Trump General

>Trump Rally in Dimondale MI 8/19/16
>First TV Trump Ad
>Trump Tours Flood Damage 8/19/16
>Trump Hands Out Supplies to Victims of Floods

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer


>Trump Rally in Charlotte NC 8/18/16
>Trump Speech in West Bend WI 8/16/16
>Trump Foreign Policy Speech at Youngstown, OH 8/15/16
>Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump Rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16

>Trump Townhall on Hannity 8/17/16
>Trump on Savage 8/17/16
>Trump on F&F 8/17/16
>Trump on WKBT-TV 8/16/16
>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16

>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck awoo


1st for shitposting


That's better.


my nigga


Kek has forsaken Trump! Repeating numerals confirms


It was 10 minutes before the first presidential debate in which would undoubtedly make or break the election. Trump was already on stage exchanging some light banter between the moderators for the night. Hard to believe this was a man who vilified the media and received that same treatment from them as well. The audience was captivated by his charisma and even the coldest liberal could have been warmed by Trump’s smile.

However, absent from the stage was Hillary…

“Ms. Clinton?” Huma Knocked, “Ms. Clinton we’re running behind.”

Huma stuck by Hillary’s side even in her most intimate moments but there were times when Huma felt she could leave her alone for a few minutes at a time. Huma finally lost her patience and opened the door. There was Hillary lying on the couch kicking her feet. Her pantsuit for the night was completely soiled in feces and strewn across the room. Liquid fecal matter dripped down her leg and as Hillary kicked splattered on the walls and ceiling.

“Hilly made boom boom!” As Hillary stuck her tongue out…

Why can't you guys admit trump is losing? every single poll shows it. maybe if you didn't live in your delusion that everything is ok it could be fixed. Instead of providing counter arguments you just call people shills.



Jesus fucking Christ, Huma thought to herself. Luckily, spare pantsuits were also carried around when Hillary went as she was prone to soiling herself. Unfortunately for tonight, they opted not to put the diaper on Hillary as they thought it would be too visible.

“Aaron, Get the fuck in here you stupid fat nigger!” Huma Yelled. Aaron was Hillary’s personal doctor posing as a Secret Service Agent. Aaron rushed to the room to an overpowering stench and to find the Hillary covered in feces. “Why weren’t you watching her, you lazy nigger?”

“I’m sorry Huma I-“ Aaron stammered.

“Just get another suit for her and don’t stop for fried chicken or something.” Huma curtly replied.

Huma stared at this mess while Hillary coyly rolled around covered in feces. Huma’s patience was almost wearing thin with Hillary. With no faucet nearby the best Huma could do is wipe her down with baby wipes. “Fucking Hell Hillary. If you weren’t so loaded with painkillers I’d slap you around.”

Anti Awoo fools will be punished

top fucking lel

Our god is a vengeful god!

CT for Trump!


Two minutes before the debates were to start Hillary still wasn’t present. Huma had just finished wiping her down. A three foot high mound of poopy baby wipe laid next to Hillary. It was too late for the catheter so she was going to have to hope Hillary wouldn’t soil herself in two hours.

Aaron came back with a pantsuit. Out of breath, he presented it to Huma. “Took you long enough, you fucking nigger. Now, get the fuck out of my sight.”

Hillary kicked and squirmed as she objected to be dressed but it was nothing new for Huma. Childish tantrums and behaviors were the norm ever since she had that stroke. Hillary was so loaded on a myriad of drugs she was longer power hungry woman that ran in 2008. She was in complete control of her corporate handlers.


Thready reminder that #wheresHillary is trending and going like a nuclear powered tsunami on twatter.

Hasn't been censored yet. An avalanche of Hillary hate from the grass roots.

Trump has used the hash, and his tweet has been retweeted so much it keeps showing up at the top of the hash.

CTR officially BTFO!

I'm.thinking of going to parks in New York City dressed as Trump to give either faux speeches or his speeches exactly. His recent addresses have turned quite a few of my friends. Thoughts?

thats so good
>they are eating themselves
>>they are subverting themselves

GODDAMMIT falling for the Jews divide and conquer

Hahaha... you dopes never learn do you? Trump's campaign is but an illusion of hope in a hopeless world. You realize he's fucking PLAYING you? Yep, that's right! His plan was never to actually be president or make america great again, that's just a smokescreen for the establishment's real master plan. He's the carrot that they dangle in front of you to lead you straight into the trap! A bait candidate, a honey pot, a scam, a trick, a hoax, a bamboozle... in reality his campaign is just a way to reel you retards into neat little boxes so the intelligence agencies can identify you as possible domestic terrorists. Even if the fix don't work and Hillary doesn't become POTUS, they have a backup plan ready. Can you guess what it is? That's right, if drumpf somehow wins despite trying his hardest to sabotage his campaign, Obama will just enact martial law to keep his power, and that's where the real fun begins! Yup, you heard me right, y'all will be shipped to those FEMA camps in box cars towed behind squeaky clean brand new high speed trains - america will get new trains whether you like it or not! And there's nothing you can do about it either - think those Assault Rifle 15s you cherish are gonna stop it? I don't really know, I'm not a military strategist. But irregardless, the horrors of the holocaust will be repeated, this time against the American Nazis who supported Trump. Talk about poetic justice, am I right? drumpf himself is probably being paid for his services on the downlow... he already mentioned in a speech that he got a nice house in Pennsylvania to retire in. He'll be laughing all the way to the bank while you cry all the way to the camps. You goys are so easy to fool.

tell me where and when i'll come

This is a great night for shitposters everywhere.

Making that tweet about her sleeping is like playing with fire.

Now maybe Hillary will do 4 rallies everyday because of that. I mean she got lots of energy. CNN told me that.

Shouldn't be too hard. Most white women who are married to Trumpers are getting BBC on the side.
You don't actually think your women are satisfied with pic-related do you?

>hasn't been censored yet
Waiting for the payment confirmation from Clinton Foundation

At least she's consistent with her beliefs, which is more than most liberals can say

Awoofags shall be purged. But for now we have to stick together.

Yeah, maybe the SS won't have to hold her up




How many tweets it at fampai?

The saboteur in Hillary's social media team went the extra mile tonight, as per Le Dilbert Man - pic related

A question to all americans here

Do you think that Trump in the long term can uncuck the major cities of America?


That's actually pretty ingenious

People will think "HAHA YEAAAH FUCK TRUMP", thinking that you're also anti-Trump and you're making fun of them when in reality you're subconsciously planting his message in their head AND you are getting the message out to passerby normies/indies

Every day, I wake up and the world seems a little brighter.

It's like I've finally began to wake up from a very deep nightmare.

this campaign has become boring desu

No brother. Kek has blessed the Awoo posters with his holy numbers. They will help us in the fight against the beast.
So sayth these dubs.

I think it will probably take a generation or two. if he is successful, he will have changed the Republican party for the rest of our lives at least.

I don't get it. What's bad about that?



Too late poster who laps at the smelly shmeg of shillary- Trump is going to win.

all by herself

You'll all have your turn the day of the rope.


Based Landwhales, truly our greatest ally.

>letting them evacuate
>not killing them
Your God ain't shit. Seth Rich never got to "evacuate"

>buying a Sup Forums pass

THESE dubs!

Put your faith in Moloch, son


>How many tweets it at fampai?

The hash itself is over 87K, and that's doubled in the last hour or so.

Currently #2 trending


CTR is BTFO, bent over Mr. Brock's desk, and he is going in dry, out of rage.

That's what I'm saying. This is a brilliant plan to get black men out to vote for Trump

>kayleigh is on
>no one laerts me

Saw a couple of minutes of some trash MSM program tonight. NBC Nightly News I think? Tried so hard not to rage. Format was like this:

>"Trump in hot water again!"
>snippet of Trump talking with no context
>shows some poll of him doing shitty
>talks about Hillary visiting children at hospital or something

Makes me sick how it can be this biased. I bet it's like that every night

Guess again.
Yeah those dubs.
Fuck off cownigger.

>I don't get it. What's bad about that?

Literally nobody will believe it.

Really? Next, Trump will speak in some youth center in a ghetto and CNN will write "Trump reaches out to black voters - but he is white".

far right is a Trump supporter but he never says anything.

I will show you.

O Moloch, curse this thread and Trump's campaign to ruin by dint of your numerals.


Trump BTFO

The afterlife can wait until we make America Great Again. If Hillary comes to power, I'll take my awoo girl and plunge into the darkness

I love Trump, i do, i really do, but he really should've given up on the hat, or the damn jacket.
Don't turn senile on us now.

Thanks anons. Good thing Trump retweeted it, (((twitter))) will try to bury it unless it gets to 200k


dumb as shit dindu

he doesn't want the black guy on the left to deck him.

I think that's the plan. Force her to do more rallies and she'll drop with another stroke within two weeks.

So now King Nigger is deciding he'll visit Louisiana. I wonder if he'll try to stress the fact that he's not going because he felt pressured by Donald, but even making that statement would be an insult to the citizens of Louisiana.

Time to make you fags uncomfortable:

If you're not a poorfag, why haven't you donated to the campaign yet? We have 3 months left! This is the last chance we have to salvage what's left of America. You want to spend your money on Starbucks instead? I donate pretty much every check even though my work is slowing down.

Go donate to the campaign! Make an account for easy future payments!

Guess he didn't like that pic

It's a nice idea, but being a New Yorker; don't even bother. We're too far gone to the hipster/sjw menace. Most people would probably think you're being ironic.

Do it in a place where people aren't already comfortable having their heads up their asses.

They are so desperate.

>>they are eating themselves
>fat people
minor lel


He's already insulted them by issuing a statement not to discriminate when LA has great racial relations.

I'm expecting my Gold Card in the mail soon

>when the left eats itself

>The hash itself is over 87K, and that's doubled in the last hour or so.

Now over 91K, and jumped that much in a couple of minutes.


Hillary BTFO!


Nigga I bought two hats, donated $50 to his veterans rally, $25 another time randomly while drunk, and just bought a $35 Gold Card membership.

>New York City
You're going to get yourself hurt bud


Lemme show you what power a real cowboy has

I already donated like 400 bucks last month. Gonna wait till next paycheck to donate more

>tfw we're turning into berniefags

We will never be salvaged.
We will become brazil no matter who wins.
It's over globalists won

>please clap




There you go.


Kek mocks your insolence.

Roughly $50 a month and I'm a poorfag.


I bet he threw a big girly fit that he will have to actually do his job instead of being continually on-vacation.

Why does Trump suddenly think he can win PA,Michigan,Wisconsin,Connecticut? What gives him the idea he can flip states like those?