What happened to feminine, female actors, Why are majority flat chested and stocky these days?
What happened to feminine, female actors, Why are majority flat chested and stocky these days?
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>why am I a virgin and hate women?
ftfy, OP
>Why are majority flat chested and stocky these days?
Fuck off
>One actress negates a majority
This. That's what real women look like Sup Forumstard.
>see through heels
What a slut
Same reason the men are all low-test betas on roids rather than real men.
Literally hooker uniform.
Only apes care about tits and asses.
OMG MUH FUGGING DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>not clear heels
Am disgusted
then you better give me a banana
>tfw chad
ugly flat roastie detected
lmao @ ur life right now
>Why are majority flat chested
Because we all learned flat chests are delicious.
I've seen people from African tribes laugh when asked if they find (exposed) breasts attractive, and saying that tits are for babies.
So it's purely a cultural thing.
Necks and Jaws
most women are flat chested and stocky, see how much jews care about us peons
what do you think it feels like to have giant tits just bouncing around with each step?
Based pickleposter.
pretty sure it feels like winning
>this is what titlets actually believe
Holy fucking yum!
the irony of you obsessing over women maybe not being as hot as they used to be in movies (highly debatable) is that you're just as bad as the people who are all about >muh realistic body proportions because you're focusing on meaningless physicality rather than acting talent
who gives a fuck what they look like
Is that a doll or a real human being? I can't tell
literally shin godzilla proportions lmao
how much money do I have to make to have a woman like that
YesJulz. She's a "Director of Vibes"* and "Social Media Entrepreneur"**
*Escort for rappers
**And NBA players
girl on the floor is cuter tbqh
>i can control every single man with these
it's not about cuteness when you got those things
having tits is one thing but being a tit admirer is a top level quality in a woman
she'll definitely let you fondle other women because of your mutual love for big tits
chestlets never learn
>can find the titcows name but not the cutie pseudo loli
This argument would be valid if roles were really given to those with most talent. But as it stands, they go to looks/popularity/influence for most bigger projects.
As a whole, there are very few genuinely good and well known actors around.
t.flat chested roastie
Probably weird compared to not having any but I guess they get used to it.
Got it in one
Who's the cutie on the right, though?
Because androgyny is super cute.
>the irony is that you're just as bad as them
That's pretty much a logical fallacy at this point. Shit tier, facebook level argumentation.
going "muh fallacy" is in itself a fallacy
there is no difference between a person demanding that actresses be ugly and a person demanding that they be hot
they're both superficial retards who don't actually give a shit about movies and should therefore shut the fuck up about them
>cutie on the right also has wide hips
superior to cow tits on the left
How do we get rid of the chubby chasing numales from Sup Forums once and for all?
You're jumping to conclusions very quickly, user.
>having a wrong opinion
come on now
Ehh. In the last few years, there's been so many examples of decent actors with great bodies, which they worked on for many years before shooting their movies. I don't see why actresses have to escape criticism about their bodies, considering a major component of getting into your character is looking like your god damn character.
This has been a major problem in most female capeshit and action movies where they expect us to believe skinnyfat female heroines who look like they've never lifted a weight in their life can somehow take on men double their size. It breaks immersion. Sarah Conor from terminator 2 is a good example of a convincing female action star. Hollywood these days are so easy on actresses.
Too bad she isn't cute.
Bitch looks like a troll
Pretty sure that's Yuka Kuramoti
>low test on roids
If they are on roids they are now high test
Compare the average capeshit/action movie actress to 90s Linda Hamilton
Your IP is in front of me. Bully Cara one more time and I swear to God.
Cara is ugly and you're closeted
That's the problem, standard requirement look for an actress is skinny, or the thinner the better if it doesn't look too sick.
You can't gain muscle, regardless of months of workout, if you've had a diet of salad and the occasional binge. It is far more difficult for females to build actually visible muscles due to biology/layer and distribution of fats, absorption and processing of protein and requires a consistent lifestyle to keep up.
Weight fluctuations are also far more dangerous and have more severe consequences for women than men (period, bones, joints etc.)
Besides, it's a lot easier for a bulked up actor to get a role, than a bulked up actress, after.
But they could at least cgi/bodysuit muscles on to make it more realistic when it's required.
need a himi gf
there's literally a video of her getting fucked by some nig
don't have it, someone in another thread posted a link to one of the file sharing sites, can't remember which one, could play it straight on there. didn't bother saving it, it was kind of low quality