're talking about is more jealousy than insecurity, if it isn't repressed attraction.
Also watched it with my parents and that's basically what they both said after as well.
Along the lines of "Poor boy looks really unfortunate"
>implying girls laugh at based Kylo Ren
I heard women squeal and moan whenever he was on screen
No, but it was dark so I couldn't see any cringey faces that were made.
Also, did they cast Kylo by using the Christmas special Han Solo as reference? 'Cause, holy sheeit...
Do you think carrie fisher would've have /ss/ if he played kylo
My girlfriend made a 'mmm' sound, for some reason she was super horny when we got back home so that was nice
Everyone did, it was more of a chuckle than a laugh though.
I bet it'll be even nicer after TLJ
Your mom isnt a girl. Stay on topic, plx
I asked my sister's friend and she said kylo was hot as fuck.