Why Kojima is genius ?

Why Kojima is genius ?


Can Russians even afford video games?

because he isn't and you're a brainlet

you obviously never played online game on european servers

we can afford more than you

He is hated by Konami.

They sure as hell can afford dota 2


тoвapищ, a эти нeлюди нe пoнимaют пpикoлa чтo-ли ?

He came for a game show in my country and did a bunch of interviews and took photos with fans, most foreign developers never come here.

Этo внyтpиpyнeтoвcкий мeм. Кoнeчнo oни eгo нe пoнимaют.

A gaming console here is 4 times more expensive compared to US price, only the richest here can afford that. Brazilian shitty lower currency money can't afford american heavy taxed products

He was genius.
Now he is just all talk.

Why you say that? Because he went hollywood?

He is disliked in Japan

literally only J*p who makes good games
MGS 1 and 3 were cool, Phantom Pain is a very good stealth game but bad MGS

because his games sucks

Metal Gear Solid 3 was his last good game.

Because he has a total commitment to giving his audience a unique experience that's as enjoyable as possible.

>Snake I know you just wanted to save your game but hol up for a sec I want to tell you all about some obscure trivia of a 1920's Hollywood movie

He is draining Sony dry

He works hard