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A shame some movies opt for tons of CGI by default instead of only filling it in for what can't be done practically.

That would require more money and effort, though. We can't have that in capeshit, which is the movie equivalent of McDonald's.

CGI always looks fake when it's too well lit. The lighting on the Cyborg pic looks as if it could have been mid day. The fact that they put so much effort in making that shit makes them too proud to put realistic lighting and texture on it.


this isn't unique to superhero movies


The prosthetic and make up on original Robocop will forever be out-fucking-standing.

Funny considering Cyborg predates Robocop


I don¨t see much difference in quality desu. Marvelfags just looking to shitpost

unless cyborg have mask on most of the time it gonna cost a lot for the action seq

>I don¨t see much difference in quality

Don't make the bait so obvious next time.

So how come Robocop could spend the entire final act maskless then? And on a fraction of the budget the JL movie has too.

its obviously shooped to look worse than it actually looks just to bait people

>one's for grown-ups and the other is for manchildren
color me surprised

well it's not a crazy flying capeshit action scene for one of the 7 capeshitter

Just like the Robocop remake design bottom simply lacks any believable grit and looks like someone cosplaying. Even toys can't compare.


It's not because I made it.

>why can't cyborg be practical effects

How the fuck are they supposed to build Ray Fisher a robotic suit that actively shapeshifts and transforms?

His arm's supposed to turn into a big handcannon, parts of his body get covered by secondary armor and his hand retracts into itself to release wiring to hack into computers

but no, you're all "capeshit's too cheap for practical alien tech robotic suits"

>humans have similar body shapes which limits costume design

The head is the real bad problem. And the way it reflects light, it looks all wrong.

Oh, please that's not at all impossible. It would be hard and it would require some CGI, but there's no excuse for his default form looking like a PS3 character.

*rubs head*
*looks side to side*
Uh... Who....
*lowers head then looks back up*
Who thought that this was a good idea?

ayy zack mask u sumpn

They can just cgi everything from neck down and it would look a lot better.

Does cyborg say booyah?

He has to because muh nostalgia but it'll be really awkward and out of place

some video games look better than that. The shaders/textures are disgusting.

Is that giganigga meant to be cool looking?


I don't like that his robot eye is sculpted like a human eye

it looks dumb

There was zero reason to make the whole suit CG, it's not like he has a weird impossible body-shape or something. Making a practical suit with some minor CG enhancements would have made it look 1000 times better.
DCU doesn't give a fuck though, they are just trying to rush as fast as they can to catch up with Marvel. And DC fagboys will defend it because muh brand loyalty.

Only Snyder could approve this design

>for what can't be done practically.
That's literally why they've made it CG. It's 2017, action sequences are very elaborate and impossible to do with live-action practical effects. Are you even aware that many shots of Superman and Batman in BvS were done entirely in CG?

Seriously, just make a suit and have green segments to CGI out.

Looks better than any Marvel product to be honest

Sure, but at least Cavil and Bin al Fleqqi were real and had real costumes for the scenes where they aren't flying around and shit

There are tricks to achieving these things. If you want the hand to retract into itself and do other weird stuff, build a fake fucking arm.

We are talking about the bottom one.

It looks worse than Ultron

Top pic, sure. Bottom pic, doesn't even light a candle to Marvel's costume design. Cyborg looks like a turd Megatron shat out.

*breathes in*

>old robocop mimics the culture of Detroit then: cars

>new robocop mimics the culture of Detroit now: black

He's gonna get you.

*rubs chin*


Movies that aren't capeshit and don't require mandatory re-shoots of like half the movie tend to pull off convincing CGI imo. It's just integrated so well that it's hard to discern. I've noticed that directors who're good visual artists like Ridley Scott tend to be better at adapting modern techniques. Verhoven was one of the first to even try CGI though, he just knew how to use it. it's a shame that these flagship movies are a legitimate downgrade from what we had 30 years ago.


Yo when did Iron man start outsourcing to OCP?


They're making a robocop video game where you can personalize your character and be a nignog if you want? What's wrong with that?

the 2014 costume is fucking great though

nah it looks like plastic

No it's gay as shit.

>Team of superheroes
>Always has the obligatory CGI team-member

When will this meme end?

Blows my mind whenever I see it. The costume + Peter Weller's amazing fucking robotic movements really elevate that movie to something incredible.

but he IS wearing hockey pads

>action sequences are very elaborate and impossible to do with live-action practical effects

The non-robot hand triggers the fuck out of me. Pun sort of intended.

At least the suit was real

>Are you even aware that many shots of Superman and Batman in BvS were done entirely in CG

Oh, we know.


It looks fake as fuck.

>Put in all the time and effort and money into making practical effects.
>Some executive says "fuck that go full CGI" after everything's done in the effects equivalent of throwing a can of paint on the Mona Lisa.

Even when they go practical they still find ways to fuck everything up.

Yes, and that's why all of them were boring and forgettable.

>That Captain King
Almost as terrible as 343s re-design.

yeah now look for the bts nightmare that Weller had to go trough and all the problems with the suit

but no, god forgive anyone else not going through mysery for the art of capeshit

why put in effort and succeed when you can be lazy and fail


Bottom pic looks like a PS3 game.

Damn Robocop is starting to look corny as fuck

Wasn't as good as the original but it was a solid movie to watch on a plane

>being such a Sup Forumseddditer that you have to critique kino by comparing it to a jap console.
Does pic related look good to you?

>being stupid enough to assume that I'm a MCU cuckboy
For the record, pic related looks abominable.
Now go fuck yourself, you presumptuous faggot.

why must they ruin everything

Cgi equivalent of that one Jesus painting

Are practical effects a relic of the past?

holy shit this is so cringeworthy

>Are you even aware that many shots of Superman and Batman in BvS were done entirely in CG?

I keep feeling like the Signal prostetic look better than that.

That's where I saw it too. On a flight back from Japan.

Really makes you think

>Only Snyder could approve this design
He'd shake the camera so hard you couldn't focus on it in action sequences anyway. CGI or live action.

It all looks stupid, so they literally shake the camera so hard you cannot focus on anything successfully, which would give you a brief glimpse of unbelievable stupidity.

So he's a low-rent Star Lord while he's at it, too.


Even better.

Hi Sup Forumseddit

The old Robocop was slightly clumsy and large and machine-looking, like a robot should be.

This is fucking Batman in body armor.

There is a reason why filmmakers wouldn't shut up about fury road, they are the ones most impressed because average viewers don't really understand how stupidly difficult that movie was to make.

Probably why they looked so shit.

For comparison.

Are you seriously trying to say that BvS looked good?

>Are you even aware that many shots of Superman and Batman in BvS were done entirely in CG?

video game cutscenes look better than this

Aside from the quality of the cg, how do you cut a car perfectly in two with a 2.5 ft sword? Magic or otherwise, there isn't enough blade to make contact with the entirety of the circumference of the car to do anything but make a hole in it. To make fantasy believable you have to acknowledge shit like that. This fucking movie is terrible. Entertainment for homeschooled FAS children.

Careful, don't want to trigger the DCucks. They'll post a webm of some Marvel movie to make themselves feel better

this can't be real

So I take the Humvee, fly it right up to the police officer, drop it at his feet, I'm like, "You should probably move"

the grey one was better

Arent practical effects way cheaper than cgi?