>post here daily for years
>haven't found an interesting thread in over a week
Time to move on I guess. Why does Sup Forums suck lately?
Post here daily for years
redlettermedia hasn't been releasing much content
Just waiting for you to leave, friendo.
theres some new janny who nukes anything interesting within 5 seconds
>Time to move on I guess.
Yeah whatever, see you tomorrow you frogposting faggot
Anyways nice numbers
That is definitely part of it. This fucking guy is seriously ruining what made this board great.
Can janitors delete threads? I thought they could only report harder.
>Time to move on I guess.
>makes a thread instead of moving on
Sup Forums has been shit for nearly three years
>2008 was 10 years ago
The good times are gone but I wonder if we will ever look back on 2017 and remember partyposting and other stuff with nostalgia.
but 2011 wasn't self aware
thas fair i guess
>lurk for 2 years
>the only thread I ever make is a dumb blogpost with a dumb frog picture
you will be missed
Too much tv chat, not enough movies. Television is garbage.
You'll be back.
this. the entire board is
1. got
2. twin peaks
3. rick and morty
4. capeshit
occasionally well get a quality thread but those die in like 30 minutes tops
Sup Forums has been shittier ever since GoT and generals invaded this fucking shit. nobody respects the board culture and everyone is just eager to meme and to bait. if you're looking for quality discussions there are better boards out there
then can delete posts, threads and images. they can only request a ban, but will do a temp block until the ban can be reviewed
Left : boring autism
Right : fun
kill yourself newfag pleb
there was no discussion of any kind on Sup Forums before got, baneposting and capeshit started
Make a Marvel and DC General
Ban anybody who makes a thread about capeshit outside of their general (this applies to GoT and R&M and other shit too)
Ban anybody who tries to start company wars in the Marvel/DC generals
Ban pedos
Ban Sup Forums
Sup Forums is now a good board (relative to Sup Forums)
right board looks better if you arent a nerd
Go to faggit, you intellectual faggot piece of shit.
>"The problem with false feminism" or "Why frozen left me cold"
god i hate reddit
The left is fucking disgusting.
and waifu threads
except for best emma :3
>hair joining her fringe to her eyebrow
Too much Sup Forums bullshit
What? No good threads in a week? Time to move on pal
>he doesn't like hairy qts
Offtopic shitposts, you mean? Racebaiting? Sup Forums threads?
Racists and misogynists from Sup Forums scared away other users, and conservatives aren't very funny or creative.
she's so fucking perfect
deserved ban tbqh
Sup Forums as a whole went downhill when Chucktopher Poole sold it to Hiroyuki Nisneedura.
>and conservatives aren't very funny or creative.
But the Alt Right is funny as fuck, you limp wristed beta faggot cuck libshit loser.
Sup Forums has been around longer than the Sup Forums shitposters have been ruining it for everyone
Sup Forums has always been racist you putrid redditor
what makes you think any long time user would suddenly up and leave due to an influx of conservative posters
you don't belong here and you don't know what you're talking about
No it really went downhill when he sold out mod positions to his SJW """"""""""""""friends"""""""""""""" before becoming luggage lad and a failed normalfag.
that joke is basic. it's a sad state of affairs if you have to screencap that as evidence of your wicked sense of humour.
it's a fact of life that conservatism and particularly Sup Forums's brand of conservatism appeals to the dumbest members of society, who lack wit or originality
It's true and no amount of inane Sup Forums boogeymanning will make it not true.
>lack wit or originality
Is this why CTR shills cancelled their meme campaign because they only produced unironic cringe? Post some of your best memes, Sarah. I'd love a laugh.
>not even anal
Weak joke
You got really mad