Once and for all, what is the toughest redpill to swallow?
What is that hardest redpill to swallow?
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White people are the problem.
The reptilians
We has past the point of no return. It is impossible to save the white race in the west.
That you will fail at what ever it is
That there actually is such a thing as coincidences.
if anything else, blame it on the jews
Wrong. A city of light. A private city. With walls.
to add on, most slaves of the transatlantic went to carribean and latin america. IIRC places like brazil imported so much more slaves than U.S. because they worked their slaves to death and then just kept importing more.
Like Zion to the Matrix. It will be the last 'human city' full of illuminated white souls who have freed themselves from the system of control and seen through the illusions of "Reality"
also brazil outlawed slavery last out of the western world IIRC
Women have no emotions. That really hit me hard.
That just sounds like a bad dating experience
pic related
A hard redpill for me to swallow is that white suburban culture is literally degenerate:
>be me
>study hard in school
>get great finance job and move to all white suburbia
>dream... or nightmare?
>teenage girls allowed to roam around at nights in skimpy outfits and bring over their nigger boyfriends
>teenage boys riding around on hoverboards with their backwards caps and sunglasses on while texting
>only thing parents care about is le epic college football game and mowing their lawn meanwhile their daughters are getting fucked by jamal and tyrone
>every upperclass white is literally a liberal faggot who comes round knocking on doors trying to make me get rid of my guns to "make the neighborhood safer" (... wut?)
>every white kid is a wannabe rapper and acts "hard" even though his parents make a combined income of atleast 150k+
It ain't all it's chalked up to be.
Inner cities are fucking the worst because niggers, white suburbia is cancer and contributes to the decline of America.
Only place left to go (and where I am planning to go) is the countryside.
I kid you not, I'd rather have a fucking redneck hick as a neighbor than these upper middle class white suburban liberal faggots.
At least me and the redneck can go shoot guns, complain about niggers, and throw a can of beer back.
tldr: white suburbia sucks and is contributing to the decline of American civilization (at least its safe because no niggers though)
that human beings aren't the only ones who are degenerate, but the whole universe is deteriorating
>normies are degenerate
>racial inferiority
>women are shit
>jews are winning
>developing and overcoming nihilism
take your pick
trips of truth
Damn, that is quite the pill. Sad seeing whites become as degenerate as blacks.
>scan related
Is it really that bad over there? It's just that I've never had anything like that over here.
that Redpills aren't real
>redneck hick
I see you're having experiences with northern suburbia.
I've lived in southern suburbia for most of my life, it was heaven on earth. Almost entirely christian, parents with discipline, could be friendly with anyone or talk with anyone, no crime, everyone had a shotgun for home defense.
Too bad you filthy yanks will never know this feel.
Stay the fuck out of Dixie.
He said, “How will we liken the Kingdom of God? Or with what parable will we illustrate it? It’s like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, though it is less than all the seeds that are on the earth, yet when it is sown, grows up, and becomes greater than all the herbs, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of the sky can lodge under its shadow.”
>>every upperclass white is literally a liberal faggot who comes round knocking on doors trying to make me get rid of my guns to "make the neighborhood safer" (... wut?)
Dude what the fuck? Where the fuck do you live exactly?
the nature of women, the way that, if you're invaded and you lose, they're designed to just turn coat and fuck the victor
That the world is a lot worse than we realize, and all those warnings about Christian persecution and martyrdom is still a very real thing even in modern days.
trump is actually black. he is pretending to be white to take advantage of white privilege
He's exaggerating a bit, not every teenager is a wigger or race traitor and i'd say majority of suburbs are conservative.
That OP isn't actually a faggot, he's just mentally retarded.
That OP is always a faggot.
...and given a few generationsof peace and prosperity, nu-males and dipshitted females will be born, who will demand that the borders be opened, and the cycle will begin again
He's clearly a northerner or californian.
I've never experienced anything like that in a southern suburb.
I hated the NWO for a while before finally forcing myself to accept that they are Jews
That you have less than a century to live and ultimately nothing you do matters. That we're a tiny speck of dust hurtling through the vast expanse of nothing and the entire history of our world is less than the blink of an eye on the cosmic scale.
War is good to keep a healthy civilization
That incompetence, not machiavellianism, is the author of human strife.
Deep down, it's comforting to have an enemy like Soros because it implies he, or people like him, can be stopped, and that we, or people like us, could eventually wield a similar power over the earth.
Finns aren't white
He has power and it is proven time and time again his web is influencing much of the world.
Your pill is not the red
war is to man what maternity is to woman
The slave trade to the Amerca's comes rather to twelf million Africans and two hundred fifty thousand Europeans compared to some 15 million Africans and two million Europens shipped to the East by Arab slavers.
>Twelve Years a Slave
>The Color Purple
Evil 'white' men are to blame. Not us, goy.
dat brazilian reading comprehension
Religion, Women and Jews are the hardest redpills for any normalfag and half the people redpilled on 1 or 2 of those subjects.
>jungle education
That the Jews won America and Trump will only delay their victory.
Humans will become extinct as androids are the next step in our metaphorical evolution.
Sup Forums is a mariana's trench full of psyop
This is how I understand it.
The Jews are in diaspora. They take on the names of people in the areas in which they settle. As such, every country in Europe has names semi-unique to the nation...and people who are Jewish can also have those names.
Bascially, it is perfect for people who want to blame the Jews for everything bad committed by Europeans, because we don't have photos or genealogical reccords for most of these people, so one can simply say "oh, well, LOPEZ is a Jewish name. Ever heard of a Sephardic Jew?"
It's basically idiot-fodder.
That we're fucking monkeys
The toughest redpill is that we in the USA are an Oligarchy, and both Trump and Clinton are friends, setting up a big show for us while they both want to fuck us in the ass.
Women and their memes
Even though the world is shit now, it will be shittier and more inhuman than you can and want to imagine in the future. There will be some many dimensions to psychological suffering that it is not even funny. We've had the internet and more interactive technologies for a relatively short about of time and it's already wrecked havoc on our perceptions and brains.
Mental illness, especially depression and suicides will sky rocket.
And there's nothing we can do about it. Kaczynski was right.
That there is no force pulling the strings. But instead we live in a fucked up world where we have no idea what's going on and are somehow surviving the total extinction of humanity everyday.
That nihilism is in itself pointless, and the best thing to do is to matter to those around you, because memories are all we are, so make them the best they can be.
What is that bitch saying in the video? I can't hear shit
Can you give me a one sentence summary of what you've posted I don't speak Arabic.
Unfortunately, I, too, see that cycle.
But a system of eviction and deportation would let it function for many years until its tenets are rewritten after my death.
for normalfags?
probably that races are unequal
they've been brainwashed to think "only one race, the human race" for 20 years so they just discard all evidence you throw at them
And more unpublished pills
The system cannot be changed through democracy.
I bet this is incredible if you can read German.
steckt dir deine deutsche gruesse in den arsch, abschaum. du sollst dich ueber deine vergangenheit schaemen und nicht mit deinen belanglosen dokumenten verehren.
Trump is going the throw the election
On Sup Forums?
Jews aren't behind everything, they are a boogeyman intentionally fed to you to keep you off the trail of the real culprits. The most elaborate false flag if you will.
In a community that is slightly less stupid?
The world food bank is a failed experiment. Garrett Hardin's negative projections were not only proven to be accurate but things are actually WORSE than he predicted. The world food bank did create a world of moochers living off of the backs of the successful, and overpopulation in those countries such as Nigeria and India are in fact a very real concern. India for exampled has tripled in population since the food bank was started.
The jq
That humans have not changed in temperament or intelligence from the time of Ancient Greece of Babylon
Everyone thinks the world has changed and people are somehow good natured and well informed just because they can drown their self esteem and brain synapses in candy crush on their thousand dollar smart phone when they are just as stupid and manipulable and just as irrationally violent and ill natured as the the helots of Ancient Greece without the spiritual and political control necessary to keep their true desires from ripping apart civilization.
I feel like it can be.
At least in American politics we can 'reboot' the constitution like the document is an Operating System that has too much spyware. Take it back to the original framework laid out by the founding fathers. Factory settings.
Then simply add articles and amendments as we need them, and hope we last longer than 100 years next time.
ever wonder why its SO EASY to discover that everyone "bad" is jewish?
If it were really true, wouldn't they hide it more?
And if they were truly jewish, why do they worship demons like Moloch?
Just food for thought, but I know you won't think.
You'll also tell me Hitler was a good leader and not just a bitter failed art student who ruined the future of Europe by decimating local populations, in particular local male populations. Which led to the rise of feminist power in Europe today.
>93% of people in Germany are white Europeans
>a FUCKING Blatt!
summaries don't work for those, just unloading unpublished stuff from private estate.
also we have laws (thanks allied nations) that make it less complicated for me if i just unload them. Feel free to save them.
This is autistic and wrong. Absolutely nothing supports this and literally everything says otherwise. If you are serious you are an extreme moron.
You might as well be posting shopping lists for all I know or care. I don't know anybody who speaks German.
look, here is why i don't translate them:
Because an American said mean things to you?
the quantum physics redpill is the most brutal of them all.
to know that you don't actually exist. that time is an illusion. that everything that has ever happened or will happen occurs simultaneously. that at best you are an accumulation of light occurring in a series of quantum frames.
>We financed the communist revolution in Russia
I'm pretty fucking sure the Kaiser himself paid for that in order to stop having a war on 2 fronts
Boljeviks were simply the party that wanted to end the war the fastest
That socialism, even on the smallest scale will never work.
You could win the lottery, open a bar that operates at cost and work for free, and you still won't get enough business to be notable.
You can move in with your friends and share rent, but inevitably one of them will screw you and fail to pay rent in a timely manner.
What is Kuhn Loeb and Co? Who was Jacob Shiff?
there are a few unswallowable red pills:
0) no group is capable of controlling society to the level required by a lot of conspiracy theories. you can influence society, but even that is a hard thing to reliably do decade after decade. jews most likely do what they can though.
1) everything is temporary, everything. you can never create a perfect, permanent society. your family line will die out. your country will fall.
2) one day you will not exist. there will be a last thought, last sight, last sensation, and then an eternity of nothingness. this will happen to you.
3) existence makes no sense at all, the idea of god also makes little sense. this may all be a simulation or a dream, but that also doesn't make much sense
4) because of my previous points, none of this matters too much. this planet will be destroyed in a few billion years and human life will never leave the solar system. that's the ultimate red pill.
t. white guy with a white son, still striving to keep my line alive as long as possible I guess
Can you give any actual reason why the two examples you gave are true
there are genuiney based people that Sup Forums casts off as degenerates and any effort these people make to help "right" ideologies they will be cast off as a useful idiots by both sides
You'll never find the perfect woman. Your marriage will end in divorce, or you will hate your partner.
Canadians are the best posters on Sup Forums
>ever wonder why its SO EASY to discover that everyone "bad" is jewish?
>If it were really true, wouldn't they hide it more?
From who you moron?
Pretty much anyone who points it out gets shouted down as an antisemite and everyone else just ignores what they see right in front of them.
They've done their job so perfectly they don't even need to hide and can just DARVO anyone who calls them out.
You know the red Cross was only calculating the deaths of Jews in Germang right? But no you, some faggot on the internet have found the truth where all historians have failed
Doesn't fucking change that the Kaiser HIMSELF paid for Lenin to do his thing and allowed it
If you wanted to blame the jews, you could have just mentioned Alexander Parvus, who was the man who found Lenin and told the Kaiser about him
Not everything is Rothschild