A Question of Ethics

Why shouldn't I just kill you and take your stuff?

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It's 2016

Because I can kill you ;)

Because Drumpf is a stupid racist.

I'll kill you first m8.

>Brits in charge of firearm safety

Eternal damnation.

Nah-uh, I just kill you first!

Why shouldn't I just kill you to prevent you from exerting power upon me? Would that not be to my highest benefit?

Because people are too pacified to do that shit

Even if they did, someone else would come and do that to them, a endless cycle

When God says "thou shall not kill" does he mean "thou shalt not murder?

Jokes on you I own nothing!

Social contract.

Also because I will probably kill you first, or the cops will

When everyone follows the social contract,

Isn't it even more beneficial for me to kill you and take your stuff?

Theoretically you have more stuff and less ability to kill me first, because of the social contract

Because rationally if it were good for you to do it, it would be universally good for everyone to do it. So eventually your life would be forefit. Murder is wrong because it is mutually beneficial to everyone for it to be wrong.

I don't have much stuff.

You'd probably end up losing money, because people have tried before. I'm not that easy of a kill.

>Nah-uh, I just kill you first!

But the more everyone is benefitted, the more the individual benefits from breaking this tradition

ie in elite circles there is much more incentive to kill eachother to take eachothers stuff, and we are elite compared to 3rd worlders, which results in another example of where when you become part of this social contract, there is a higher incentive to murder you

Because hostile environments can be stressful. Why don't you want to live in a comfy area where you wouldn't have to worry about other people doing the same to you?

You run a reasonable risk of me shooting you dead, and there's a near certainty that someone in my family will avenge me by blindsiding you on the street or just sniping you off the shitter.

If I sense that you are good enough at killing people, the it is in our mutual benefit to team up, to kill people and take their stuff

And that's how a superior civilization is made

Ironically I am currently on the shitter

>pulling back the slide
>while finger is on the trigger

even for a photo, whomever gave jonny that gun should have explained that every gun is loaded and ready to fire. these are the know-nothing hypocrites that want to wean away 2A rights.

what a fucking idiot.

You shouldn't because my teacher said so.

MUH SHEKELS ?!?!?! Noooooooo

Because I can kill you and take your stuff, but if I die one of my family members or my cousins will kill you and take your stuff.

>Why shouldn't I just kill you and take your stuff?

You wouldn't finish your sentence before I mag dump on you.

Sure if you came from far away you could kill me and take my stuff and go back but if you wanted to live within my community you would be looking over your shoulder the rest of your life because you set w precedent for otters to kill you and take yours plus my stuff.

Because the threat of comeuppance in the form of law enforcement, or mob justice (dependant on location and social stability of that demographic). All of economy works on fear, the only people are exempt from these constraints are people with conditions like sociopathy and this is why many of them make wonderful businessmen.

You can kill me, but you must know that friends and relatives will revenge me.

saying mag dump sounds so gay

you're welcome to try it faggot

Because as a society we agree on social contracts not to do things like that to each other. If you break it you're an outlaw.

Even if you're retarded enough to rack a gun with your finger on the trigger, you'll only make the mistake once. The experience will be rather visceral, I'm sure.

>Finger on the trigger
Of course the anti-gun nut is safety illiterate.

Its a fake (airsoft?), the barrel doesnt tilt like in a proper browning pistol. I assume mr "current year" would get a stroke if a baby-killing murder machine like a pistol would be in the same room as "him".

Well, I would say this:

Any reason you could have for killing me and taking my stuff, could be applied to another person. So, you should apply this feeling to people outside our common race! Which is more principled.

Also this dude looks scared shirtless while holding a gun. These anti gun people need to fire more guns too elevate the phobia

>not practicing trigger safety even on spray bottles

this looks like a thread for Stirner

Because we could achieve more by working together.

so you're saying that whatever I could gain from killing you and taking your stuff, could be increased if I first rape you, then kill you and take your stuff?

If you strike me down, I shall become more cucked than you can possibly imagine.

you better succeed the first time, OP.

I like how this bong thinks

What do you think about this?
And this?
We're basically getting to the basis of a perfectly ethical ethno state right?

Because then the cops would come and either kill or arrest you

>when you're stoned to death

Because I'm not a degenerate ghetto nigger who still hasn't adapted the notion of a civilised society. I'd rather just rape your bank account by making you pay for my expenses through tax write-offs.

Because then who's gonna fix the potholes?

People have been saying this argument. Is this suggesting that that is the REASON I shouldn't, or it is the catch-all to deny even the bassist of desires

ie. If I kill you to take your stuff (and cops don't exist) am I being reasonable, but once cops exist, then I'm not?

>Why shouldn't I just kill you and take your stuff?
It's what God told the Israelites to do in the Canaan Valley in the First Holocaust

That's how you build a society? By being savages just raiding and hoarding everyone's shit? Nigga, people are a civilization's most valuable resource

AnCapistan aint free. The potholes in the roads gotta be littered with the blood and bones of the NAP violators

Speaking of that

>I'm so surprised no one responded simply with NAP

>because cops

That's a dumb nigger reason
We need that as a consequence because fucking retards who don't understand a thing about ethics .

No, but without guys willing to kill people and take their stuff, or at least kill people so they don't take your stuff, then someone else is going to???

>kill you and take your stuff

Hence, the better you are at killing people, the better civilization you can have, because you could defend more stuff

It is not an accident that these things develop in tandem

who the fuck chambers one with their fucking finger on the trigger? How can someone be so blind to eventual consequences immediately in front of them?

absolute autism.

No because if you kill me and take my stuff you are threatening the community so the community will make efforts to get rid of you

without the threat of repercussions, how is killing people to take their shit not reasonable?

it's the most reasonable possible thing.

killing people DESPITE the threat of repercussions is nigger shit.

Because theft is wrong.

Not that leftists understand theft.

this, trust me.


How does your community know it's me

Because you're a weak beta cuck faggot.
Also only an extremely small percentage of people untrained in warfare can kill people willingly. So good luck with that.

You would be violating the NAP, thus your actions wouldn't be considered universally preferable behavior.

Cop Arresting you is an obvious consequence. More logical people will realize that they open the door for others within there community to pillage their shit. If you're a forgiven invader its not a problem but if you're a community member who plans on staying in the community prepare for a violent life.
Look at the stability of societies that murdered their own as policy. Civil war ever 10 years.

You have my shit.
>ill hide it
Then you can't use it so why do it anyway.

Because if everyone wanted to become an edgelord like you there would be no one's shit to take

Because when I respawn in my underwear I will keep charging you with my fists in the true spirit of the newspawn warrior until you eventually die and I can get my stuff back

So I shouldn't do it because I should care about the community?


it's not really a "you specifically" argument I think

The point is you haven't hid your stuff, and why shouldnt someone just kill you and take it, at this momeny


You forgot your katana at the murder site

Because a more powerful group of like-minded people heavily invested in the average citizen feeling safe and secure enough to not only procure wealth for themselves, but spread it around, will make sure that the rest of your life is a living hell, if you get a rest of your life.

That is all the ethics you need.

Sheittttr you got murdered by a katana? Who's the real Autist here

OP is a confirmed retard and wuss, who couldn't take a nap if he tried.

>Talks about taking people's things
>Never takes anything

Anyway, the answer is--- because you are an imbecile, and you would get caught after you killed two or three people and spend your stupid life in jail.

Why shouldn't I kill you first and take all of your stuff? You can go ahead and answer your own question.

It's against the law and illegal so you can't to it. Oh and it's a gun free zone. Besides I'll get you first.

Because it is illegal and you would be punished for it.
Also because you understand that following the law is what our society is based upon and that it will make everyone richer in the long term.

That was my question..

Will you?

Yeah. So answer your own question.

Give it your best shot weak faggot.

I'm an individual, I don't have to rationalize why you should or shouldn't do it to me, I just know that I must react if it happens, what I'm asking is why shouldn't I do it to you?

Glocks don't work like that.

because we collectively decided that was wrong, evidenced by laws

Why don't children kill eachother more often?

is it because we are fat and docile?

>Racking the slide with your finger on the trigger.

I wonder how many noguns would accidentally kill themselves if left to their own devices on the range.

that would violate the non-aggression policy

You are free to do that if you want. You are also free to face the consequences of your actions. Like, I'll fucking kill you first. Or if I don't, someone is going to take your ass to jail. Or maybe you get away with it, good for you. Every time you do something like that you are taking a huge risk. Feeling lucky?

Probably because no one on Sup Forums is Ancap.

>an economic theory for ants

they have said that since

I meant cause memes

because then it becomes ethical for the state to kill you and take every you have stole and the state is much more powerful than you, bitch

K where you live

this is the best argument so far

except it assumes that the man doing the killing does not anticipate the power of the state and knows a way to circumvent it

Haha, this pussy is hardly big enough to hold that gun. While his shaking 5'2" frame is pondering whether to shoot and probably crying I will have shoved that gun up his ass and blasted his guts out. Fucking liberal pussy.

Lets do it fucker. If I can't defend whats mine you deserve the spoils of war. But if I win, everything you have and love is mine. You really want to play this game sissy boy? That's what I thought. So we will go on living under the rule of Law and not the rule of Might and we will just deal with the niggers offing themselves by the dozens like we always have, self segregation.

Because I am not a leftist.

The killing and robbery of leftists, however, is morally justified.

as in it's morally justified to rob them, or when they rob it is morally justified?

Me personally? Because you don't know who I am. The odds of killing someone who is not me is too high. Also, you're 5'8, 120lbs. You're a woman.