>RnM normalizes cuckoldry
>RnM normalizes atheism
>RnM normalizes disgusting burping in the middle of talking
>RnM normalizes the destruction of family ties
>RnM normalizes incest
>RnM normalizes mindless murder
>RnM normalizes bogus science
>RnM normalizes nihilism
>RnM normalizes beating up people just for their political views
>RnM normalizes literal stoner-tier philosophy
RnM normalizes cuckoldry
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums normalizes Nazism
normalize =/= make jokes about
Yes, everything's a joke am I right? XD
Death to all white people, we have to kill them but it's okay because it's funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>My political views are under attack.
>I'm the victim.
>Me! Me! Me!
Your post makes me want your race to die desu
This is what Sup Forums actually believes
I find their "Oh God everything is so dumb now" act while holding an unbroken chain of shilling Marvel's garbage down our throats cute.
>Sup Forums normalizes pedophilia
You make this point clear in every thread you participate in, nigger.
>RnM normalizes cuckoldry
Name one episode.
1. Nope. The joke was that everyone but the dad accepted it
2. Atheism is normal.
3. The "joke" is that its unacceptable. The fact that people laugh at it is specifically because it not polite. That's how jokes work retard.
4. Same as above. The actual concept of using a dysfunctional/fractured family as drama wouldn't work if it was to be expected.
5. Nope. Just more shock humor because its immorality is ubiquitous.
6. So does a lot of fun things. Go shitpost about Schwarzenegger movies faggot.
7. Its a scifi show.
8. Nihilism meaning life is literally meaningless, so this is also wrong. Arguing there is no objective or god given reason for life does not mean there is none that can be subjectively or personally adopted.
9. Eh, it wasn't a good joke. But it was a joke. The fact that it took place after the end of the episode and put along side animal abuse and bullying is just more hyperbole. The "joke" is that over the top violence is used unsuitably against minor offenses.
10. Specify what you mean and why this matter.
This is all bait obviously. But any retard browsing them just to jerk off their rage might not be as idiotic.
Not an argument, meme-baby.
Why are Sup Forumsbabies so easily offended?
It is an argument. If you spout shit but cover behind le joke, that doesn't make it any better. Rick and Morty promotes degeneracy through "jokes", which are not even funny.
Ironic considering when some sjw attacks rape jokes and shit the arguments flip suddenly.
quality post there user
We got a templar boys
Kill yourself.
>le Sup Forums boogeyman
End yourself trash
>the joke isn't funny, it promotes misogyny
>the joke isn't funny, it promotes degeneracy
literal fucking horseshoe
go back to pol you water filtration buying faggot.
>RnM normalizes pickle rick
>pretending you didn't discover Sup Forums through Sup Forums after 2012
Time to go back.
Yeah because all the stuff listed above isn't Sup Forums talking points.
Go back to the board you're shilling for, faggot.
Except misogyny isnt a real issue and degeneracy is, its that simple
>joins thread only to spam Sup Forums to derail it
why do you care if somebody gets offended? are you that insecure?
There's not much to derail. The thread is dedicated to misinformed shitposting for bait.
is there a discord raid going on
thank you
Stop joining threads only to complain about others behavior on the internet
And feminists would say the opposite. Accept the fact that you're literally as bad as them.
>RnM normalizes cuckoldry
I couldn't believe that one to be honest, the fact that just played it so straight was really strange to me
>1. Nope. The joke was that everyone but the dad accepted it
Exactly the OPs point, the fact that the "joke" was everybody but him not accepting it, like somehow he was the abnormal one for not thinking it was a completely normal thing that people do, and that was the punchline.
Stop arguing on forums in other words?
Has nothing to do with behavior m8. But if a person is going to spam b8 threads all day every day of the week then I may as well at least take 30 seconds to point out that 90% of their complains are shite.
RandM isn't great, and it may take a nose dive in quality, but saying its liberal propaganda is extremely delusional. At least stick to shitposting about Colbert and latenight hosts who do nothing but discuss Trump.
wtf i love pickle rick
But that's wrong.
The joke was absurdist. The idea is that its so absurd that people would simply accept some young black "bull" fucking his mother as if it was 100% normal. You're living in a fucking fantasy land if you actually think that cuckoldry is normal and accepted by most people.
You wouldn't honestly think that cuckold porn is so universally enjoy that cartoonists would make a joke essentially meaning "Ha! Look at the weirdo not wanting his mom to fuck a black guy while his dad jerks off in a closet"
But who am I kidding. You're probably some 20yo NEET virgin Sup Forumsack that sees cuckold porn all over the net every day you jerk off
New episode was OK. Wanna see where they're going with the guy following Jerry around
>le "boogeyman" boogeyman
tfw assbent liberals ahaha
honestly have NO CLUE how a person can come to this site and still not see all the anti-white bias media produces
Just because it's there doesn't mean stormfags are any less annoying/retarded.
Think you meant to post this on facebook, Mildred.
>waaa i feel victimised by the movies I watch
Get a life, pussy.
woah bugs... easy there... on.. the carrots...
>wahh im offended by a pussy on the internet
what does that make you then
>you will NEVER go back to pre-2014 Sup Forums before people started LARPing as skinheads in every thread
wtf this is anti-white!!!
This website has rotted your brain, faggot.
this website showed me all the anti white hatred that is promoted through all possible channels.
This is unfair, I dont care about you niggers so why would you want to kill me. Fuck you all turds
>all sjws want to kills white males
>not all white males want to kill swjs
you are retarded
pretty sure "normal" doesn't belong describing anything about this show...
>alt right whining intensifies
This fag is so proud of his "OC" that he spams it in every thread and then samefags replies to it like it was funny
LMOA'ing @ ur life