Who will be the new 'Cap? And when we say 'Cap will we mean Captain America or Captain Marvel?

Who will be the new 'Cap? And when we say 'Cap will we mean Captain America or Captain Marvel?

how can you have Captain Marvel and then cover her tits with a fucking overcoat?

Is Captain Marve the laziest naming of a character ever?

Holy forehead.

What the fuck are you talking about Captain Marvel never showed her tits

>mfw you can't even see a hint of that stellar rack

Why does her hair look photoshopped...

>not casting katheryn winnick

Probably because it's a fan made picture you fucking dipshit


then why did they cast her?

Im more interested in Cups than Caps when I see her.

Probably because it's photoshopped.

The new Cap will be black and will make people lose their shit. It'll be delicious.

After Wonder Woman blow up expectations, I don't think this will be successful

are you implying that Marvel cant into stronk women?

Captain Marvel was always about leotards, especially before she was Captain Marvel and was actually bearable.

They got the ugly chick from SNL to play her?

Why would he know that? Some of us don't keep up with capeshit, faggot. I'm not even that guy and I'm annoyed.

Could've fooled me, considering the shovel-load of poorly produced capeshit content coming out.

My knight in shining armour.
But honestly they've been making really bad promo stuff these past few years, even if I cared about the movie I would hardly be able to tell the difference between fan edit and official thing.

wtf Xev is now captain marvel?

>it's coming out after Infinity War part 2
Nope, I told myself I'd be done with these movies after IW.
Mahvel needs a break.

Kek, even worse the original (male) characters name was fucking mar-vell

At least thats better then "Jubilee"

Ehh, generation x and the x-men animated series prevent me from seriously mocking jubilee or her weak ass powers