So was shaw already dead before David attacked the engineers...

So was shaw already dead before David attacked the engineers? I can't imagine her letting David do this before she got the answers she was looking for.

Bump for answers.

It's not like she could stop a terminator. Also the ship had cryochamber

No one knows the timeline of her death because ridley is a fucking hack director.

She was either in a cryo chamber or dead already

Forgot it shows you her going into cryo in the YouTube stuff.
This film is so frustrating, I've watched it 4 times now to try and like it but it's just plain shit. I'm rewatching alien right now to try and get it out of my head.

>hype up going to their world in Prometheus
>kill them all in 2 minutes

>Shaw fights to survive the entire movie including an improvised caesarean to remove an alien
>in the end despite everything she decided to go on searching for answers, something David doesn't understand because she's human and he's just a robot
>kill her off screen

Shaw was nothing but sausage filling by the time he got to the Engineers. He genetically engineered the xenomorphs from her eggs.

What do you think Daniel's fate will be? I think with all the other humans to experiment on he'll keep her alive as a sort of human pet as company and she'll eventually fuck his plans up.

It seems to be one of the traits of the franchise, they did the same with Newt in Alien3.

I don't know, but if they're planning another sequel I hope they don't waste the last half hour on a twist so predictable that it feels like an insult to the viewer.

>from the moment the two are together think "the obvious twist is one replaces the other"
>pray the whole time they'll be smart about it
>pray the whole time it'll be you THINK david kills walter and takes his place but actually walter is brainwashed and decides that david was right all along

>get to the end
>they swapped places what a tweest!!!

>influx of threads about a movie months after release

Torrent must be out. Fucking shut-ins.

Paying to watch this shit.

>paying to support this crap

The twist was the final insult for the viewer as far as I'm concerned. It would have been better if Walter was brainwashed or reprogrammed to help David. I was kind of hoping Walter damaged David and it was Walter who got back on the covenant and the film plays out with Walter putting everyone to sleep but ends with David reactivating the engineer ship and taking off to find them.

It's kind of beautiful in a way. It shows that sometimes despite doing everything we can, someone better will just shit on you and nullify all of your efforts. Also master trolling.

she'll be featured in a 5-minute promotional prologue where David experiments on her and the crew

there's no way in hell that Ridley would've let David die off-screen for boring Texan clone. He had plot armor up the ass. People assuming this was intended as a tweest are maximum dolts

>pray the whole time it'll be you THINK david kills walter and takes his place but actually walter is brainwashed and decides that david was right all along
I was actually expecting this. Boy was I wrong.

The other problem with the shitty ending they gave us is that the sequel will either have to bring in a new set of characters, or somehow try to explain how David fucked up and let Daniels and some other humans wake up and fight. Because otherwise the franchise is over, David is in control and can create 2000 aliens and take over Earth whenever he pleases.

Shit, maybe Walter isn't dead. He figures out how to repair/use the engineer ship and takes off to save them. The way David looks behind him after he wins the fight with Walter always had me wondering if he was expecting Walter to still come looking for him.

Was the entire population of engineers in that footy stadium?

It's a big game.

For you

Why were the Prometheus's in the stadium the size of normal humans? When Walter and friends were running from the Alien and going through all the statued Prometheus bodies they were the same size as them

What will the next movie be about? Independence Day but with xenos?

>unfathomably advanced alien race that created humanity
>one autistic robot steals a single one of their ships and kills them all instantly with the push of a button
>they had no contingency plan for this
Scott is such a fucking hack, jesus christ

Whats our contingency plan if someone activates all the nukes on Earth? Is God such a fucking hack, jesus christ?

it's actually worse and more unforgivable than Alien 3 TO BE HONEST

For one, activating enough nuclear missiles to wipe out humanity is a lot harder than literally one guy stealing a ship, pushing a button, and killing every single person on the planet. Humans are also not a race advance beyond anything imaginable who created another intelligent race.

>Humans are also not a race advance beyond anything imaginable who created another intelligent race.
Neither are they. Did those pathetic plebs look like the supersoldiers at their military installations?

What's our contingency plan?

someone that literally knifes you in your sleep isnt really "better", you just happened to cross paths with a psycho.

>every engineer on the planet was in a football sized field

>super tech alien race
>stone dwellings
>no procedures in place for random ships showing up and fucking you sideways

Carving mountains into houses is harder than making cucksheds out of wood or metal, why do you think we don't do it?

There's a theory on youtube talking about a internal division between regular engineers (the stadium lmaos) and "alphas" (like the one who drinks the goo at the beginning of prometheus).

Of course it doesn't make sense at the end. The director is a hack and changes his changes his preferences around.

>david crashes spacecraft
>no survivors but him
bravo ridley

Actually, why the fuck did he crash? It's clearly shown he's capable of flying it.

why didn't david clean the corpses?
10 years nigga, 10 years you could have cleaned that shit up in 3 months

Someone said it's not the original engineers on this planet, explains why there's no other ships.

From an interview with Ridley Scott where he was asked about what happened between Prometheus and Covenant
>"After discovering the engineers plans Shaw repaired David and they then set off from LV-223 to the Engineer home planet to continue their quest to answer why humans exist and their potential destruction"
>"blah blah blah something something something, the Covenant crew find David, etc etc. whatever Alien 1"

Too busy playing the fucking flute. I can't believe he never repaired the ship and fucked off to find another planet to fuck over.

Ridley needs to fuck off

cameron needs to fuck off and never return as well

Who would actually make a decent alien film?

Those heels


she's a big girl

Zack Snyder


It probably wouldn't have been good, but I was curious to see how Blumpkin's Alien movie would have turned out

lol it really isn't. Any general can turn a key and cause all the nukes to go off- like in Goldeneye

>we accidentally nuked the aliens and crashed the ship
>turns out david nuked them on purpose

>he crashed the ship anyway

>everybody blown away about finding alien life
>cast spends 1/3 of the film in sheer awe

>no one brings it up

if she was dead how did she manage to crash the ship and send that song?

>engineer home planet
>it's just one small city surrounded by forests and mountains
judging from the inside of the big building they had 0 technology as well other than the docking thing

>he crashed the ship with no survivors

The first group was a bunch of scientists/archaeologists that were out to find alien life though, so they were understandably excited. Group 2 seemed too dumb to care.

That's what I meant when I started this thread.

>i mean, sure, david is friendly with an alien that killed one of my crew members- but he's assured me this egg is perfectly safe so i'm going to stick my head in it

why did david kill the engineers?

>judging from the inside of the big building they had 0 technology as well other than the docking thing
You have to wonder how such a primitive society managed to build such a big spaceship and space station the size of a small town.
I would guess you would have to mine out half a mountain to get the materials for such a huge metal construction, but where are the mines, miners and all the machines needed to build it?

You would imagine a much bigger society would be build around creating space faring ships like entire cities pop up around a shipyard.


>handful of people in change of the lives of thousands
>crew contains couples
i mean, come the fuck on

>colonisation mission
>they don't send any couples, everyone has to hope there's someone there they want to spend their lives with
i mean, come the fuck on

He didn't care about them, he just wanted to make some xenos


wat a slut

>People only marry their one true love

Drop a hundred thousand people on an alien planet, getting them to fug isn't going to be a problem

>crew contains gay couple
Nice colonizing there you fucking bozos.

I watched it last night and just felt so empty inside afterward. Like the past 2 hours of watching that movie might as well have not happened at all.