What are your opinions on dating people more than ten years younger or older than you? Is it degenerate, even if both parties are legal? Are there stats stating what the children in these relationship turn out like?
What are your opinions on dating people more than ten years younger or older than you? Is it degenerate...
Someone's sister is marrying a 43 year old man with two kids in their 20s. The fiance? 23.
Is he wealthy?
it's retarded.
The last four women I've seen have been significantly older or younger. It's a bit more exciting but you just can't talk to them the same way and build a relationship.
Also if you impregnate a woman over 40 you are rolling the dice with retard babies.
The older ladies are actually quite clingy. The younger are hard to keep around. I banged this 17 year old (legal where I live) and definitely would have liked to see her again. Looked a lot like the girl in OP. Very beautiful.
Older women are just easier but it's so weird. The girl I'm about to go see now is 36 with kids. She is absolutely crazy about the 27 year old dong.
Last woman was 48. She would wash me in the shower like I was her child kinda. Was very weird but damn she was a hottie.
>a guy marries an older girl
No way I'm going to be OK with that
>a girl marries an older guy
I'm not for it, but I guess I can accept it
(by 'older', I mean '10 years older or more')
I guess. Surfs too.
I am a big believer in older/younger relationships. As long as everyone is legal.
The "half your age +7" minimum rule seems pretty solid.
I also have personal experience that indicates women who are into guys much younger than them are generally fucking crazy. Not made for relationships.
I'm so lonely that I would probably date anything at this point. It's starting to affect my everyday life.
An older man dating / marrying a younger woman is fine. But it is obviously more nuanced than just that, a 10 year old girl with a 20 year old man is unnatural and perverse but a 20 year old woman with a 30 year old man is fine. To add in something other than age, I think that looks and character have a bog part to do with this as well, a 40 year old man who is lazy, fat, but wealthy who is trying to fuck 18 year olds purely based on their age and their looks is a degenerate at the end of the day, while a 40 year old man who happens to cross paths with an 18, 19, 20-25 year old and starts to build something more than just a sexual attraction with her while he also is working on himself and keeping in shape and not strictly looking for young pussy isn't necessarily a degenerate.
Im twenty dating a 32 year old its pretty nice she treats me better than any girl ive ever been with im not sure why but shes pretty clingy because she walked in on her boyfriend of 9 years sleeping with a 17 year old neighbor
Nothing wrong with it in principle.
>10 year old is perverse
found the islamophobe. What's wrong with raising a qt as a daughter then breeding her?
God I really want to go to Vietnam or Thailand.
I have no problem with it
My mom was 21 when she met my dad, who was 33
The only place you are going to is jail. You fucking monster.
Did you guys switch flags as a prank or somthing?
>What's wrong with raising a qt as a daughter then breeding her?
USA seriously needs that ban on muslims before it gets worse
Not degenerate.
Historically, in many cultures, men married women much younger than them due to reproductive concerns. Woman also tended to marry older men because, not only did they have more distinguished features, they tended to have more resources which make child-raising easier.
It is also present in human psychology for men to prefer more youthful feature and woman to prefer more distinguished features which are signs of maturity.
why don't you rape your cousin then throw acid in her face when she won't marry you.
>yfw this will never be an olympic sport so you won't ever get a gold medal
Dating is Degenerate.
The Man works, the Wife/Wives pump out babies.
This is how it works.
speaking purely as a thought experiment, is it legal for an American/Canadian/etc to go to a country where the age of consent is like 12 then bring the kid back as a bride?
Tunisia and Venezuela have AoC like this, IIRC.
Nope if your still a us or leaf citizen i believethe aoc laws still follow and you can be charged with sex tourism
Toe ring on each index toe indicates that she is a "cuckoldress" seeking large cocks.
>even if both parties are legal
OK, I guess you're pretty young to have to think of that lol.
if people are in their 30' and above, no problem.
if someone is 20 years old, like this guy, then there are probably going to be some problems, and it's less likely to last -- but he's in a fucked-up situation either way.
But 10 years is fine - moreso if the man is 10 years older than the woman.
Honestly a woman 10 years older would get pretty bored of a young guy, I'd think.
sounds like a really good form of tourism :DD
if there's grass on the field, you've already waited too long.
It doesn't work like that. It's ok for a 70 year old guy start datong some girl 60 years old. More like she can have minimum 80% your age.
Well if theres no grass play in the mud freindo :^)
And i think its great its been almost 3 years now and shes really helped me get my shit together and be an adult in some form and were happy together
What lies are you spewing ?
age of consent here is 18.
My GF that I fucked on Tuesday is 3 months into 18 and I'm 29. Got I love having money in a college town.
it's Angola where it's twelve.
looks like that's the only one.
>What are your opinions on dating people more than ten years younger or older than you?
I don't believe in dating.
A man in his mid- or late-20s marrying a woman at least 10 years younger than him is how it is supposed to be.
>why don't you rape your cousin then throw acid in her face when she won't marry you.
tfw my parents want me to marry my little cousin
After passing my early twenties I stopped giving a shit about age. That doesn't mean that I'd date a 90 year old granny, but that it's not a factor when everything else is good.
Why you ask about "degeneracy" in an Mongol chat room?
How old is she btw?
test drive her first, make sure its a comfortable ride.
I'm not sure how marrying in a foreign country would work. If they have a lower minimum age at marriage could a foreign national acquire a marriage there and it be recognized elsewhere? Fuck if I know, you should ask a lawyer.
Also, the AoC doesn't matter at all, it's not related to the minimum age at marriage.
Why have you not done it yet? How old is she?
how old is she? is she hot?
don't do it! lots of health complications likely!
why are people from the Mid East such goofs about this issue!
I was in Tajikistan and they are all marrying their first cousins too. Weird!
I have a fuck buddy 12 years younger than me. Feels good man.
How fucked up is it to be a shia ? spare no details please, i need red pills, people here hate shia so much and i saw some videos where they hit their backs with swords as rituals pic related
I prefer Shia to Sunni but in the end a muslims is a muslims, who likes ignorants? nobody but other ignorants.
Are you wahhabi m8?
One of the happiest couples I ever knew had a 20 year gap. She was 60, he was 80. Not sure what ages they were when they met
I don't see a problem with it. For women, it is a great idea because they often get to marry into instant stability. For men, it can go two ways. The woman is either a career woman who didn't date much and is getting ready to settle down, or she is a used up slut who can't find good dick anymore. If the former, awesome. A man marrying into a house is really cool. If the latter, betaville.
For the man in the marrying the younger girl, he gets prestige and fresh(er) pussy. And he can "train" the girl to follow his ideals instead of dealing with a bunch of feminist bullshit (I know this because I married an 18 year old when I was 26).
For the older woman, she gets to show off her younger man to her friends, have someone theoretically as sexually voracious as she might be at that age, and they will theoretically die at about the same time based on averages.
>yfw Ali was the only righteous person who could follow Mohammed and Sunnis are just corrupt little imps
>yfw shi'a is the only true way to go
You mudslimes are fucking retarded. Islam lasted about five seconds after Mohammed's death before it got decadent.
The man himself was pretty decadent, too.
I read that as twelve year old fuck buddy. disappoint.
She is 10 at the moment, 11 soon. My family are from the rural regions and this is pretty normal for them to marry early, but I have reservations about it. Also technically under Iranian law it would be a temporary marriage that is then made into a real marriage later on. I have a good job so I think they really just want her gone so they don't have to pay for her anymore and instead I do.
I'm a secret atheist, but those guys are only the most fanatical. Average Shia does not do that.
>so I think they
They being her parents, and since I am unmarried I think my parents are pushing it for that reason.
What are you waiting for??
Are you a faggot?
Is the idea that you are banging from marriage or are you supposed to let her grow up a few years?
>She is 10 at the moment, 11 soon
And you can have her now? Dude, do it. Why the fuck would you hesitate?
>I have reservations about it
Fucking why?
>technically under Iranian law it would be a temporary marriage that is then made into a real marriage later on
This sounds kind of stupid. Why is, how is it not permanent from the beginning?
get the relationship through ideology, because they're undesirable in every other way
get the pussy through confidence, and self-improvement, and self-reliance
Women desire alpha qualities, which is the exact opposite of leftist ideology. People who subscribe to leftism have low self-esteem and need the government to even the playing field with those superior to them.
FACT: It's not a true marriage if it's not consummated on the wedding night.
I'm not religious desu, Sup Forums is scary, i always get labeled as mudslime and get called for naught, stop being mean senpai.
secret atheist here too, good luck bruh, if she cute go for it, don't have kids until you're close to your thirties though.
As long as she's at least 18, it's fine to date 10 years younger. I didn't even ask, several people in my church, which is a fundamentalist one, have told me that so I guess it's fine.
I mean, it's a liability to be with a woman that's already getting older, as far as looks and having kids goes.
I'm 31. What's my youngest limit?
this. I unmatched her because her other photos made her look fat. she's actually quite cute in this photo.
Had messed with this hippie girl who was in an open relationship. Her boyfriend was a total pussy. He was a bit cold but warmed up after I got bored and stopped answering her texts XDD.
He should marry her quick before she spoils!
>pol is scary
you muds love to play the "poor little scared me" card. Cram it.
>What's my youngest limit?
Whatever you like, faggot.
>is it legal for an American/Canadian/etc to go to a country where the age of consent is like 12 then bring the kid back as a bride?
I think there was a court case over this recently. Some muslim was trying to get the state he had moved to to recognize his marriage to his underage bride or something.
You can have sex within marriage, but not outside of it, as long as you are married you can have sex.
>And you can have her now? Dude, do it. Why the fuck would you hesitate?
Cause I feel morally drawn over it.
>Fucking why?
She is so young.
>This sounds kind of stupid. Why is, how is it not permanent from the beginning?
I think it is in case people change their mind, but I am not really sure. Basically a real marriage is from 13 upwards, but you can marry before then as a temporary marriage (this is not what it is called but it does not translate well). Sex is illegal outside of marriage.
Making up my mind on it. I feel morally drawn over it.
Also the story of why Shia do that is self-punishment for not getting to the Battle of Karbala in time to save Husayn ibn Ali.
Would it be degenerate to marry a rich hot 30-40 year old when you're in your 20's?
Yes, your children would have Down's and other shit. Not the other way around, though.
>Cause I feel morally drawn over it.
About what?
>She is so young.
That's a good thing.
>Basically a real marriage is from 13 upwards
So, what, when she turns 13 you'll have to go in and renew it, like a driver's license?
There is no reason for you to not call up your uncle first thing in the morning and tell him "hey, I will take your daughter to be me wife. Lets do this shit, lets make this happen". If you don't do this you will regret it forever.
Only if you're an Abbo.
>people here hate shia so much
Tunisia is almost all Sunni.
>So, what, when she turns 13 you'll have to go in and renew it, like a driver's license?
how old are you?
>Also the story of why Shia do that is self-punishment for not getting to the Battle of Karbala in time to save Husayn ibn Ali.
Sorry faggot but youve been rused. Its derived from a much older Zoroastrian ritual. Mourning of Siavash innit
>Tunisia is almost all Sunni
>almost all Sunni
It's still a great deal and you should totally fucking do it.
Why would you not want your loli cousin for a bride? If I had this chance I would not even think about it, I would say "yes" as soon as it was suggested.
Don't you have like 0.1% not Sunni? So almost.
Don't really care, I don't believe in it. Just giving you the official explanation.
Others make up their minds faster.
The PROTECT act makes it illegal for an American to have sex with anyone under 16, even if they do it in a country where the age of consent is lower. America is never more thorough than when making anti-pedo laws.
>even if they do it in a country where the age of consent is lower
Thanks God I'm not American.
What's there to make up your mind about? Your uncle is literally saying "hey, mate, you should take my 10yo daughter off my hands" and you have to think about it?
It's a bit odd, but there's nothing wrong with it.
As a man, It's in your best interest to marry a younger woman
[spoiler]And then replace her when she's in her 40-50's and your kids are grown up[/spoiler]
If I really want to do that, how she will deal with that change, costs of it and in the future.
You're not more on reddit, faggot.
I'm 26 and I've dated 18-21 year olds exclusively this last year. I'd ideally want to keep one that's around 25 and 9/10. However, I'd settle for a 8/10 if she was 19-20. It's the right age to catch her before she falls into the abyss of nihilism that is being a woman in this age.
>Paki`s opinion.
>how she will deal with that change
That's why it's best to do it when she's so young, so the transition will be easier on her.
>costs of it
Cost of what? Having a wife? You'll have to have one eventually, they're not going to become less costly.
>in the future.
Your future with her will be better since you've been with her since she was little.
Doing this will be the best decision of your life.
I guess, you make a good argument.
I'm 33 and my girlfriend is 18. Come at me.
So, are you going to do it? If you do you should come back and tell us how living the dream goes.
Is she hot? Describe her.
hearty kek, here's your (you)
How does it work with marrying children off, do daughters have less value as opposed to a son?
What is your responsibilities towards her family, especially considering that they're very religious. Will they expect you to keep her in their faith and not be too lax about it etc?
I had a somewhat clingy 38 year old, who was married, after me when I was 23. Thing is, I was I friends with the entire family, but she told me on a few occasions that she had feelings for me. She and I were real, real close, but I only looked at her like an older sister. She was attractive, sure, but it was weird.
>come at me
is that an invitation to fuck your gf, cuck?
Sounds shit m8 I feel bad for you
It is natural and best to go for the youngest and purest you can find.
Yes, and I come here every so often so just hang around for Iran flags, I have only seen a few others from here on Sup Forums so one will probably be me. She is cute, but quite small and thin, she seems so fragile to me.
In rural regions they do because of economic pressures, a son is better to take care of you when you get old and a girl is effectively a drain on resources. Also a girl marries off into another family generally, so she joins their family and not the other way around, so except for a dowry or something like that there is not much to gain but a lot to lose.
>Will they expect you to keep her in their faith and not be too lax about it etc?
I keep religion on the outside so to speak, my atheism is secret.
>do daughters have less value as opposed to a son?
It's probably more "why keep her around when she could be somebody else's problem?" kind of thing.
>She is cute, but quite small and thin
Mm, perfect.
You're making the right choice.
I learned alot about Iran today
Interesting, but scary too
I've know a lot of Iranians, and it seems you guys mostly treat religion as tradition, and less as an actual religion.
Except for the converts, or just people that find god later in life, those guys are nutjobs. Though most of the people i knew were from pretty relaxed areas, i get the feeling your entire country is just so used to yelling allahu ackbar that you don't know how to stop even if you don't remember why you did it in the first place lol.
In any case, good luck keeping your atheism secret, is it safe for you to post it here? Maybe better to be silent about that sort of thing.
There are plenty of serious believers here, diaspora are over representative of non-commitment is my guess, and I am pretty sure it is safe, been posting here for a while and nothing has happened yet, but tradition is also a big thing, true.
of course it isn't degenerate. men are designed to want to fuck the most attractive women available and their looks begin to fall off hard in their mid-20s
legal age and up
In any case, good luck figuring things out.
You need to wait until she's at least 16 for anything sexual, else it'll mess her up mentally.
>32, clingy
thats's called baby rabies
it's not because she walked in on an ex cheating, it's because she's trying to secure fertilisation for her eggs
watch your condom supply and get the fuck out of there leafbro