Is it too late for America?

USA= 40% White by 2040

So what?

More than likely. Trump is basically a last ditch effort to stop America from turning into Brazil 2.0.

Is this for Whites or Non Hispanic whites?

At least there's always Japan/Poland

Import 3rd world people, import 3rd world problems.

Seeing as how whites and Hispanics marry at a high rate America will always be white.

waaa waaaaaaaa the Jews are the reason I can't get a girlfriend to breed with

>Southern texas gains whites
I call bullshit

I'll move to Europe or something

America will still have 200 million white people in 2040. We'll be fine.

>tfw foreign people are out-breeding you

i feel bad for you son



>last ditch
felt the same about the brexit vote. No point voting for anything ever again if it lost, just prep for the inevitable decline.

They are also out dieng us

Can somebody explain Alaska?



Look at a brown """""""Hispanic"""""" then look at a fucking indian. THEY ARE THE SAME



look who failed 5th grade history

Why aren't white people having kids?

>Charlotte, Nashville, Atlanta, and Charleston getting whiter
>entire northeast is red

gg niggerlovers

yes, Australia is the last bastion for white people in the anglosphere

Disgusting would be more accurate. White western women have been corrupted by feminism and made obsolete by the submissive Asian Goddess. This chart does not take into consideration half white/ Half asian daughters who are the future of the Aryan race.

The message I'm getting here is that I should move to Alaska.

Did you know that White, college educated men can donate their sperm for $50 a jizz? And each jizz can make more than one baby?

One problem with that image. At least in America women are net receivers of gov't assistance. They don't pay in as much as they take out. Specifically white men are holding up society. Everyone else is leeching from us.

>madison gains white people

kek bless

>Hispanics are white

yeah, and brazil is First World country

>mfw live in one of the only Southern counties with increasing whites.

I miss when nations would just go to war when they want to take over. I wish Mexico would just attack the U.S and get obliterated, as ridiculous as that is. Same for Europe. This new trend of passive agressively invading through births is so fucking lame.

Yes. Our only hope is to balkanize. Or go back to Europe and cleanse our genetic homelands of all shitskins.

Yeah, I'm getting tired of war of feels too.

We're being hit with these foreigner scum as well and they think we owe them something and if you ever try to shut them down they get really aggressive and bring up the aboriginals sick of these arrogant fucking muslims in my country.

If you removed the word "hispanic" and separated Spaniards from Mestizos. Would that change anything? Why do you classify them under the same race anyway.

Most people labeled Hispanic in america are brown indians but we should at least remove the word hispanic and go back to separating Spaniards and mestizos to be considerate to Spaniards

There's at least a couple million non mestizo hispanics in America with white or at least italian tier skin

When the actual Americans are the minority it will not longer be America it will be something else.

Something like brazil.

A spic is a spic. You will all be WALLED OUT come November.

what about the colonist?

>border areas in Texas gain

Yeah someone explain that to me too.

Most peculiar indeed

>implying that latino birthrates won't drop as they are assimilated
>implying trump won't be elected
>implying that when whites realize what a non-white majority entails their birthrates won't skyrock


>they predicted the wall

fuckin time travelers, man


When it is 0%, 1 person is a gain.


Its time to move to Alaska, shitskins can't survive in cold climates, its a haven for whites

>TFW you will never live in the 50s

Alaska here i go.


luckily we can get muh gunz

REEE fuck off spic. Alaska is white man's land.

The US will collapse in 5 years screencap this

I would actually like to see this

Imagine a world where humanity branched into two different species
One part is all the black n brown peeps
The other part is the white and east asian mix

Would be pretty interesting

>spics flood in
>get labeled white
>see, no white genocide