Do you honestly believe that YOU can defeat Islam...

Do you honestly believe that YOU can defeat Islam? We muslims will conquer the west and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. We won't defeat you by war or terrorist attacks, but through outbreeding you whites. We muslims have 7 to 8 children (Inshallah) per wife and once you add 3 wives you will end up with 21-24 children per muslim, where you whites barely have 1 child and maybe 1 dog. And this happens because you looted our lands in order to drive your €50k Mercedes and buy more houses. Your wife and daughters will breed with us and wear headscarfs while we outbreed you from existence.

kek what world do you live in kid

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A leaf lmao

A leaf lmao

haha mad kaffirs

Persians will reconnect to their Zoroastrian myths and will ethnically cleanse the land of all Arabs. We will make a garden of heads out of Arabs in Mecca. We shall burn Mecca to the ground and not a single one of you shall be alive.

"To conquer Persia and force Islam, the Arab invaders resorted to many inhumane actions including massacre, mass enslavement of men, women and children, and imposition of heavy taxes (Jezyeh=Jizya) on those who did not convert. By the order of “Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb” in Gorgan so many Persians were beheaded that their blood mixed with water would energize the millstone to produce as much as one day meal for him, as he had vowed.[3] The event of blood mill has been quoted by the generations of Iranian Zoroastrian families to this day, yet our books of history have been silent about it. In recent years however, disenchanted Iranian scholars have been writing about the blood mills and in fact this event has been reported by our historians of the Islamic era."

just gotta keep them contained
they will kill each other eventually

Good luck affording that many kids with our shit economy bro.

the moment you touch mecca is when the sunni world will wake up to the rafidah
we are in the west and more will come inshallah, from turkey from spain, to france and germany

i dont care if im poor, my parents raised us 8 children on welfare, most of us are engineers, we will afford it

remove kebab