Is there any legit christian out there? or is everyone just larping/trolling/being contrarian with the christianity meme?
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What do you consider to be a legit Christian?
someone who faithfully believes jesus is the son of god
I honestly wish I could delude myself enough to convert. Christian communities are great and Christian ethics aren't bad software.
I just can't personally get over the fact that I don't believe in God and don't wan't to play pretend for a few hours every week just to get the perks.
I am legitimately Christian. We had a pol/ the other night and Sup Forums was about 50% Christian, 50% Atheist/Agnostic/Other.
Despite what the moral decay of western civilization might lead you to believe, the majority of people in western countries are still Christian, around 60-70%.
The remaining aren't even atheist, mostly agnostic with about 10% of people ending up being atheist. The reason you get more Atheist's on Sup Forums is from the age demographic. Millennials are more atheist.
These numbers are all probably off by around 5-10% I looked this shit up a week ago.
I want to believe in God again but I want the remove kebab branch...what is that one?
How about if I think there's really something to it, that God does exist, and that I reject Satan and all his works?
Can that be close enough?
Fix yourself some apologetics member of my family
DEUS is about to go full VULT
reroll for quads
you should try reading "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis and looking into William Lane Craig.
They go into more rational routes in justifying Theism.
I am an Orthodox Christian, I go to Church every Sunday and sometimes on Saturday for Vespers.
I am one. Not a very good one, though.
i would call myself a Christian, but i would be lying, sort of.
stuff is getting freaky out there. maybe a few years left
The majority of people (normies) are "Christian" because they're afraid of dying and like to fall back on vague pseudo-spiritual platitudes in times of difficulty. The number of people with any sincere commitment to their faith is much lower I'd bet
Christian here. I feel bad for people that can't get in touch with their inherent human ability to think in gestalts.
Cs Lewis speeches are easy to find on YouTube
this is true. ive asked my mom and she says" im a good person, and i believe Jesus is God" in which i tell her, thats not how it works, "WELL HOW DO YOU KNOW, YOU DONT KNOW, I KNOW JESUS LOVES ME IM A GOOD PERSON ILL GET INTO HEAVEN"
these are the "Christians" people get shit on for
they know nothing but "Jesus loves me, im a good person, heaven awaits me"
I'm christian
Here Sup Forums
The West is dead, what we need to do now is to preserve our people to start a new christian civilization and for that we don't need fake moderate christians, we need more christian like the Amish(look at their birth rate).
does Lewis give reasons for why Christianity is the one true religion, the only right one among thousands of religions, or does he just defend and explain the morals and wisdom of the Bible?
I could be down with many of the morals and lessons in the book but I still see it as a work of fiction
>believes the world is billions of years old
How about a church that actually believes and follows the bible?
That is how it works. Jesus didn't fuck over morons because of their inability to get their shit together. Jesus makes up what to lack in the eyes of God, and we're all fuck ups in His eyes. It might suck to you but that's what love is. Not to mention if it does suck to you then you're not doing it right, either.
I don't really disagree with you guys, but I'd add that I don't think there really is a ton of shit involved in being a Christian. As far as I'm concerned if someone accepts Jesus as divine and tries to live morally they are a Christian.
I think there will be a collapse before Christianity comes back in a big way. You should check out "Ride the Tiger" by Julius Evola. He was a fascist philosopher who sort of wrote about this stuff. He was writing for atheists who felt compelled toward tradition though.
Anyone read about Universalism/Annihilationism?
I tend to lean that way since eternal hell fire lacks lots of scriptual support, besides that one verse in revelations.
>thousands of years of collective history, wisdom, tradition, and revelation
>a work of fiction
>chain smokes
>drinks here and there
>"b-b-but Jesus loves me, im a good person"
ok think what you want. i understand the grace and mercy ascect and we will never truly understand, but the bible is pretty clear in it just not about being a good person. there is alot to do with Christianity that need to be taken into account for a chance at heaven.
or are you one of those Jesus loved everyone so even hitler, stalin, mao, and all the other killers and genocidal maniacs are in heaven
come on dude
All is mind, Logos; all is a work of fiction. Greater fiction. Except Platonic ideas, people...
Start here
>the world was made in 7 days
>God uses the same concept of time that us Humans invented
you serious?
Yeah actually I believe he does.
He goes about reasoning for God first and then Christianity.
It's been a while since I've read it though so I can't be certain.
It's not a book that sounds like someone preaching at you are speaking in terms of Christianity it reads more like a secular philosophy book.
If you are actually open minded to it I think you would enjoy it. One way or another.
I attended a universalist ceremony once. It was for a homosexual thing, actually. It was disturbingly pagan.
on the same level as the Torah, Quran, Hadith, Apocrypha etc.
they all just sound like blatant fiction to me. I don't care if they were handed down over hundreds of thousands of years
Sorry, bud. Your good deeds mean shit without the heart and even then you're the same as that kiddie diddler that turned to Christ. Pretty simple, tbqh.
you do not have to and should not delude yourself. i know how hard it is though. i found faith in God after 15 years as a militant anti-theist. i did a couple of science degrees too, so i was deeply indoctrinated into the atheist mindset. it is like a blackhole of nihilism, cynicism and reductionism. it's incredibly difficult to escape its pull.
it's an infinitely important matter, so if you have any doubt whatsoever that God is not real, you should explore those doubts.
I'm a Christian, raised southern baptist (God tier) but now non-denominational.
Still carry some southern baptist habits: only read the King James Version, believe in free grace that can save any degenerate.
I've lived a pretty crazy life and seen God move in supernatural ways and seen my needs met when I ask Jesus.
im christian why ? there over 2 billion christian worldwide i dunno why its hard to believe
It was made in 6 days actually and point to me where it says in the bible "those days weren't literally days" and don't mention that verse where it says a day is like a thousand years to God, that might be true but then why doesn't the bible say "and on the two thousandth day God did so and so"?
Here's your answer, because that's not what happened it took 6 days
> that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
This verse seems to make it out that you just need to believe in Jesus.
I dunno though I'm not a theologist. I imagine there is a purpose to good works.
also look into Kierkegaard.
he's a tough read, but here's a gentle introduction:
Good works are seen as evidence of faith but it's not the end all. Lots of shitty people do good things, doesn't make them good.
If you feel this way about the Old Testament I think most sophisticated Christians would agree with you.
The creation story is not taken literally and really historically hasn't been by important Christians.
Not just handed down for thousands of years, handed down as LIVING tradition for thousands of years. In other words, not a work of fiction. You may not believe in it, but that doesn't make it fiction. That's just not the right word for it.
its the "i think im a good person" aspect that ruins it. people think they are worthy, when they go to church once a year or barely talk about Christ to others like we were told to do.
did you even read what i typed? your contradicting yourself in your own posts
so i can go out and kill a bunch of people, but ask for forgiveness with all of my heart and i will be saved?
this is the mindset that has ruined Christianity for along time "muh Jesus loves everyone" if you dont know Jesus, he doesnt know you, your works your faith or anything.
That's great man I'm happy for you.
I've struggled with doubts about my faith too and have felt more confident in it as I grow older.
I was raised southern baptist but that shit seems crazy to me in retrospect.
If I start attending church again I think I'm going to go catholic.
Where in the bible does it say and on the two thousandth day God did so and so"?
Bad people can repent and still do shit things, dumbass. Just because you don't get it doesn't make you correct.
>so i can go out and kill a bunch of people, but ask for forgiveness with all of my heart and i will be saved?
If you legitimately repent of your sins you will be saved. I don't think this is a controversial Christian doctrine.
It can't be some willy nilly shit though where you just quickly pray "oh yeah God pls forgive me lol". You need to sincerely repent of your sin.
Let's recall the story of Sodom and Gamorrah. God said you can escape from there, but don't look back.
The wife looked back. She turned into a pillar of salt.
That's OT type stuff, but I think there's a good message in there.
A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.
Psalm 90:4
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
2 Peter 3:8
my main issue is just how cruel hell is. Human life is so short (lucky to live 100 years). How can a loving god damn a person to ETERNAL HELLFIRE just for making the wrong choice? Why does hell need to exist. Its so fucking cruel man
St. Basil the Great:
Those who do not admit the common meaning of the Scriptures say that water is not water, but some other nature, and they explain a plant and a fish according to their opinion.... (But) when I hear "grass," I think of grass, and in the same manner I understand everything as it is said, a plant, a fish, a wild animal, and an ox. Indeed, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel (Rom. 1:16)."... (Some) have attempted by false arguments and allegorical interpretations to bestow on the Scripture a dignity of their own imagining. But theirs is the attitude of one who considers himself wiser than the revelations of the Spirit and introduces his own ideas in pretense of an explanation. Therefore, let it be understood as it has been written
St. Ephraim:
No one should think that the Creation of Six Days is an allegory; it is likewise impermissible to say that what seems, according to the account, to have been created in six days, was created in a single instant, and likewise that certain names presented in this account either signify nothing, or signify something else. On the contrary, we must know that just as the heaven and the earth which were created in the beginning are actually the heaven and the earth and not something else understood under the names of heaven and earth, so also everything else that is spoken of as being created and brought into order after the creation of heaven and earth is not empty names, but the very essence of the created natures corresponds to the force of these names.
Okay so why doesn't the bible say it was the second day for God not humans?
St. John Chrysostom
Perhaps one who loves to speak from his own wisdom here also will not allow that the rivers are actually rivers, nor that the waters are precisely waters, but will instill, in those who allow themselves to listen to them, the idea that they (under the names of rivers and waters) represented something else. But I entreat you, let us not pay heed to these people, let us stop up our hearing against them, and let us believe the Divine Scripture, and following what is written in it, let us strive to preserve in our souls sound dogmas.
Check out "The Inferno" by Dante Alihgheri
Apparently it costs 1 cent on Amazon. It's short. And it's an interesting discourse on how people make their own hells to live in. Maybe not normative, but good food for thought.
Protestantism is a mental disease.
I don't think eternal hellfire is the only option for people who aren't Christian, or are immoral or whatever.
I think the orthodox denominations believe in certain in between situations like purgatory. Hell as a fiery lake I don't think is even mentioned much in the Bible.
I'm Catholic
thanks man. I'll check it out
Orthodoxy rejects the idea of Purgatory, as its not supported by the Bible at all
I am a follower of Christ (I grew up "Christian" but I was asleep, basically an atheist, and didn't really know Him until recently). I'm still sorting out my sinful nature but through His Word and council I'm getting on track but I still pray everyday for His forgiveness and mercy. Everyday feels like a battle between the spirit and flesh since I welcomed Him into my life. I now know what Paul meant when he said "I die daily".
Luther was based, but I'm having issues with Calvin and well, reformation in general: being a robbery of grandest scale. However, neither party is blessed today. I find more honest Christianity among Catholics and Orthodox, though.
in order to genuinely believe in jesus you have to not just accept that he exists and is god's son, but also follow in his image and ask for his and god's forgiveness
simply saying "jesus was real" isnt enough
I'm Orthodox. Orthodoxy believes hell and heaven is the same. Those who love god will experience his presence as heaven, those who reject him will experience it as hell.
Its the idea of the holy light from the OT. It can be soothing, but it can also burn
According to Jesus, no, it's not close enough.
>legit Christian
Anyone with access to the Internet who is a "legit Christian" is deluded with a lukewarm IQ.
St. Augustine
>In The Literal Interpretation of Genesis, Augustine took the view that everything in the universe was created simultaneously by God, and not in seven calendar days like a literal interpretation of Genesis would require. He argued that the six-day structure of creation presented in the Book of Genesis represents a logical framework, rather than the passage of time in a physical way – it would bear a spiritual, rather than physical, meaning, which is no less literal.
All I'm saying is that there have been plenty of Christians who have said that genesis should be taken non-literally.
Hey ho
Yeah, I know. My journey continues.
That is a pretty lukewarm attitude.
but didn't paul say that we all come short of the glory of God? Why isn't trying to follow the footsteps of Jesus, and believing in him not enough?
This is the kind of thinking that makes Christianity such constant guilt and self-hate
I meant the Catholics actually I misspoke. Some non-protestant denomination is into the purgatory idea I don't know which.
Those are some pretty lukewarm quads you have there.
Hey guys, check this out: Christianity is a middle eastern religion which promotes globalism.
Saul was on the road to Damascus, persecuting the Christians left and right. It's interesting if you compare it to our present situation with regard to Syria.
But for Saul, he got the flash of light. This teaches that no matter who you are or what you've done, that you might some day repent and change your ways. Then Saul became Paul, one of Jesus' most ardent followers, and founded the Catholic Church.
Yes NSA i am legit
And I shouldn't be here, but I can't seem to leave
Christianity was middle eastern for what, 20-30 years? Didn't Peter head straight to Italy and start converting you faggots?
If anything it's an Italian religion.
St. Augustine said a lot of Heterodox things, this being one of them.
The religion was actually created by Constantine as damage control because that Jewish sect called Christianity was tearing apart the empire. Italians crucifixed both Peter and Jesus.
Doesn't Catholicism accept evolution? I'm not a Catholic so I don't know.
I don't think there's any need for controversy about this. Genesis is important in one way or another because it establishes the doctrine of original sin.
> Italians crucifixed both Peter and Jesus.
At the behest of the Jews.
Catholics can accept evolution, but not necessary.
What you call Italy didn't even exist until the late 1800s. It's a younger country than the US in that regard.
Uppity rabbis had to pester Rome to extreme levels, and they had to shuffle Jesus here and there trying to figure out how to sort it all out lawfully since the Jews couldn't sort it out on their own and wanted Rome to murder Jesus so that they could get it done without violating their own rules. They wanted to wash their hands of it, just as Pilate ultimately decided to do to piss them off and then put INRI on the cross to piss them off more.
The NT explicitly mentions that those who do good but aren't aware of God will be punished accordingly, but those that do know and do wrong will be punished more. So you can still be on God's good side with a good heart.
The Catholic understanding of original sin is also Heterodox.
Is there something in particular you wanted to ask?
I'd become a christian if it wasn't for one or two themes I disagree with, like being peaceful and absolutely having to confess your sins to a priest rather than to God himself in the form of prayer.
If I could slip in christianity those two themes, I'd definitely become a dedicated and active christian. That would be disobeying His law though.
>being peaceful
> absolutely having to confess your sins to a priest
Those are memes
Nobody says you can't confess your sins to God.
Even Jesus kicked over the money changers' tables when they were setting up their market in the house of God. And you should damn well not be peaceful when it is your duty to protect the sanctity of life.
There is no one making you do those things.
You that if you feel like it. But you need to do that. Understand what I mean?
You could be a protestant but I highly do not recommend that.
>having to confess your sins to a priest rather than to God himself
Are you a Catholic?
Then what's the problem?
>like being peaceful
As opposed to being in a state of war?
Protestants are cucks, I'd rather not
Yeah not our thing.
What a broad brush you have.
>afraid to anonymously speak to a priest in a confession booth
Nothing to be shy of. I can't speak for other religions, but Catholic priests very strictly prohibit talking about confessions to others. You can commit murder, confess it, and they will keep it a secret. However, they will tell you to turn yourself in as part of your penance.
The peaceful thing is a myth. Popes, including John Paul II and Benedict XVI, advocated fighting terrorism because those who kill in the name of God must be stopped.
>Nothing to be shy of
I'm not shy of anything, I just don't think some old white guy is the best mediator between God and me.