Mods keep deleting podcasts and Youtube content. We need a new board for /alternative media/.
Mods keep deleting podcasts and Youtube content. We need a new board for /alternative media/
Yeah, we need /alt/ - Alternative media
And /gos/ - Gossip and Celebrities
There's five official Sup Forumss and another ten unofficial Sup Forumss. Go there.
Also based mods.
Can they remove the rangeban from my ip they placed because I was reporting youtube trash as off-topic?
a celebrity board will never happen because it'd be a lightening rod for celebrity nudes, which petrifies modern Sup Forums.
we need /film/ to have a slow board for non-mainstream film discussion like /lit/. It's very hard to discuss anything properly when the average thread is archived in an hour
We had that board, it lasted a day
Autoban anyone who has posted on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/ on the last 48 hours
Autoban phoneposters
A mod explained that the podcast must have an actor in the show. For example the Joe Rogan Experience if he has Jamie Foxx who is a singer and actor it can stay on the board, however if Joe's guest is Eddie Bravo, the conspiracy theorist, then the thread has to be deleted. Luckily the mod was generous enough to explain and didn't ban my ass.
More cunny
What if James Woods is on and only talk about politics? That's why we need a new board for alt media
The reality is that if you grew up in the 2000s and 2010s like I and many other Sup Forums users did then Youtube and ecelebs were your generation's tv, much more so than televised tv. They should be allowed on tv or get an alternative media board, which sounds like a great idea.
If James Woods talked about politics in some parts of the show then it's alright because Joe would just discuss other topics such as life as an actor or movies which he usually does. He doesn't stick to one topic really. I agree with you though that there needs to be another board for the discussion of other media like podcasts.
I agree to be honest. People post a lot of youtube stuff here because there's no other place for it. Sup Forums is unusable.
April fools doesn't really count. Besides /lit/ ought to be a lot slower than /film/ and /lit/ still exists.
Half the board on Sup Forums are completely dead and they still exist
I agree my fellow Sup Forumsolguy
Banning YouTube is a good way to get rid of underage shits
Take it to Sup Forums or /trash/ where it belongs.
What if people realized modern politics is nothing but meaningless us vs them posturing and stopped giving a fuck about politics?
Make it a blue board. And celebrity nudes are already all over /hr/, /s/ and Sup Forums.
It's never gonna happen. The mods are a bunch of plebs. Didn't even give Sam Shepard a sticky.
Also, I got a warning for making fun of a Sup Forumstard. Fuck this board.
You already made this thread you swedish cross-posting gook trashman
Because that stops people from posting porn
It's already here on other boards. Besides /hr/ already acts as a /cel/ board which a lot of people on /hr/ don't like. Might as well split them.
Mods need to know
>people on the celebrity board don't like it being a celebrity board
the complaints have to do primarily with people posting low resolution dogshit images of their waifu because its it their waifu
There are people who post other shit there who complain about 80% of the threads being celebs.
Then make it on /qa/, submit to /feedback/ or go to their irc channel. It's already been explained to you why your trash is deleted you chronic anti Sup Forums shit poster