I'll go first with Close-up (1990)
What is your favorite film of all time?
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The Master
pic not related lol- OP
It's a three-way tie between The Matrix, Independence Day, and Starship Troopers.
Tiexi Qu
ਨਾਗਰਿਕ ਕੇਨ (1941)
This is a very close second.
Pulp Fiction
Why? What do you like about it?
it's a beautiful albeit deceptively simple portrait of a man who loves the cinema. A movie like close-up is a film miracle. I love it for it's ideas on identity, art
The Emoji Movie
I'm not too fond of Iranian meta-cinema, but I can understand why you like it, imo Innisfree and Train Of Shadows did the same thing or shared similar ideas more poetically.
Thoughts on God's and Generals? Now I feel like spending the next 8 hours watching these two.
Also, the killer angels by Michael shaara is one of the best non fiction civil war books.
Close first between
Bladerunner or Drive
Gods and Generals is a great movie if you want to see some Civil War action, but it's not a very good movie outside of that. Definitely not a movie for someone who hasn't read up at least a little bit on the war; while a total normie can jump into Gettysburg and understand what's happening. Gods and Generals has one of the greatest all-time opening 30 minutes or so, before the pacing goes all to shit and they try to fit 3 years of war into 2 and a half hours. They also couldn't decide if they wanted to do a fucking Stonewall biopic or a general retelling of the first years of the War.
Overall, I still like to watch it from time to time, but it's objectively a pretty bad film.
>stonewall biopic
I'd watch that if it were made 15 years ago, but not today
And I'd agree about it being a difficult film to go into without any real knowledge of the war and its players. I'd just finished killer angels and Ken burns series so I was fully stocked on basic civil war knowledge.
It's the only iranian meta-cinema film i've seen ! I will make sure to check out your recommendations though
>Ken Burn's series
Read Shelby Footes' "The Civil War," you won't regret it.
For me it's gotta be Demolition Man. The acting, story arc, cinematography and set design are all breathtaking. 11/10 for sure.
Plus how do you use the seashells?
some of kiarostami's other stuff is in the same vein as well. shirin is a favorite of mine (altho some would call it pretentious, i think it's thoughtful and poetic)
as a beginner cinephile, i appreciate and admire your knowledge of film !
Thanks, at the library now so an unexpected book recommendation is appreciated.
A true dystopian nightmare where all restaurants are now taco bell