
explain what?

>gov gets involved
>price skyrockets

i wonder how much schools and pharma donate to the gov.......

why do you think these are trending as they are


Costs expand to absorb available money. In this case, government-backed student loan money

>one post by this ID, etc.

From the top down
>Guaranteed loans to college = higher prices every year
>Over regulation of child care businesses increase costs
>obamacare, self explanatory
>increased labor costs. scarcity, and regulation drives food prices high
>increased costs of materials, supply and demand, in my area : DUDE WEED
>cars are stable
>free market
>free market
>free market
>free market
>technology, free market

College and Medicine are funded through borderline unconstitutional federal loans and funding

Medicaid/medicare: Guaranteed funding no matter the price, healthcare providers shoot the price up

Federal loans: Guaranteed money, Universities and colleges increase costs 10-fold.

Who could possibly be behind this mystery??? Who could possibly profit from high college expenses while still infecting young people with Marxist ideas???

It literally allows you to compare prices of different "commodities". Inflation would affect everyone equally. Instead there is a HUGE discrepancy.

>government regulates healthcare
>healthcare prices increase because affordable but "dangerous" (read: killed 10% of lab rats in a few studies) medicines are banned
>instead of healthcare options being based on what you can afford, now everyone has to fight over the good stuff

>government mandates the poor be subsidized for health insurance
>health insurance costs increase because large quantities of sick individuals who do not pay into the system have been forcefully added
>the rich take care of themselves, the poor do not
>the poor are sick, the rich are healthy
>rich subsidize poor, poor complains about prices they don't pay for

>universities are run by liberals
>liberals want more poor minorities to be included
>every seat given to a poor minority displaces a rich student who paid their own way
>the result is the poor are convinced to take out loans for useless degrees

>college textbooks
>you must buy the textbook in order to do a handful of problems that are work 20% of the grade
>textbook costs 50-100 dollars
>is of little use otherwise
>professor's name is on the book for some strange reason

>farmers are subsidized by the government via corn bills
>food prices are kept artificially low for decades
>slowly the subsidies are taken away, thus raising prices

>housing is traditionally based on affordability
>liberals use zoning laws, like in Oregon, that limit the construction of new housing
>liberals prioritize subsidized slums and high rent (meaning high tax) skyrises
>suburbs are slowly infected by minorities who have been given loans despite not being able to pay them
>loans are mandated via government quotas, banks are racist if they don't meet the quota
>somehow, this is the fault of republicans



things to consider: the cost of intellectual property and the cost of mobility, moving people to fill positions

also, which of these are made in china?

Several types of cars are made in the US.

Toyota has plants here, for one.

The university costs have gone up because of federal financial aid subsidies. Now, the purpose behind this was to supposedly help make college more affordable for poorer students (ie: minorities) in relation to their ability to pay and the school's tuition rate.
Unsurprisingly, the colleges used this as an opportunity to make a fortune. They upped their tuition costs, so more students would have to rely on the government, which means they trick these suckers into paying more for tuition out of pocket prior to this financial aid program (assuming they have no other scholarships or grants), and on top of that, the college is getting money from FAFSA grants. So these kids think they're getting a lighter burden, but they're really getting fucked in the ass. And of course, they can't pay their part of the tuition.
So what do they do? They get student loans, and end up becoming slaves to the federal government. That's right. The bureaucrats come after them if they don't pay up, and they can't file for bankruptcy either.

And they waste all that money to go to some two bit class, where the professors, more often than not, just read off powerpoints they made like 10 years ago. And on top of that, they assign textbooks that can cost well over $200, and only have their students use them like 4 times a year. And these kids are supposed to learn ethics from these people. Ironic, isn't it?
The universities are scamming these idiots who think their degree will elevate them financially and provide them with a job, as if a college degree is worth it. Because in most cases, they're not. Especially today when EVERYONE goes to college. And a lot of these idiots don't major in a practical field.
A lot of these idiots major in art, english, PR and other useless crap of that nature, that you can learn from khan academy and wikipedia for free. And can get the college equivalent quality of education from just buying old editions of textbooks assigned by colleges, because most teachers COPY THE TEXTBOOKS IN THEIR POWERPOINTS ALMOST ENTIRELY! THEY TEACH OUT OF THE TEXTBOOK! YOU CAN BUY THOSE TEXTBOOKS FOR LIKE LESS THAN A BUCK AND YOU BYPASS THE DEBT AND ALL TH BULLSHIT THAT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE YOU IDIOTS! I MEAN GOOD GOD!



A lot of people who have no business enrolling in college enroll anyways and drive the costs to insane levels. Also, enjoy paying higher tuition so a bunch of niggers can enjoy their college subsidized safe spaces to hold their white genocide meetings.

>literally 4% of the price they were in 1996.
what is this?

>And they waste all that money to go to some two bit class, where the professors, more often than not, just read off powerpoints they made like 10 years ago.

This 100%.

My accounting professor over the summer had made a "wiki" of sorts, that had all the notes and explanations related to the subject at hand. Now, none of examples there had anything to do with the questions on the coursework or tests, but it let him brush off every single fucking question anyone asked with "it's on the wiki." And then he'd look at you all smug as if you were lazy for not going on his super special website that has all the answers - despite the fact it has only the most basic examples and problems.

The other habit the professor had was to do all the problems in Excel, which we'd obviously not be allowed to use on the exams at all. One student finally had enough one day and called the professor out on it, telling him if the professor didn't want to take the time to go through the math work for the problem with the class then he should just make the course completely online and stop wasting everyone's time each week.

Braver man than I, but we all got to write out professor evaluations and I'm sure that was what the majority of the class wrote down as well.

Academia is corrupt as shit, you haven't noticed? How fucking old are you?

TV's are cheap as fuck. I remember my 40" rear-projection from the early 2000's was like $2000 now you can get a 40" OLED TV for like $100-$200, and you can get 40" rear-projection TV's for the cost of gas to go pick them up from the dump lol

G-Ghost? Is that you?

An employer knows what they are getting tho! This whole "civilization" thing, it takes a lot of obedience and compliance to "authority.

only with regards to digital displays.

this is how they nigger the numbers.

a flatscreen display was prohibitively expensive in 96, only millionaires had them, while CRT's were commonplace

now you cant find a CRT outside of a thrift shop, and a 36" flat screen now costs ~$250, about what a 36" CRT cost in '96

so "TV's" now cost almost exactly what a "TV" cost in 96' but they can pretend that in '96 everybody was buying $10,000 plasma screens so we have zero inflation.

meanwhile, in 96 a 12 oz coca cola cost $0.25, now it costs ~$1.50 +CRV

a pack of camels cost $2.00, now youll drop ~$6 for it.

fucking with the numbers and comparing unlike items as if they were the same is how they fool you

Cigarettes are taxed though, and I'm sure there are various efforts to halt domestic tobacco farming.

It's a bad example, really.

At this point it's just a check to see if you conform to status quo.

Federal funding in various forms.

When the Gov't offers to pay for something, people take advantage of the fact that it's like one of the worst run, largest corporate accounts to exist.

Caps rage aside, this is pretty much spot on.

Something I would like to add:

Most homework assignments are now outsourced to the textbook company, which, in addition to the $200+ charge for the textbook, requires a student to purchase a $75-80 subscription to an online site to do their homework assignments. Pearson is infamous for this, charging students to do homework for 4 months then completely voiding their subscription.

It's almost laughable if it was a harmless experiment of gullibility, but it's not. Students are forced to pay to do their own homework in addition to the tuition cost. This allows a lecturer to essentially get shipped straight from China or India, have no knowledge of the coursework or even English, and just reiterate the textbook through powerpoints and make tests. Some powerpoints are supplied by the textbook publisher (like Wiley). All that the lecturer has to do is modify a couple of tests from last year, attend a few office hours and pretend like he knows what he's talking about, and boom, 75k/year for teaching rats how to scurry and scavenge for grade point averages.

Everything is taxed, there are all sorts of various regulatory bodies that they have to pass now, each requiring its own fees, some largely irrelevant to the product itself and serve as nothing more than glorified shakedowns.

These just get passed on to the consumer in price, and the products generally aren't any safer.

Everything is taxed, but not all taxes are equal.

The fed and states try to tax any behavior they don't like into oblivion. Nanny state shit.

The gov counts TVs having more features the same as as TVs getting a cheaper.

Textbooks and college tuition have increased due to an increased demand for college education combined with no risk subsidized loans for lenders. Since the rate of positions hasn't greatly increased as the rate of available money, the price of tuition has increased. Because people can now afford the books at their inflated costs, people are apt to buy them and universities are often inbed with book publishers.

Childcare, medical care, housing, food and beverages have increased for similar reasons. Wages have remained relatively stagnant, but cheap money has flooded the economy allowing loans to cover the shortfall and prices to inflate around this.

In contrasst, goods that are experiencing strong contractions are goods that have little to no noticeable difference for the average consumer, but require noticeable investment. E.g., there is less demand for new cars as people are unwilling to buy new cars at the current price. Or televisions have become cheap enough that everyone can reasonably afford a 1080p tv, but there is no solid demand for 4k tvs thus the only competitive factor for most companies is price.

How is CPU weighted? Shouldn't Healthcare, food, and Housing account for the vast majority of CPI? How are Toys and TVs dragging it down so much?

What is false inflation of currency for the purpose of fixed market climbs so that when the inflation disappears everything stays expensive but nobody does anything about it Alex?


>TV's -96%

Cheap shit comes from China, other stuff doesn't.



Just watch TV! That's what I do. And even I know is bullshit!

TVs, Toys, Wireless services, etc. have competition from markets in the US and markets outside the US (ex: Japanese car exports)
Textbooks, Tuition, Childcare, and Medical care are all places where the government has gotten more and more involved since 96. Any time the government gets involved in something, the prices go through the roof.

Chinese slaves are making them for almost free

The Jews realized that by pushing education for every single person that they can easily scam people out of massive amounts of money

The things that experienced price inflation above the normal rate were increasingly subsidized by government.

Millennials fucked up the world, people born in the early 90s were spending outrageously even though literally none of them were employed.

Costs skyrocket because the government guarantees student loans.

No idea, probably increases in regulation plus inflation plus increased labor costs.

>Medical Care
Costs skyrocket because government forces insurance company to take sub-prime policy contracts. Insurance net cost increases by 400%. Surprised the change is only +105%.

>Food and Beverages
Probably inflation.

Probably inflation.

>New cars
Massive subsidies and bailouts prevent these from skyrocketing.

We have a continent-sized textile mill called Asia.

>Wireless Service
Went from being a novelty to being literally essential for modern society.



Market Saturation and China

When you subsidize a commodity, the prices sky rocket as any addition costs are met by the tax payer.

Also worth noting that population increases drive limited resources up and up in terms of price. Build more houses, schools, the prices will dip to meet those of better production/distribution products. But not to the same extent while key areas of demand remain subsidized.

Now post the same range for University Professor wages. These lazy fucks are paying themselves six figure salaries for three day weeks. They get away with it by backing up ludricrous political agendas with their support.

Schools maybe, but you know how much better off drug companies would be without the FDA? They'd actually be able to make new drugs and get them out to market in avg 4 years versus 15. Takes about 2billion of capital just to get a drug to market, and that's only if its successful in fulfilling the process.