>All the comments are about her teeth
>Sara Jay Kino
>TFW no 50 year old fat roastie gf
She's only 39, she's looked 50+ for 10 years
Is she THE BBC kween?
is this the horseface thread?
Why is she so fuckable?
>oh boy time to fap
>let me find a hot porn star to fap to
>scroll scroll scroll
>hahaha look at this fat ugly horsefaced bitch
>hmmm this preview looks kind of interesting lemme just watch it for a minute to warm up
>godamnit I jerked off to an obese goblin again what the fuck is wrong with me
This has happened hundreds of times, how do I stop
This has nothing to do with Sup Forums - Television & Film
reddit pls go
Does she even fuck white guys anymore?
just stay the fuck away from her videos
>adult film has nothing to do with film
Found the Sup Forumscksucker
>takes 40 minutes to masturbate
see a doctor
Her body is slammin
Are you saying that we can discuss the news on Sup Forums now :^)
good as trump is doing some great things right now and Sup Forums is too fast
thanks Sup Forums liberals!
>can't last up to 40 minutes or more
Your wife will sleep with other men.
>lying about her age, the grandma
her body too damn hot i actually able to ignore her humongous jew nose
jokes on you fgt, no woman wants to marry me
what are her best movies
what's her best scene?
> Download a Tonightsgirlfriend pack
> one video out of forty-something is BMWF
> it's Sara Jay
What are other pornstars like that ?
for obvious reasons
>mr less than 40 minutes
Any ones that involve oil
Daphne Rosen maybe?
I liked the one where she's fucking a dude when her fat mexican friend just barges into the room and she gets mad at her and leaves so the mexican finishes the guy off
>what is edging
Go for it r/the_donald
Any of her rape play ones
Her face is ugly as sin but her body and tits are 10/10
Patrician taste, right there
She's the one doing the raping, right?
Well what do her teeth look like?
Nah her whelps are fucking fantastic
what is it tho
>asking for a friend obviously
like someone who should have gotten braces, but didnt
News shows have been discussed on Sup Forums plenty of times. Live cock ups and local weather girls are the better ones.
For me, it's Ava Devine.