you now remember this pile of shit
You now remember this pile of shit
I dunno I just jerked off to the lesbian scene that's the only part I watched
I rate it four stars
Yeah, considering Portman won an Oscar and the movie was nominated for Best Picture...
>pile of shit
The only pile of shit in this thread is you bud
I was actually thinking about how beautiful it was just yesterday.
My mind wanders back to it with any stray thought about artists losing themselves in/for their art because it's so malleable thematically.
I like it thematically but I watched it on tv the other day and thought it felt kinda campy and off.
let me reply with a classic "fuck you I liked it"
I don't know why anyone would watch this when you could just watch Perfect Blue instead desu
The Wrestler was a much better execution of the same basic theme.
Making the ultimate sacrifice for your craft/passion, subjugating your health and livelihood for it.
I loved this movie.
Yeah, it sucks. He just steals everything.
absolute kino
Enjoyed it. Watched it three times. Watched the final dance maybe ten.
im sry but aronofsky is a hack
im a black swan
>jew makes oscar bait
>other jews bite
such a brave performance
I loved the lesbian scene.
I never forgot it
Cinematography was perfect and it's probably the best use of 16mm i've ever seen
But yeah, it's a Perfect Blue ripoff so i better see the real thing
Do your worst, Sup Forums
>pile of shit
nah, it was pretty good
I can't remember a more unsettling movie that came out after Black Swan.
Just seeing her red eyes and dilated pupils on the movie poster takes me back to all the subliminal unsettling shit in that movie that fucked with me for days afterward
i remember when this came out and people praised it
Was this better if you hadn't already seen Perfect Blue?
Gonna let you in on a little secret, bub. The Oscars and their nominations are bought and paid for by movies campaigning to win an award, because winning an award increases revenue for the film. They bribe Oscar voters to vote for their movie/actor/actress.
Sorry to ruin your little fantasy, goy
Gonna let you in on a little secret, bub. Sup Forums doesn't make OC anymore.
Sorry to ruin your little template image, faggot.
i'm a black star