Does Sup Forums consider themselves morally superior to their opposition?
Does Sup Forums consider themselves morally superior to their opposition?
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No beacuse morals are subjective burgerbro
depends on what opposition, i suppose. quite superior to the super left-wing sjw's who think white people today deserve to be punished for things that some white people did a long time ago
I don't believe they're subjective and you can't prove it. I dare you. But yes I consider myself of the highest moral standards. Everything is Good vs Evil to me.
Is that you OP? You're beautiful
No homo
>Moral relativism
>Being over 18
Of course not... degenerate
I firmly believe the reason everyone in real life hates me is because I'm so much fucking better to them. I'm practically a saint. I'm so morally superior and they hate me for it.
You just revealed your faggotry before even checking the filename
>degenerate tier
Depends on who you mean by "our opposition".
If you mean the standard leftists, then no, I don't feel morally superior, as I'm not a sociopath. I just think they're misguided. We both have the same general end goal, to protect and help people, I just feel that our path will lead to that and theirs won't. I'm sure they feel the same way.
The far leftists who knowingly misinterpret and propagate lies, I suppose I do feel morally superior to, again not because of my politics, but because I wouldn't stoop to lying and they would to reach their goal.
I do.
>no one says "yes"
win by default in most cases. most people aren't even trying.
Yes because:
>morally consistent
>actually takes reality and human nature into account
You cannot be moral, while simultaneously not being morally consistent. All that means is you want benefits, while using morality as your shield and sword. Consistency is key, if you're not consistent you're not moral.
Leftist see rightists as evil amoral demons, rightists see leftists as misguided. You can be both moral and misguided.
yes; we're right
Morals are not objective.
That does not mean that there isn't a set of morals that is ideal which nurtures and grows society.
But yeah, morals actually are subjective. The problem is people don't understand that some morals can actually undermine the success of a society.
Sort of, rather I believe our enemies use fake morality and the left has been taken over by the establishment, no doubt some of them are genuine but they're all puppets for their jewish overlords. Just look at the tactics, complaining about racism then blaming whitey for everything, fear mongering etc... basically the left does everything they accuse the right of doing then try to act morally superior about it.
>one of my moral laws is that all real morality is objective, so if it's true for me, it's true for everyone
>my moral laws are true for me because hurr durr relativism
>objective moral laws exist
QED dumbass
We are objectively morally superior because we seek the truth and they are constantly trying to hide the truth.
This is so fucking accurate. I wish more atheists actually understood what spirituality is rather than arguing about Genesis and feeling superior because they can disprove the creation myth therein.
>Morals are not objective
They are under a greater being.
logically yeah, cant say about morals, its different for every person
This 100%.